Refreshment Duty Responsibilities

Throughout the year, the Troop has many activities for the scouts. These activities often require refreshments during or immediately following the activity, therefore, the task of providing refreshments is shared among the families comprising the Troop. Two families are requested to sign up for each month of the year. These two families are responsible for the following tasks and duties for that month:

  1. provide a dinner for the boy scouts the first Wednesday of the month. The dinner would include a main course, a side dish/salad, dessert and beverages.
  2. provide drinks and a light snack for the parents meeting which is held on the first Wednesday of the month.
  3. coordinate and make sure refreshments are provided for each activity that occurs for that month.
  4. If a Court of Honor is scheduled for that month, coordinate with the other assigned family to make sure enough refreshments are provided for the Court of Honor.

The following are examples of events and activities throughout the calendar year and suggestions as to the type of refreshments that have been provided.

Januarydinner for Troop Leadership Council (TLC)

Light refreshments for the parents meeting

Februarydinner for Troop Leadership Council (TLC)

Light refreshments for the parents meeting

Coordinate refreshments for Sunday services at Temple

Marchdinner for Troop Leadership Council (TLC)

Light refreshments for the parents meeting

Coordinate light refreshments for Court of Honor

Aprildinner for Troop Leadership Council (TLC)

Light refreshments for the parents meeting

Coordinate with Cherry Blossom booth, provide cold drinks

Maydinner for Troop Leadership Council (TLC)

Light refreshments for the parents meeting

Provide refreshments for Good Turn Day/Cemetery cleanup

Junedinner for Troop Leadership Council (TLC)

Light light refreshments for the parents meeting

Coordinate refreshments for Court of Honor

Julydinner for Troop Leadership Council (TLC)

Light refreshments for the parents meeting

Cold drinks for parking lot duty staff for Obon Festival


Refreshment Duty Responsibilities (continued)

Septemberdinner for Troop Leadership Council (TLC)

Light refreshments for the parents meeting

Coordinate signup for potluck for Fall Court of Honor

Octoberdinner for Troop Leadership Council (TLC)

Light refreshments for the parents meeting

Novemberdinner for Troop Leadership Council (TLC)

Light refreshments for the parents meeting

Provide refreshments for Scouting for Food, bag drop off

Provide refreshments for Scouting for Food, bag pick up

Decemberdinner for Troop Leadership Council (TLC)

Light refreshments for the parents meeting

Coordinate potluck dinner signup for Holiday Dinner/Court of Honor