Supplemental Tables with ANCOVA results.

Table S1: ANCOVA results for gorgonian morphologies with regression models and geometric surrogates to test whether predicted surface areas (SA in cm2) were not significantly different from the measured image SAs. Intercepts (methods) p values given below. All slopes (covariates) and interactions (slope x method) were significant at (p≤0.0001) and orthogonal contrasts at (p≤0.05). Relative percent difference from mean model is in parentheses under model type. Abbreviations: h= height in cm; d=diameter in cm; reg=best regression(Fig. 2); reg2=second best regression; reg3=third best regression; Mod=mean image model; cone+T=cone+top, circ=circle; rect=rectangle; cylin=cylinder; hemi=hemisphere; sph=sphere.
p value / 1st
Covariate / 2nd
Covariate / 3rd Covariate / Orthogonal Contrasts
with Simulated Model SA
Sea Fans planar / 0.1871 / h2 / d2 / reg2a
(0.7) / reg b
(0.07) / Mod / reg3 c
Sea Fans 3D / <0.0001 / h3 / d / reg d
(0) / Mod / Reg2 e
(0.06) / cone+T
Sea Rods planar / 0.0025 / d / cone
(32) / circ
(18) / Mod / reg f
Sea Rods unbranched / <0.0001 / d3 / h / rect
(4) / reg g
(0) / Mod / reg2h
Sea Rods branched / 0.6172 / d2 / d / circ
(18) / regi
(0.7) / Mod / reg2j
Sea Rods bushy / <0.0001 / h3 / cylin
(10) / regk
(0.03) / Mod / cone+T
(20) / rect
Sea Whips branched / 0.0002 / h3 / h2 / h / regl
(0.3) / Mod / reg2m
Sea Whips bushy / <0.0001 / d3 / hemi
(12) / Mod / regn
(0.03) / reg2o
Sea Plumes / 0.708 / h2 / h / hemi
(3) / reg2p
(0.07) / Mod / regq
(0.06) / sph
(0.2) / cylin

a: reg2=1.10h2+289b: See Fig. 2ac: reg3=107h-1970

d: See Fig. 2be: reg2=104h+132d-5440f: See Fig. 2c

g: See Fig. 2dh: reg2=0.41d3+103i: See Fig. 2e

j: reg2=92.8d-814k: See Fig. 2fl: See Fig. 2g

m: reg2=31.2h-0.0069h3-248n: See Fig. 2ho: reg2=301h-6329

Table S2 ANCOVA results for sponge morphologies with regression models and geometric surrogates to test whether predicted surface areas (SA in cm2) were not significantly different from the measured image SA. Intercepts (methods) p values given below. All slopes (covariates) and interactions (slope x method) were significant at (p≤0.0001) and orthogonal contrasts at (p≤0.05). Relative percent difference from mean model is in parentheses under model type. Abbreviations: h= height in cm; d= diameter in cm; reg=best regression(Fig. 3); reg2=second best regression; reg3=third best regression; Mod=mean image model; hemi= hemisphere; cylin+T=cylinder+top; sph=sphere; cone+T=cone +top; rect=rectangle; circ= circle.
p value / 1st
Covariate / 2nd
Covariate / Orthogonal Contrasts
with Simulated Model SA
Barrel / 0.185 / d2 / h2 / reg3a
(0.1) / reg b
(0) / Mod / reg2c
Vase / 0.722 / h2 / Mod / reg d
(0.1) / reg2 e
(0.3) / hemi
(11) / cylin+T
Globe / <0.0001 / h2 / d3 / Mod / reg f
(0) / hemi
(0) / reg2 g
(0.2) / sph
Mound / <0.0001 / h / d / cone+T
(6.1) / Mod / reg h
(0) / reg2i
(0) / reg3 j
Ropey Branched / <0.0001 / h / d / rect
(73) / circ
(50) / reg2k
(0) / reg l
(0) / Mod / reg3m
Tubes / <0.0001 / d3 / cylin+T
(1) / reg n
(0) / Mod / cone+T
(2) / sph
Rods / <0.0001 / h / d3 / reg3o
(0.6) / reg2p
(0.6) / Mod / regq
(0) / cone
Bushy / 0.541 / h2 / d3 / reg3r
(0.3) / reg2s
(0) / Mod / regt
(0) / circ

a: reg3 =322d-3793b: See Fig. 3ac: reg2=4.91d2+733

d: See Fig. 3he: reg2=132h–1219 f: See Fig. 3c

g: reg2=0.0837d3+22h: See Fig. 3d i: reg2=31.4h+0.896d2-130

j: reg3=146log(d)+269log(h)–599k: reg2=0.047d3+38.1l: See Fig 3e

m: reg3=0.0358 d3+4.55h+28n: See Fig. 3go: reg3=8.17h+35.7d-85.6

p: reg2=10.8h-33.5q: See Fig. 3f r: reg3A=0.695h2+72.8

s: reg2=20.8d+18.5h-230 t: See Fig. 3b