University of Washington / TCSS / 466
Curriculum Review Committee / Offered jointly with:
NEW COURSE APPLICATION / Prefix (6 characters max.) / Number
College or SchoolDepartmentSubdepartmentDate
University of Washington, Tacoma, Institute of Technology, Computing & Software Systems 1/23/06
Course TitleCredits
Computer-mediated Communications5
Permanent new course, to be effective Fall Quarter 2006 .
Temporary new course , to be offered beginning Quarter 20 through Quarter 20 .
Extension of a temporary new course , to be offered beginning Quarter 20 through Quarter 20 .
Conversion of a temporary new course , to be offered beginning Quarter 20 .
Approval to offer this course as a Distance Learning (DL) suffix course. (Please attach Distance Learning Supplement form.)
Permanent CR/NC grading only.
This application is accompanied by an application to drop an existing course that has the same course number as the course requested here.
Attach a course syllabus/outline and reading list if this course will be offered for more than one quarter.2.JUSTIFICATION
Explain why this course is being proposed, including its relationship to your overall curriculum.
(Attach additional sheet if necessary.)
Students in computer science are immersed in the technical details of computing systems but only rarely have an opportunity to experience the integration of that technology with the social context in which it is used. This course will provide students with an in-depth look at the social impacts as well as technical aspects of computing and communications. The field of computer-mediated communications requires students to have a much deeper understanding of how people experience the technology, what motivates them to behave in certain ways and how those factors help to determine the success or failure of the human enterprise in which it is being used. This course will simultaneously strengthen the student's knowledge of technologies used in building CMC systems, understanding of how design considerations impact human usage, and understanding of the social importance of these technologies.
This course is an elective in the CSS program for the BS degree.
If course is below the 500 level, the department can recommend that it be accepted toward the following undergraduate general education requirements. Check all applicable categories VLPA I&S _ NW _QSR _ _
Catalog description (Must be double spaced.)(50-word limit, including prerequisites and “Offered jointly with XXX 100” if applicable)
Examines the uses of computer and communications technologies, including implementations, for supporting human-to-human communications in both personal and social contexts. Includes topics from sociological and psychological aspects needed to design effective systems. Prerequisites: TCSS342, TCSS360
Enforce automatic cancellation of registration if prerequisites not met (undergraduate classes only).
Abbreviated title for transcripts (not to exceed 19 characters, including spaces): Comp.-med. Comm.
Catalog subheading (if any) for this course within your department
Names and ranks of probable instructors (Include curriculum vitae for any instructor not now on the University faculty)
George Mobus, Ph.D. Include faculty in General Catalog description.
Quarter(s) offered (A, W, Sp, S) Include quarters in General Catalog description.
a.Contact and outside hours: 1 credit represents a total time commitment of 3 hours per week of student effort.
For Distance Learning (DL) courses do not complete section a. See DL Supplement.Contact hours per week
Quiz sectionStudio
*Attach explanation and justification for “other” contact hours.TOTAL CONTACT HOURS: / 5
How many additional hours will a student be expected to spend
each week in preparation for this course? OUTSIDE HOURS: / 10
b.If variable credit, how will the number of credits awarded be related to the amount of student effort required?
c.How will students be evaluated for credit or grades?
* Midterm exam - 20%
* Final exam - 25%
* Project - 30%
* Research Paper - 15%
* Quizzes - 10%
a.Anticipated enrollment per quarter 30.
b.Types of students expected (nonmatriculated students, undergraduate majors, undergraduate non-majors, graduate or professional students):
Undergraduate majors in CSS. This course cannot be used for CSS graduate credit.
Will additional resources be required to teach this course, including new space, equipment, computer, library, or other instructional resources? Please explain.
List all departments, schools, or colleges participating. Joint course applications require a signature from each unit.
(If units from more than one school or college participate, a separate application must be filed by each.)
Name of unit(List the unit responsible for
administering the course first) / Course prefix
and number / New course or
existing course
in this unit? / Signature of chair
If this course includes subject matter currently dealt with by any other University units, the originating department must circulate this application for review by those units and obtain the necessary signatures prior to submission. Failure to do so will delay action on this application.
Name of unit / Signature of dean or chair / Recommendapproval / Recommend
(attach explanation) / Date
Chair of submitting department
College Curriculum Committee
College Dean