The Cellular and Molecular Basis of Neural Development II: Regulation of Neural Connectivity

Department of Neuroscience Elective Course (ME:440.705)

Spring, 2013

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:00 am-10:30, Rm. 1022 PCTB

Course Directors: David Ginty, Alex Kolodkin, and Shan Sockanathan

Participating Faculty: Solange Brown (WBSB 906; 7-0522), David Ginty (1015 PCTB; 4-9494), Andres Hurtado (KKI; 443-923-9230), Alex Kolodkin (1001 PCTB; 4-9499), Seth Margolis (WBSB 517; 2-5362)), Chris Potter (Rangos 434; 7-4151), Ron Schnaar (WBSB 318; 5-8392), Shan Sockanathan (1004 PCTB; 2-3084), FengQuan Zhou (Rangos 291; 7-5649)

This is a seminar and reading course devoted to the discussion of the cellular and molecular processes underlying neuronal development. Topics and dates covered are listed below. The course is designed to complement The Cellular and Molecular Basis of Neural Development I: Neuronal Differentiation, which is offered in alternate years (next offering, Spring 2011).

Reading Assignments: Reading assignments will consist of primary research articles. Students should be prepared to discuss these articles during class. Please note, several of these papers include Supplemental Material—PLEASE be sure to include these materials in your reading of the papers since much of these data will be considered during our class discussions.

Grading: Evaluation of performance in this class will be based on the following criteria: class participation, knowledge of reading assignments, and a short written proposal. The proposal should be ~5 double-spaced pages. It should contain a brief Background section that introduces the area of interest, a central Specific Aim and the rationale for this aim, and an Experimental Procedures section that outlines the strategy for addressing the Specific Aim and considers the possible outcomes and implications of your experiment(s). Please consult one faculty member about your proposal before you start. The proposal is due May 21. Since class participation is an integral portion of this course, we require attendance at all sessions--you will be asked to provide a Mini-review on subjects discussed in your absence.


March 19 Axon guidance (AK)

Bastiani, M.J., du Lac, S. and Goodman, C.S. (1986). Guidance of neuronal growth cones in the

grasshopper embryo I. Recognition of a specific axonal pathway by the pCC neuron. J. Neurosci. 6: 3518-3531.

McConnell, SK, et al. (1989). Subplate neurons pioneer the first axon pathway from the cerebral

cortex. Science 245: 978-982.

Kitsukawa, T., et al. (1997). Neuropilin-Semaphorin III/D-mediated chemorepulsive signals play a crucial role in peripheral nerve projection in mice. Neuron 19: 995-1005.

March 21 Guidance at the CNS Midline (AK)

Tessier Lavigne et al. (1988). Chemotropic guidance of developing axons in the mammalian central nervous system. Nature 336: 775-778.

Sabateir et al. (2004). The divergent Robo family protein rig-1/Robo3 is a negative regulator of slit responsiveness required for midline crossing by commissural axons. Cell 117:157-69.

Lyuksyutova, A.I., et al. (2003). Anterior-posterior guidance of commissural axons by Wnt-frizzled signaling. Science 302: 1984-1988.

March 26 Growth cone motility and steering mechanisms (FQ)

Schaefer AW, Schoonderwoert VT, Ji L, Mederios N, Danuser G,Forscher P.(2008). Coordination of actin filament and microtubule dynamics during neurite outgrowth. 15:146-62.

Dent EW, Kwiatkowski AV, Mebane LM, Philippar U, Barzik M, Rubinson DA, Gupton S, Van Veen JE, Furman C, Zhang J, Alberts AS, Mori S,GertlerFB. (2007). Filopodia are required for cortical neurite initiation. Nat Cell Biol. 12:1347-59.

[Note: Please remember to view all the supplemental movies for these papers]

March 28 Target Selection-olfactory system (C. Potter)

Wang, F, A Nemes, M Mendelsohn, and R Axel. “Odorant Receptors Govern the Formation of a Precise Topographic Map.” Cell 93, no. 1: 47–60. 1998

Imai, Takeshi, Misao Suzuki, and Hitoshi Sakano. “Odorant Receptor-Derived cAMP Signals Direct Axonal Targeting.” Science314, no. 5799: 657–661. 2006

**NOTE: Be sure to read supplement material:

April 2 Retinal targeting and topographic mapping (AK)

Nakamoto, N. Cheng, H-j.,…O’Leary, D.D.M., and Flanagan, JG. (1996). Topographically specific effects of Elf-1 on retinal axon guidance in vitro and retinal axon mapping in vivo. Cell 86: 755-766.

Timofeev et al. (2012). Localized netrins act as positional cues to control layer-specific targetin of photoreceptor axons in Drosophila. Neuron 75:80-93.

April 4 Synaptogenesis I: Synaptic differentiation in the NMJ (SS)

Fuentes-Medel Y, Ashley J, Barria R, Maloney R, Freeman M, Budnik V.

(2012). Integration of a retrograde signal during synapse formation by glia-secreted TGF-β ligand. Curr Biol. 2012 22:1831-8.

