State Convention Pre-Registration Form for Lodge Members

Deadline for Pre-Registration July 31st, 2016------Late Forms accepted till August 12, 2016

This form is for the N C Moose Association90th Annual State Convention at the Sheraton Greensboro Hotel at Four Seasons, August 18/21, 2016.

Please type or print

Members Name______Title (If Any) ______

Gov, Past Gov, Adm. or Other Officer

Address ______City ______, NC Zip ______

Members E-mail Address______

Lodge Name ______Lodge Number ______

Notice to Members of the 5 Club or 25 Club

All members qualified for the 5 Club/25 Club dinner will be sent a pre-registration form to their home address and must use that form if they plan to attend. Since we must guarantee the number of meals to be served in advance, we will only have tickets available for members that have pre-registered and indicated on the form that they will attend, they must also indicate if they will bring their spouse or guest. Sorry but members that don’t pre-register on the form sent to all members who are qualified will not be allowed to attend the 5 Club/25 Club Dinner.

Are you a First Time Attendee? [___] Yes or [___] No

Payment must be sent with form to receive discount price. Pre-registration Price Late Registration Price

Event Good till July 31, 2016 Forms Received

(Number of Tickets)After August 1, 2016

Fellowship Breakfast, 8:00 AM Saturday, Aug 20th ______@$15.00 ea.______@$20.00 ea.

Must have meal ticket hold the Fellowship Degree or be a Candidate for the Degree to attend After August 1, 2016

Pilgrim Luncheon, Noon Saturday, Aug 20th______@$18.00 ea. ______@$25.00 ea.

Must have meal ticket and hold the Pilgrim Degree to attend After August 1, 2016

Banquet for President and Deputy Grand Regent______@$35.00 ea. ______@$45.00 ea.

6:00 PM Saturday, Aug 20thMust have meal ticket to attend Installation of Officers, doors After August 1, 2016

will not be opened for others to attend. You must have two (2) tickets if Spouse or Guest will attend.

Dance 8:00 PM Fri. Aug 19th, Saturday, Aug 20th______@$5.00 ea.______@$10.00 ea.

You will need two (2) tickets if Spouse or Guest will attendAfter August 1, 2016

One ticket will admit holder to both Friday and Saturday dances

Family Breakfast and Awards Ceremony______@$15.00 ea. ______@$20.00 ea.

8:00 AM Sunday, Aug 21stMen, Women & Children invited, each will need a ticket After August 1, 2016

Convention Registration Fee _____1___@$15.00 ea. ______@$25.00 ea.

Everyone must pay Registration Fee After August 1, 2016

Number of Non Member Guest Badge(s)______@$ 5.00 ea. ______@$10.00 ea.

Must register to attend Dance or Hospitality RoomAfter August 1, 2016

First and Last Name for Guest Badge(s) ______

Attach List for additional guest if more room is needed

TOTAL AMOUNT DUE$ ______$ ______

Amount till July 31, 2016After August 1, 2016

Please make checks payable to N. C. Moose Association and return form with payment prior to July 31, 2016 to receive the Pre-Registration Price. Forms received after August 1, 2016 will be charged the Late Registration Price and any amount due will have to be paid when you pick up your packet. Form must be mailed to:

Alvin Stroud Jr

Phone 828-669-0689Secretary NCMA

532 Blue Ridge Road

Forms received by Email will be charged onsite registration prices!Black Mountain, NC 28711

This form not for Chapter Members use,

formshavebeen sent to each Chapter .