SYLLABUS GRADE 6—2011-2012

Page #
Safety Prog / Session/ Date / Syllabus
Notes/Sequence / Chapter &
Content Points / Safety
Lesson / Prayer(s) / Suggested Activities / Additional Suggestions
and/or Comments
Grade 6
Page #1
“We Believe”
Sadlier Co.
/ Parent/student
S Sept. 18
M Sept. 19 / Parent/student meeting followed by:
Opening Class
Getting to know one another
Review Fire Drill Plan, Book, Syllabus, & Classroom Management / Sign of the Cross, the Our Father, the Hail Mary,
Encourage Mass participation
S Sept. 25
M Sept. 26 / Chapter 1
God’s Revelation
We can know God through creation & Divine Revelation
God’s Revelation handed down through Bible & Tradition
Bible as set of Books—“Divine Inspiration”
God’s Revelation is complete in Jesus
Blessed Trinity / Prayer of Saint Francis
Our Father prayer
Glory Be
Holy Spirit Prayer
Importance of morning & evening prayer
Christian Scriptures / Talk about the “Blessing of the Animals” that will take place at St. Francis of Assisi Parish on Saturday, October 1st
Books of the Bible
(page #27) / God is the creator of all that exists activity
(including the animals)
page #31C
Family Tree Activity
(K. Bickford)
Introduce significance of number 3
S Oct. 2
M Oct. 3 / Chapter 2
God created the universe & is the source of all life
Book of Genesis
Human beings are created in the image & likeness of God
Human dignity, free will, conscience
Sacredness of life
[October is the month
of the rosary] / Talk about the Rosary
Rosary beads
Discuss the Mysteries of the Rosary / Story of Creation
Genesis 1
Blessing of Bibles & presentation to the students / Introduce significance of number 7
Grade 6
Page #2 / S Oct. 16
M Oct. 17 / Chapter 3
God created human beings, body & soul
Personal gifts
God call us to be stewards of creation
Through humanity, sin entered the world
Original sin
The mercy of God / Encourage praying rosary as a family
Pray decade of the rosary
The Corporal & Spiritual Works of Mercy / Meaning of symbols in the Book of Genesis
(page # 43C)
Gifts assessment
Recycling discussion
S Oct. 23
M Oct. 24 / Chapter 4
God promised to send a Savior
First human family & Original Sin (Cain & Abel)
God’s covenant/Noah
Unity of human family lost—Tower of Babel
All Saints Day Nov. 1st
All Souls’ Day Nov. 2nd
Canonized Saints
Called to be saints
Communion of Saints / Review prayer as listening to God
Remind to pray morning & evening prayers
Discuss Saints as role models who can help us form our conscience
Hail Mary
Prayers to Mary & the Saints (prayers of Intercession)
Litany of Saints
Prayers of Petition / All Saints Day/
All Souls’ Day
Activity page
#295 C
S Oct. 30
M No Class / Chapter 5
Patriarchs—our ancestors in faith
God chose Abraham
(Abraham’s son Isaac > Esau & Jacob)
Story of Jacob
God’s people—the Israelites
Jacob’s son Joseph—dreams & Joseph’s coat
Matriarchs / Renewal of Baptismal Promises / Worksheet:
Page #67 C
Working for the common good & Catholic Social Teaching
(page # 73 TT)
Activities to connect past to present experience / Introduce significance of number 12
Grade 6
Page #3 / S Nov. 6
M Nov. 7 / Chapter 8
An enslaved people
Egypt-home Israelites
God chose Moses
God guided people to freedom through Moses & helped his people
“I AM”
The Ten Plagues / Spontaneous prayers of Praise & Thanksgiving
The Apostle’s Creed / Enslaved people of today & ways of moving slavery to freedom / The call of Moses—movie clip & discussion questions from “The Prince of Egypt”
Introduce significance of number 40
S Nov. 13
M Nov. 14 / Chapter 9
Moses led God’s people through the wilderness
God gives the Law
The molten calf
People built dwelling place for God
Ark of the covenant
Toward Canaan
Guiding cloud symbol
Chapter 6
The Liturgical Year
Throughout the Liturgical year, we remember & celebrate Jesus Christ
Bread of Life / KCS
Lesson 1
Part 1
(20 min) / Prayer with gestures/
Singing as praying twice!
