1 Quiz

A Read the article.

20 / Tiny Houses for the Homeless
When you first look at it, this tiny house looks like a playhouse. It’s only 33 square meters in size and has just enough room for a bed, a small bathroom and a kitchen. But this is no child’s toy; it’s an actual house where someone lives. Yes, these tiny houses are very small, but for a person who does not have a home, a tiny house is a castle. Now, some American cities are building tiny homes to help people who have nowhere to live.
The number of homeless people is growing all over the world. A United Nations study found that there are over 100 million homeless people in the world. Of these, there are 3 million in Europe, 5 million in Russia and over 600,000 in the U.S. Till now, there have been no solutions to this problem. Some big cities have shelters for the
homeless. The shelters give people a place to spend the night, but they don’t give
them a home.
In the U.S., architects think tiny houses could be a good solution for the homeless. There are a number of reasons for this. First, tiny houses don’t need a lot of space. Second, they are cheap. One tiny house with a kitchen and bathroom costs only $5,000 to build. Some architects even use recycled* items and build homes for as little as $500! The city of Austin in Texas has just built its first village of a hundred tiny homes. Similar villages are also being built in other states, like Florida, Texas,
New York, Utah and Wisconsin.
For Betty Ybarra from Wisconsin, her tiny new house is a dream come true. For two years before Betty got her house, she slept in a cardboard box. Betty’s tiny new house has a bed, a table, a microwave and even flower boxes. Ybarra says, “Living in a tiny house is life-changing. It means shelter and security.”

*recycled ממוחזרים / سبقت إعادة تدويرها

B Answer the questions.

1. Complete the sentence according to lines 1-6. (4 points)

A tiny house is a home for people who .

2. List two items that a 33-square meter house has. (2 x 3 = 6 points)
Take one item from lines 1-6 and one item from lines 20-23.



3. What do we learn about homeless people in lines 7-12? (4 points)

a. why people are homeless

b. how many people are homeless

c. how long people have been homeless

4. Put a by the TWO correct answers. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

According to lines 7-12, shelters aren’t a good solution because … .

a. people can’t live there

b. too many people stay there

c. not every city has them

d. they are very small

e. not everyone can get a place there

5. Why do many cities think tiny houses are a good solution? (2 x 2 = 4 points)
Give TWO reasons. (lines 13-19)



6. Complete the sentence according to lines 13-19. (6 points)

The writer mentions Austin in Texas, Florida and New York because they are places


7. Choose the correct answer: Yes or No. (lines 20-23) (2 x 3 = 6 points)

Betty Ybarra is pleased to be living in her tiny new home. Yes / No

Copy the words that support your answer.


8. We can understand from lines 20-23 that Betty Ybarra … . (4 points)

a. was once homeless

b. loves the cold weather in Wisconsin

c. enjoys gardening

A Circle the correct answer. (7 x 1 = 7 points)

1. When I arrived at the airport terminal, I couldn’t find my … , so I missed my flight.

a. passport b. newspaper c. whistle

2. The security guard checked the … of my suitcase.

a. items b. price c. contents

3. These shoes are … , but they are comfortable.

a. gray b. ugly c. excellent

4. Something that is … is good for the environment.

a. eco-friendly b. healthy c. safe

5. On the … of the shopping mall there was a restaurant and some shops;
on the upper floor there was a beauty parlor and a spa.

a. main floor b. village c. bathroom

6. Several mothers sat on a … in the park and talked.

a. tank b. bench c. closet

7. We saw an interesting art … at the museum.

a. terminal b. arrangement c. exhibit

B Complete the sentences with the words below. (7 x 1 = 7 points)

no matter what ● relax ● pretended ● fight ● tourists ● made an effort ● shower

1. There are many ………………………… at the hotel.

2. The children ………………………… they were cowboys.

3. I’m very angry with you. ………………………… you say, it will take a long time
before we are friends again.

4. I’m so hot that I need to have a ………………………… .

5. Shelly and Dana never agree on anything. They ………………………… a lot.

6. Ben ………………………… , so his project was a great success.

7. After we visit the museum, let’s go home and ………………………… .

C Complete the dialogue with the words below. There are two (6 x 2 = 12 points)
extra words.

available ● make reservations ● flat screen television ● location
I don’t mind ● shuttle service ● save energy ● upper floor

Hotel Receptionist: Carlton Hotel, can I help you?

Alex: I’d like to 1.………………………… for a room at your hotel.

Hotel Receptionist: When will you be in London?

Alex: On May 15th. Are there any rooms 2.………………………… for
that date?

Hotel Receptionist: We have a room on the 3.………………………… and a room on the main floor. All our rooms have a 4.………………………… and air conditioning.

Alex: 5.………………………… staying on the upper floor. Is there an elevator?

Hotel Receptionist: Yes, of course.

Alex: Is there a 6.………………………… between the hotel and the airport?

Hotel Receptionist: Yes, there’s a hotel bus every half hour.

Alex: Great! Thank you.

D Complete TWO of the sentences below to show you understand (2 x 2 = 4 points)
the words in bold.

1. Thank you for looking after .

2. I’m looking forward to .

3. My mom is always looking for .

4. I used to .

A Circle the correct answer about the Door Step School in India. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

1. Amal live / lives in Mumbai, India.

2. His parents work / works in many places.

3. They don’t stay / doesn’t stay in the same place.

4. They move / moves to different parts of the city every six months for their work.

5. Do / Does Amal go to school? The answer is no.

6. Amal is lucky because a school teacher from the Door Step School frequently
come / comes to him.

7. The Door Step School teach / teaches many children in India who cannot go to
regular schools.

8. The Door Step School send / sends teachers to over 125 places in India.

9. The teachers teach / teaches thousands of Indian children every year.

10. The students study / studies math, science and other subjects.

B Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct form of the verbs (4 x 2 = 8 points)
in brackets. Use the Present Simple.

1. Amy: ………………… you ………………… (know) Lila Smith?

Diane: I ………………… (not know) her, but she studies at my school.

2. Rachel: Where ………………… Tim ………………… (live)?

Shira: He ………………… (live) on 24 Einstein Street.

3. David: When ………………… you ………………… (run) in the park?

Adam: I usually ………………… (go) running every day after school.

4. Mike: Why ………………… Tom and Ben ………………… (want) to volunteer
at the animal shelter and not at the children’s hospital?

Dan: Ben ………………… (not like) hospitals.

C Answer the questions. Use the Present Simple. (2 x 1 = 2 points)

1. Which TV program do you like to watch?

2. What do you usually do on the weekend?

Guy is spending a few days’ vacation at a house by the sea. Write Guy’s email
to his friend about the place. Write 35-40 words.

Here are some things you can write about:

• where the house is

• what the house looks like

• how many rooms the house has

• what the garden is like

• how you feel in the house