Mousehold Infant and Nursery School

Mousehold Avenue

NorwichTel.(01603) 427012

NR3 4RSFax.(01603) 487922



Headteacher: Miss Rachael Judd

Mousehold Infant and Nursery School

Newsletter - April 2011

Good News!

We have received a letter from Ofsted (a copy has been sent to you from school). It states that as we are an ‘Outstanding’ school we will not be subject to a full inspection at present, but have been through an ‘Interim Assessment’ this year. This states that standards are the same as the last inspection. We will be subject to an annual interim assessment from now on.

Outdoor Learning/play area

We are creating a new outdoor learning/ play area outside class 7 over the Easter break. This is to provide a safe outdoor area for the Reception children. The children are very much looking forward to using their new outdoor area after the Easter holiday with some lovely new equipment for all the YR children.

Royal Wedding

To celebrate the Royal Wedding, we would like to invite all children to come to school on Thursday the 28th April dressed in red, white and blue. We will have lots of exciting activities for the children to do to join in this happy occasion.

Sainsbury and Tesco Tokens
We are collecting Sainsbury and Tesco tokens. Please give tokens to your child and he/she can put them into our collection boxes. Many thanks.


A big thank you to all of our parents and carers for working with us to improve our attendance. We still have a way to go. As you know, schools have a target of 94% attendance and we need your support to reach this. Thank you also to parents and carers for not taking holidays in school term time as this has a big impact on children’s learning and progress. I will shortly be sending out Government policy regarding this for your information.

Milk Money

If you would like your child to have milk next half term (period covered Tuesday 3rd May to Friday 10th June) please send £4.60 (cash only) to the office in a sealed envelope on Tuesday 26th April or Wednesday 27th April. Thank you.

Dinner Money

Please note that the price of a school dinner will rise to £2.10 per day from the 26th April.

Dates for your diary

Friday 8th April – End of Term

Summer Term – All staff and children back on Tuesday 26th April.

Birthday Assembly – 28th April

School closed - Royal Wedding – Friday 29th April

School reopens Tuesday 3rd May

School closed on Thursday 5th May – INSET day.

Thank you for your continued support. Have a wonderful Easter break and we look forward to seeing you all again on Tuesday 26th April.

1 Newsletter April 2011