Shi L, Butt B, Ip FC, Dai Y, Jiang L, Yung WH, Greenberg ME, Fu AK, Ip NY. (2010). Ephexin1 is required for structural maturation and neurotransmission at the neuromuscular junction. Neuron. 65:204-16.

April 9 Synaptogenesis II: CNS synaptic differentiation (SM)

Fiala, J.C., Feinberg, M., Popov, V., and Harris, K.M. (1998). Synaptogenesis via dendritic filopodia in developing hippocampal area CA1. J Neurosci 18, 8900-8911.

Kwon, H.B., Kozorovitskiy, Y., Oh, W.J., Peixoto, R.T., Akhtar, N., Saulnier, J.L., Gu, C., and Sabatini, B.L. (2012). Neuroligin-1-dependent competition regulates cortical synaptogenesis and synapse number. Nat Neurosci 15, 1667-1674.

Suggested Review (not be required reading, but very helpful and may be referred to during class):

Li, Z., and Sheng, M. (2003). Some assembly required: the development of neuronal synapses. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 4, 833-841.

April 11 Regulation of dendrite development (DG)

Horton AC, Rácz B, Monson EE, Lin AL, Weinberg RJ, Ehlers MD. (2005) Polarized secretory trafficking directs cargo for asymmetric dendrite growth and morphogenesis. Neuron, 48(5):757-71.

Matthews BJ, Kim ME, Flanagan JJ, Hattori D, Clemens JC, Zipursky SL, Grueber WB. (2007) Dendrite self-avoidance is controlled by Dscam. Cell. 129(3):593-604.

April 16 Activity-dependent development of the NMJ (SS)

Balice-Gordon RJ, Lichtman JW. (1994). Long-term synapse loss induced by focal blockade of postsynaptic receptors. Nature. 372(6506):519-24.

Fuentes-Medel Y, Logan MA, Ashley J, Ataman B, Budnik V, Freeman MR. (2009). Glia and muscle sculpt neuromuscular arbors by engulfing destabilized synaptic boutons and shed presynaptic debris. PLoS Biol. 2009 Vol 7; 8: e1000184.

April 18 Activity-dependent plasticity in the developing cortex (SB)

Wiesel and Hubel (1963) Single-cell responses in striate cortex of kittens deprived of vision in one eye. Journal of Neurophysiology 26:1003

Ackman, Burbridge and Crair (2012) Retinal waves coordinate patterned activity throughout the developing visual system. Nature. 490: 219

Suggested classic review:

Katz and Shatz (1996). Synaptic activity and the construction of cortical circuits. Science. 274: 1133

April 23 Pruning: a mechanism for circuit refinement (AK)

Nikolaev et al. (2009). APP binds DR6 to trigger axon pruning and neuron death via distinct caspases. Nature. 457: 981-989,

Watts RJ, Hoopfer ED, Luo L. (2003) Axon pruning during Drosophila metamorphosis: evidence for local degeneration and requirement of the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Neuron. 38, 871-85.

April 25 The influence of target tissue on neuronal survival, differentiation and connectivity (DG)

Levi-Montalcini R and Booker B. (1960) Destruction of the sympathetic ganglia in mammals by antiserum to a nerve-growth protein. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 46:384-391.

Schotzinger, RJ and Landis SC. (1988) Cholinergic phenotype developed by noradrenergic sympathetic neurons after innervation of a novel cholinergic target in vivo. Nature 335:637-639.

Vrieseling E, Arber S. (2006) Target-induced transcriptional control of dendritic patterning and connectivity in motor neurons by the ETS gene Pea3. Cell 27:1439-52.

April 30 Developmental diseases (SM)

Baudouin, S.J., Gaudias, J., Gerharz, S., Hatstatt,L., Zhou, K., Punnakkal, P., Tanaka, K.F., Spooren, W., Hen, R., De Zeeuw, C.I., et al. (2012). Shared synaptic pathophysiology in syndromic and nonsyndromic rodent models of autism. Science 338, 128-132.

Guy, J., Gan, J., Selfridge, J., Cobb, S., and Bird, A. (2007). Reversal of neurological defects in a mouse model of Rett syndrome. Science 315, 1143-1147.

May 2 Myelination (DG)

Michailov et al. (2004) Axonal Neuregulin-1 Regulates Myelin Sheath Thickness

Science 30: 700-703.

Wake H, Lee PR, Fields RD. (2011) Control of local protein synthesis and initial events in myelination by action potentials. Science. 333(6049):1647-51.

May 7 Sexual dimorphism in neural circuits (SS)

Ito H, Sato K, Koganezawa M, Ote M, Matsumoto K, Hama C, Yamamoto D. (2012). Fruitless recruits two antagonistic chromatin factors to establish single-neuron sexual dimorphism. Cell. 149:1327-38.

Xu X, Coats JK, Yang CF, Wang A, Ahmed OM, Alvarado M, Izumi T, Shah NM. (2012). Modular genetic control of sexually dimorphic behaviors. Cell. 148:596-607.

May 9 Neural Regeneration (RS, AH)

Van den Brand et al. (2012). Restoring voluntary control of locomotion after paralyzing spinal cord injury. Science. 336: 1182-1185

Note: Please be sure to include supplemental material (methods, figures & videos) in your reading.

May 21 Proposal Due