Brent Pelham and Meesden Parish Council



THURSDAY 17 January 2013



Mr Trevor HughesChairman

Major Ted BarclayCouncillor (Vice Chair)

Mr Steve MurphyCouncillor

Mrs Kate HinchCouncillor

Mrs SarahWootton-RamsayCouncillor

Mr Colin Hamilton Clerk

Mr Ken NewsteadClerk

One member of the public was present at the second half of the meeting

Minute ItemAction


13.01.01Apologies for Absence

Councillor Dimsdale and District Councillor Rose Cheswright

13.01.02Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meeting of 4 October 2012 have previously been

circulated for electronic review and approval by the councillors.No

objections had been raised and the Chairman duly signed the paper version.

13.01.03Matters Arising

Clerk Hamilton explained that the land at the front of 6 Elms needed to be

recorded by the Land Registry as Meesden Village Common Land.Clerk Hamilton

13.01.04Appointment to Clerk of the Council

The Chairmanstated that Clerk Hamilton had tendered his resignation at

the previous meeting and welcomed Mr Ken Newstead to the role. Mr Hamilton

stated that there were still many aspects of the Clerk role that Mr Newstead

needed to learn and the handover period was going to continue for some months.

13.01.05Planning (Applications)

  • Extension – Borley Green (BP)
  • Extension – 3 Rose Cottages
  • Build over Garage – The Tree House Meesden

District planning approval has been granted for the above applications.

  • Planning Permission - Woodland adjacent to Rectory Farm

It was noted that the Appeal has been rejected and an enforcement notice

to replant woodland was still outstanding.Chairman


The Chairman reported that a pot-hole adjacent to Elm cottages had been

notified to the Highways department and repair was expected within days.

He has placed an article in the next Newsletter giving villagers the contact

number for reporting problems.

Flooding adjacent to Puddles Barn has been notified to the Highways department.

Councillor Hinch reported that repairs to the pot holes on Kennel Hill should be

Completed by April 2013.


Accounts – The Clerk presented the accounts to the council. These

showed a current account balance of £161.09 and a reserve account

balance of £3,147.36. Forms for the change of Clerk details were passed to

Mr Newstead for submission to the Bank.Clerk

Audit Submission – None this report

Proposals for Payment None

The Mr Hamilton stated that in previous years, where a surplus was in existence

at year end, contributions were made to the village halls and PCC’s. Thisaction

had been suspended in recent years due to the significantcommitments arising

from legal costs, drainage, tree felling. It wasdecided to put consideration of a

donation on the agenda for the June meeting.

Clerks Expenses

Mr Hamilton presented his expenses in the sum of £171.92 for the year, which was approved.

Precept for 2013/14

Precept Upon Billing form showing zero increase on 2012/13 as approved at last

meetingwas signed for submission to East Herts Council.Clerk

13.01.08Proposed use of Meesden Phonebox

The Chairman stated that he has the lottery application had been successful

and they will be crediting the account with £1750 grant on the 1st Feb.

Mr Newstead indicated that he expected that installations costs will be met by

local donations.

The Chairman is to submit forms to BT for the purchase of the Meesden Kiosk

and passed a copy of the BT contract to Councillor Wootton-Ramsay for use with the

possible purchase of the Brent Pelham kiosk.

13.01.09Meesden Green Repairs & Maintenance

The Chairman reported that he and Councillor Dimsdale met with Carol Lodge from the

Wildlife Trust regarding the maintenance of the Meesden Nature Reserve and following consultationwith John Godfrey who was previously maintaining this area informed Ms Lodge

that the Nature Reserve will be maintained annually along with the rest of the Common

Land in Meesden.

Council Noticeboard

The Chairman reported that the noticeboard for Meesden was erected and the action

is now closed.

13.01.10Code of Conduct

The Chairman reported that the Councillors had signed and returned their Declaration

Of Interest forms and acceptance of the Code of Conduct was proposed by Councillor

Hinch and seconded by the Chairman.


Future Planning Application– Councillor Wootton-Ramsay stated that she intends

to make a Planning application for the construction of a Cart Lodge at her property.

PC Emails-. The Clerk gave some detail on emails being sent to the BP&MPC email

Address and the Councillors at the meeting were invited to state which emails should

be automatically forwarded to them.Clerk

13.01.12 Date of Next Meetings

The next Parish Council meetings are to be held on:

Thursday 18 APR 2013 @ 19:30 in Brent Pelham Village Hall

Thursday 13 June 2013 @ 19:30 in Meesden Parish Rooms