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Our Mission

Be providers of inspiration so students believe there is no limit to what they can become.
And to help students

CES is committed to frequent two-way communication with families about children’s progress. You can expect to hear from us by:
  • Daily Communication Folder
  • Weekly grade level newsletters
  • Bi-weekly school newsletters
  • Quarterly Grade Reports
  • Text message and email updates
  • Conferences
Also feel free to contact us at any time:

Our Goals for Student Achievement
District Goals
In order to create a full partnership with each child’s family, we will…
  • Promote open lines of communication between the school system and the home;
  • Strive to meet the changing needs of all families in support of their children’s academic success;
  • Provide opportunities for parents to be involved in decision making regarding their child’s academic success.
School Goals
By 2015, all students will be at or above grade level in reading and math.
Our math focus will be to increase:
  • Computation
  • Critical Thinking
Our reading focus will be to increase:
  • Fluency
  • Comprehension
Additionally, we will support attitude and attendance through:
  • Parent Involvement
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In the 5th Grade Classroom
Teachers will work with students and their families to support students’ success in reading and math with a focus on main idea and details and place value. Some of our key connections will be:
  • Teach students reading skills and provide the tools needed
  • Model, review, and assess skills or concepts to ensure understanding and retention
  • Provide practice activities in itslearning
  • Providing reading material specific to the student’s reading level
  • Teach using hands-on materials
  • Send home unit introductory letters to parents to read and use before a math unit
At Home
CES families joined staff to develop ideas about how families can support students’ success in reading and math. Here are ways you can support learning at home:
  • Listen to your child read
  • Make sure your child reads for 30 minutes every day
  • Ask questions about what they have read
  • Use the graphic organizer to organize thoughts after reading the text
  • Encourage the use of itslearning and home
  • Encourage students to complete their Reading Response each evening.
  • Use dice or cards to create numbers and write them in standard, word, and expanded form using exponents
  • Money to use with place value with decimals
  • Board games such as Monopoly and Racko
  • Recipes – fractions, measurement (cups, pints, quarts, gallons)