
Holy Angels Byzantine Catholic Church

2235 Galahad Road

San Diego, California 92123-3931

Very Rev. Brian Escobedo, Pastor

Rectory/Office: 858-277-2511 Social Hall/Ethnic Foods: 858-268-3458


Parish Website:

Facebook: Holy Angels Byzantine Catholic Church


Sunday: 23 Apr (Thomas Sunday) (Acts 5:12-20; Acts 12:1-11;

Jn 20:19-31; Jn 15:17-16:2)

9AM Divine Liturgy (People of the Parish) eb

Eternal Lamp- (+Wally Sivula)

Tuesday: 25 Apr (St. Mark; Apostle – Evangelist)

12PM 6th Hour

Saturday: 29 Apr (The Nine Holy Martyrs of Cyzice (Acts 5:1-11; Jn 5:30-6:2)

9AM Divine Liturgy (+Wally Sivula)

5PM Great Vespers

Sunday: 30 April (Sunday of the Ointment Bearers (Acts 6:1-7; Mk 15:43-16)

9AM Divine Liturgy (People of the Parish) - (Chase Baptism)

Eternal Lamp – (Ted & Sylvia Pasnak)

Preparation for Holy Mysteries: Baptisms require Pre-Jordan; Marriages require Pre-Cana. All requesting mysteries must be parishioners of Holy Angels for at least six months.

Liturgy, Panachida and Eternal Lamp Intentions: Give to Fr. Brian to schedule.

Weekday Evening Confessions: First Wednesday of the month from 7-8pm. Also available before all services, or just drop-in/call. Confessions end 15 minutes prior to services.

Sick Calls/Anointing/Hospital Visits: May be requested by the parishioner or family. Parishioners anointed prior to surgery/hospitalization after Sunday Divine Liturgy/as needed.

O Lord, Bless the Worship and Stewardship of your faithful servants: 16 Apr – Attendance: 110; Adult Tithes: $1,332.25; Youth Tithes: $4.00; Bishop’s Holy Land collection: $297.00; Easter: $2,490.00; Bishop’s Appeal: $150.00; Church Usage Donation: $250.00; Total: $4,523.25.

Vocation Icon: This Week (23 Apr): (Daniele Laman)

Next Week (30 Apr): (Huber Family)

Please sign up to host the vocation icon in 2017.

Bishop’s Appeal: The Eparchy asks $275 per family. Please generously support our Eparchy with whatever amount you can. Thank you to those who have given $10,190 toward our goal of $13,750. We would like 100% participation no matter what your amount may be. The appeal ends soon.

Holy Land Religious Articles: A group selling olive wood religious articles made in the Holy Land will be here Sunday May7th. Money from goods sold helps support the Catholic community in the Holy Land.

“Housekeeping notes” 1) There is a lot of unused toilet paper being put into the restroom trashcans. Parents, please monitor your children to prevent waste; 2) Candles for use in front of the iconostasis – I have seen several children taking candles, which is a holy act, but not put any money into the candle money slot. Please everyone; ensure you contribute the $1 to cover the costs.

Parish Greetings Ministry: We are establishing a ministry to greet visitors before Divine Liturgy and to assist first-time visitors. Everyone will receive training and two will serve each Sunday. With at least 10 volunteers you would only have to serve every fifth Sunday. Please give Fr. Brian your names and help to serve Our Lord in this most important area of welcome and evangelization.

Myrrh Bearers Womens and Girls Retreat: June 23-25 in Scottsdale, AZ. Applications in Narthex.

Alive in Christ Camp: For boys ages 7 to 17; July 6-9; Prescott, Arizona. Forms in the Narthex.

Women of Holy Angels (WOHA) will meet next Sunday in the Hall after Divine Liturgy.

Church website: Remember to check the church’s website for the latest updates on the liturgical schedule and parish news.

Ascension Thursday is May 25th: This is a holy day of obligation for our metropolitan church. Makes plans to attend the Vesperal Divine Liturgy on Wednesday the 24th (7pm) or Matins (7:45am) and Divine Liturgy (9am) on Thursday (25th).

Lord Jesus Christ,

by your saving action, we have been set free …

free of sin, free of all wounds, free of death itself.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

Christ is risen, and we are no longer afraid.