10th Joint European Area Seminar

7th – 11th June 2018

Clayton Hotel, Belfast, Northern Ireland

REGISTRATION FORM – please complete in black ink & BLOCK CAPITALS


Family Name: …………………………………………………… Title: ..……………………

First name(s): ………………………………………………………………………………………………...... ……

Preferred name (for use on badge): ……………………………………………………………………………

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………………………… Postcode: ……………………………

Country: ….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Telephone number: …………………………………………………………….…………

Mobile phone number: ……………………………………………………………………

E-mail address: ………………………………………………………………………………

Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY): ……………………………………………….…………

Please give details of who we should contact in case of emergency:

Name: ……………………………………………………………Telephone number: ……………………………………

WFMUCW Officers only:

Please indicate if you are a World Officer / Area Officer / Unit Officer

Underline as appropriate & give details ……………………………………………………………………………..

Will you be attending the Weaving Together Programme YES/NO (delete as applicable)

Unit Officers: Will your unit require space in the Market Place? YES/NO (delete as applicable)


Residential Visitors only:

The total cost of residential attendance at the Seminar will depend on your choice of hotel and room (see below).

All prices quoted are for bed & breakfast accommodation per person for four nights from Thursday 7th to Monday 11th June 2018, and include a Registration Fee of £180.00 which covers all coffee breaks, lunches, dinners and Seminar expenses.

Please indicate your hotel preference after reading the Seminar Information:

ETAP Hotel (a few minutes’ walk from the Seminar hotel – only 40 rooms available)

·  Twin room £360.00 o

·  Single Room £502.00 o

Maldron Hotel (the sister hotel for the Seminar hotel and very nearby)

·  Twin Room £398.00 o

·  Single Room £576.00 o

Clayton Hotel (the Seminar hotel)

·  Twin Room £430.00 o

·  Single Room £640.00 o

If you have chosen a twin room please indicate with whom you would like to share (please note those attending the WTP will have to share with others who are also attending):


Day Visitors only:

(There is the capacity to host a limited number of day visitors to the Seminar.)

The cost for the complete Seminar will be £180.00 per person.

(Cost includes coffee, lunch, dinner & Seminar events)

The cost for individual days will be £55.00 per person per day.

(Cost includes coffee, lunch, dinner & Seminar events)

The cost for attending the opening meeting and dinner on Thursday evening will be

£30.00 per person.

If you would like to attend as a day visitor, please underline those days you hope to attend and indicate the total cost:

Thursday (evening only) / Friday / Saturday / Sunday

Total Cost: £……………………………………………..


EARLY BOOKING IS ADVISED but all forms must be returned by 30th November 2017.

NB: The Seminar registration fee of £180.00 is non-refundable.

Europe: Britain & Ireland Area – Methodist Women in Britain:

Please return your completed form, together with your cheque* made payable to MWiB, to:

MWiB Finance Officer,

P.O. Box 9298, Loughborough LE11 9FY

* Please remember to include the cost of your chosen excursion

For further information, telephone 0300 030 9873, or email

Please indicate your payment schedule below (you should tick only one box!):

I am paying the total cost of the Seminar plus the cost of any optional excursion chosen (see next page for details).

Please indicate the amount being enclosed by cheque o:

Residential Visitors: £……………………………. Day Visitors: ………………………………………

I am paying a non-refundable deposit of £100.00 plus the cost of any optional excursion chosen (see next page for details) and will pay the balance by 31 March 2018.

Please indicate the amount being enclosed by cheque o:

Residential Visitors: £……………………………. Day Visitors: ………………………………………


The main sessions of the seminar will be conducted in English, with translation into German available.

Do you require German translation? YES/NO (delete as applicable)

If you require translation into another language indicate which: ……………………………………………

Would you be willing to provide translation and, if so, for which language: ……………………………


Please tick the box if you have any special needs relating to:

Mobility o

Hearing or Vision o

Diet o

Other o

Please give details: ......



See attached Seminar Information for further details.

Friday afternoon: Workshops on Worship

Please tick one box to indicate which of the following workshops you would like to attend:

·  ‘Praying Well’ – Prayer with Louise Wilson o

·  ‘Lift Up Your Voices’ – Music with Melanie Johnston o

·  ‘Story in Slow Motion’ – Biblical Storytelling with Wendy Johnston o

·  Creative Worship (using flags) – with Val Mullally o

·  Puppet Drama – with Karola Stobaus o

Sunday afternoon: Workshops on Social Action

There will be 5 Workshops, one on each of the Sustainable Development Goals which are the focus of our two European Areas for this quinquennium. (Workshop Leaders have still to be confirmed.)


Please indicate if you wish to attend any of the following on the Saturday afternoon (see attached draft programme).

Please note payment must be made in full at time of booking.

Tour 1: Titanic Experience (including SS Nomadic visit)

Explore the shipyard, travel to the depths of the ocean and uncover the true legend of Titanic, in the city where it all began. A 1½–2 hour self-guided tour of the Titanic Belfast, plus a 30–60 minute self-guided tour of the SS Nomadic.

Cost: £25.00 (includes bus transfer from Clayton Hotel to and from Titanic Belfast). o

Tour 2: Belfast Bus Tour

A 90 minute non-stop sightseeing tour of Belfast in a ‘multi-lingual’ bus leaving from outside the Clayton Hotel (approximately 65 places available).

Cost: £10.00 o

Tour 3: Hop-On-Hop-Off Bus Tour

A sightseeing tour covering Belfast’s main attractions with 20 stops including Customs House, Titanic Belfast, Parliament Buildings, St Georges Market, St Anne’s Cathedral, Queens University, and many more, with a pre-recorded commentary in English.

Cost: £13 (includes shuttle bus transfer from Clayton Hotel to first stop for boarding) o

Further Options:

As Belfast city centre is only a few minutes’ walk from any of the hotels you may also enjoy shopping at your own leisure or take advantage of other tours and offers available at the hotel receptions and discount vouchers in your welcome packs.


See attached Seminar Information for more details.

Please indicate how you plan to travel to the Seminar:

Plane o

·  Arrival: Flight No/Airport/Date & Time: ………………………………………………………………………


·  Departure: Flight No/Airport/Date & Time: …………………………………………………………………


Train o Coach o

·  Date/Time of arrival in Belfast: …………………………………………………………………………………

·  Date/Time of departure from Belfast: ..………………………………………………………………………


·  as driver (needing parking) o as passenger o


A confidential health form is also enclosed with this Registration Pack. Please complete this, place in a sealed envelope, and hand in on arrival at the Seminar. It will only be opened in case of emergency.

Signature: ………………………………………………………….… Date: …………………………………………