(We often praise God’s name through song) / Make Liturgical Color Wheel
S Nov. 20
M Nov. 21 / [The Eucharist, Mass, Thanksgiving, Gratitude]
Chapter 10
Israelites conquer Canaan & settled in Canaan
Samson was most famous Judge
Review Eucharist & parallels/roots within Passover meal, Thanksgiving, etc. / Grace/blessings before and after meals
Review/teach (new) simple Mass responses
The Psalms
Prayers of Mass
Prayers of the Faithful
Sign of Peace / Compare Mass/ table & Thanks-giving/table
Special project/
Thank you card
Write a prayer
Grade 6
Page #4
/ S No Class
M Nov. 28 / Chapter 5
Patriarchs—our ancestors in faith
God chose Abraham
(Abraham’s son Isaac > Esau & Jacob)
Story of Jacob
God’s people—the Israelites
Jacob’s son Joseph—dreams & coat / Praying of the Psalms
Renewal of Baptismal Promises
Introduce Advent Wreath / Worksheet:
Page #67
Working for the common good & Catholic Social Teaching
(page # 73 TT)
Activities to connect past to present experience
S Dec. 4
M Dec. 5 / Explain Feast of the Immaculate Conception
December 8th
Chapter 13
Preparing for the Coming of the Lord
Start of liturgical year
The Advent Wreath
Chapter 19
The Annunciation
Roles of Mary & Elizabeth in God’s plan
Review Incarnation
Role of John
Zechariah / KCS
Lesson 1
Part 2
(20 min) / Celebration of a Marian Feast
Advent Wreath with Prayer
Magnificat / Jesse Tree
Explain Holy Days of Obligation / “A Song of Praise to God”
Activity pg. # 219 C
S Dec. 11
M Dec. 12 / Chapter 11
Call of Samuel
Saul—the first King
Anointing with oil
King David—Psalms
Historical writing
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Dec. 12th / Advent Prayer
Remind pray daily
Silent Prayer
Centering Prayer
Enthronement of the Bible
The Psalms / JesseTree
Symbols / Parallels between the call of Samuel and our own call as well as Mary’s YES!
S Dec. 18
M Dec. 19 / Chapter 14
The birth of Jesus
God is with us
The Incarnation
Solemnity of Mary Feast Day Jan. 1st / Reflective Prayer on Scriptures
Listening to God’s Word in order to ACT on God’s Word
Marian Feast Day
Grade 6
Page #5
2012 / S Jan. 8
M Jan. 9 / Chapter 7
Ordinary Time
Celebrating the life & teachings of Jesus
Chapter 12
Reign of King Solomon
Time of peace & prosperity
Wisdom of Solomon
Temple in Jerusalem /
Lesson 2
Part 1
(20 min) / Discuss Reconciliation Prayer Services (without individual Confession)
Review Sacrament of Reconciliation & Examination of Conscience
Act of Contrition / Discuss what divides us today & faithfulness
Two forgiveness parables in
Scripture: “The Parable of the Two Sons” or “The Lost Sheep” / Parallels between Temple in Jerusalem & Parish Church
S Jan. 22
M Jan. 23 / Chapter 15
A Divided People: the Northern & Southern Kingdoms
Role of the Prophets
Chapter 16
The Remnant
S Jan. 29
M Jan. 30 / Chapter 17
The Exile
Message of Prophets
God’s people in exile
Wisdom Literature
Book of Proverbs
The Story of Job
The Torah /
Lesson 2
Part 2
(20 min) / Opening prayer on page #195--
Prayers for the sick and elderly / Activity sheet
(page #195 C)
Ways sorrow is expressed in different cultures
(multicultural connection)
S Feb. 5
M Feb. 6 / Review some Prophets & their roles:
Hosea, Elijah, Micah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Daniel
Chapter 18
God working through his people
Story of Jonah
Jesus is with us in suffering /
Lesson 3
Part 1
(20 min) / Themes Catholic Social Teaching
Activity from Chapter 15: pg. #171 C
Activity—“God working through his people” (page #209)
Significance of Jonah / Discuss messages in the media
Grade 6
Page #6
/ S Feb. 12
M Feb. 13 / Ash Wednesday (Feb. 22)
Chapter 20
Time to renew Baptism
Time of Preparation for Easter
Prayer, Penance, Acts of Love
Purple color of Penance/Preparation / A Saint Valentine Prayer
Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving
Class Mass Participation, Grades 5 & 6—as possible / Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving (page #233)
S Feb. 26
M Feb. 27 / Chapter 22
Jesus, Teacher & Healer
Revelation in Jesus
Many people became disciples
Jesus taught about living & growing close to God
Kingdom of God
Jesus worked signs & wonders / KCS
Lesson 3
Part 2
(20 min) / Acts of Faith, Hope, and Love
Review the Beatitudes (see page #51) / “A Disciple’s Story Activity” (page #247 C)
S Mar. 4
M Mar. 5 / Chapter 23
Jesus, Redeemer & Savior
Jesus gave us new covenant
Jesus gave life for us
Appearance to disciples / KCS
Lesson 4
(25 min)
S Mar. 11
M Mar. 12 / Chapter 21
The Triduum (the Three Days)
Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter
Rite of Baptism / Mock Baptism
Review Renewal of Baptismal Promises
Grade 6
Page #7
/ S Mar. 18
M Mar. 19 / Chapter 25
The New Testament
The Bible
Seven Sacraments
Work for Social Justice / Stations of the Cross / Review Themes Catholic Social Teaching from Chapter 15: pg. #171 C
See page #290
S Mar. 25
M Mar. 26 / Continue Chapter 25 or catch-up
Consider Monday, Mar. 26th for Seder Meal
S Apr. 22
M Apr. 23 / Chapter 27
Easter (April 8)
Easter season is special time to rejoice over new life we have in Christ
The 50 days of Easter
Ascension Thursday
Chapter 24
Acts of the Apostles
Church begins with coming of Holy Spirit
Spreading the Good News
Christians were persecuted for their faith—martyrs
Christianity became an accepted religion / Review the Apostle’s Creed
S Apr. 29
M Apr. 30 / Chapter 26
The Church in the World
Living as one people
We live as a holy people
We live as welcoming people
We live as a faithful people
Marks of the Church / Closing Ritual/




