ACT/SAT Practice Test and Test Prep Opportunities: 2016/17 School Year

Sponsored by SRVHS Academic Boosters

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Date / Practice Items / Offered By / Cost / Services provided to SRVHS students by SRVHS Academic Boosters.
Sept 10th 9-1:00 AND
Feedback Sept. 20th 7-8pm / Mock Combo ACT/SAT / Kaplan / $30 / Combined ACT/SAT practice test to give students a sense of the questions and format for each. Target: Juniors wanting to understand differences between the exams. This test is also offered again in Spring to Sophomores.
Fdbk/Results / Kaplan / N/C / Parents/students new to testing info should attend feedback session.
Sept 19th – 6-8:00pm OR
Sept 26th – 6-8:00pm / Essay Writing College Apps / Gnosis
Limit 30 / $55 / Gain a better understanding of what makes a successful college application essay (do’s and don’ts, showing vs telling). Seniors Only: Inc. 1 online essay review.
Sept 20, Sept 27, Oct 4
3:30-5:30 OR 6:30-8:30
Feedback Jan 12th – 7-8pm / PSAT Seminar / Ames
Limit 40 / $160 / Prep for the official PSAT test. *Official PSAT* test is NOT included in prep course cost. ACT information may also be briefly discussed. Target: Juniors
Feedback Seminar / Ames / N/C / Review, Q&A results from Official PSAT test and discuss strategies. Session is open to ALL SRVHS students interested in understanding their test results.
Oct 8th 9am-1pm AND
Feedback Oct 18th 7-8pm / Mock ACT
Mock SAT / Princeton / $30 / A proctored practice test with results provided to give you a better understanding of strengths and opportunities for improvement. Target Juniors
Fdbk/Results / Princeton / N/C / Parents/students new to testing info should attend feedback session.
November 5th – 9am-1pm / Mock ACT
Mock SAT / Princeton / $30 / A proctored practice test with results provided to give you a better understanding of strengths and opportunities for improvement. Target Juniors
January 28th – 7-8pm / Mock ACT
Mock SAT / Princeton / $30 / A proctored practice test with results provided to give you a better understanding of strengths and opportunities for improvement. Target Juniors
Results avail to P/U in Career Ctr 2/8/17 with Q&A f/u information provided
Feb 28, Mar 7, Mar 14
3:30-5:30 OR 6:30-8:30 / ACT Seminar / Ames
Limit 40 / $160 / Prep for the official ACT test. *Official ACT* test is NOT included in prep course cost. SAT information may also be briefly discussed. Target: Juniors
March 18th – 9am-1pm / Mock ACT
Mock SAT / Princeton / $30 / A proctored practice test with results provided to give you a better understanding of strengths and opportunities for improvement. Target Juniors
March 27th 6 - 8:00 / Essay Writing
ACT / Gnosis
Limit 30 / $55 / Essay structure for the ACT test: brain storming, outlining, timed practice Target: Juniors preparing for Spring ACT.
March 28th 6 - 8:00 / Essay Writing
SAT / Gnosis
Limit 30 / $55 / Essay structure for SAT test: brain storming, outlining, timed practice
Target: Juniors preparing for Spring SAT.
April 22nd and April 23rd
9:00 am- 1:00 pm / SAT Bootcamp / Catalyst / $160 / Target: Juniors wanting a wknd course to prepare for the upcoming ACT/SAT. Review of important strategies, mistakes to avoid, question inference.
April 29th 9-1:30 AND
Feedback May 9th 7-8pm / Mock Combo ACT/SAT / Kaplan / $30 / Combined SAT/ACT test to give students a sense of the type of questions and test format for each. Target Sophomores wanting exposure to both tests.
Fdbk/Results / Kaplan / N/C / Parents/students new to testing info should attend feedback session.
May 9th – 6-8:00pm OR
May 16th – 6-8:00pm / Essay Writing College Apps / Gnosis
Limit 30 / $55 / Gain a better understanding of what makes a successful college application essay (do’s and don’ts, showing vs telling). Juniors Only: Inc. 1 online essay review.

Description of Practice Opportunities

College Apps Essay Seminar: Gain a better understanding of what makes a successful college application essay (do’s and don’ts, showing vs telling, etc).

ACT/SAT Essay Writing Workshop: Essay structure for the ACT/SAT tests will be reviewed: understanding your prompt, brainstorming, outlining for success.

PSAT Seminar: The PSAT Seminar offers three sessions which teach test taking strategies including practicing with actual PSAT test questions to assist students to perform their best on test day. (Seminar cost does not include the testing fee for the official PSAT test*). Ames will also provide brief information on the ACT).

Bill Ames will also be hosting a PSAT seminar for all students at SRV taking the PSAT interested in better understanding their results.

ACT/SAT Mock Tests: Provide students with a practice opportunity of an actual test setting, timing of the sections, and a score report with analysis identifying strengths and weaknesses for use in preparation for upcoming official tests. Mock tests include a follow up feedback session for parents/students new to testing, or a hand back session during lunch in the college and career center. Interested students/parents can then schedule a personal 1:1 f/u phone consultation with vendor if desired.

ACT/SAT Mock Test Feedback Session: Students gain insight into testing/study strategies to boost personal scores; learn techniques for eliminating incorrect answers; better understand test format/structure, etc. Score results/analysis will be available at these sessions, and parents are welcome to attend. Feedback sessions are conducted by a representative from the Test Prep company who sponsored the practice testing opportunity.

ACT/SAT Combo Test: Geared towards the year end sophomore student or fall junior. Sample questions from each section, of both tests, are provided. Students gain insight into which test may be a better fit for their individual strengths. Parents/students gain insight into the differences between the different testing formats during the feedback session (included in the price).

ACT/SAT Boot camps: Momentum boosting seminars that cover key strategies for understanding the questions being asked – self-study materials, vocabulary lists, diagnostic tests and essay building in preparation for the upcoming ACT or SAT. Boot camps are two-day sessions with a specific topic focus each day.

*Official College Board PSAT The PSAT is intended to be the “official” Practice test for the SAT. It is for Juniors but sophomores may want to take this test for practice. Note: The PSAT must be taken in junior year to be considered for National Merit Scholar qualification. The PSAT is administered by SRVHS Counseling Dept. and is NOT part of the Academic Boosters program.

Questions concerning test prep offerings? Contact SRVHS Academic Boosters: 10/25/16