Advisory Council Meeting

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

12:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Call to Order: Chairwoman Cheryl Gonzalez

In Person: Cheryl Gonzalez (University of North Florida), Jay Narang (GDKN), Johnny Helms (Lumbee Resource Management Group), Christine McMillon (ENSYNC DMS, Inc.), Barbara Melvin (First Florida Integrity Bank), Paul Roldan (Allgen Financial Services), and Deborah Thompson (Deborah K. Thompson Consultants).

Call in: Malik Ali, Rhett Frisbie (Florida Bar), Mariana Lugaro (United Data Technologies), Michelle Andrewin (Palm Beach County School District) and Brian Williams (School Board of Miami-Dade County) both called in after roll call was taken.


Hue Reynolds made a request to move Bruce Conroy to 12:30 pm on the agenda. She later asked that the Secretary’s portion be removed as he was unable to attend in person or call in. Rhett Frisbie also asked that his committee breakout also be removed from the agenda.

Motion to accept the modifications to the agenda by Barbara Melvin, and seconded by Deborah Thompson. The agenda was approved with the modifications as presented.

Minutes of April 6, 2016

Paul Roldan asked for a modification to the minutes to include the correct spelling of his company name of “Allgen” – removal of “e” and “r.” Johnny Helms asked for inclusion of the full name of his company, “Lumbee Resource Management Group.”

A motion was made by Paul Roldan and Malik Ali to accept the minutes with the modifications as noted. The motion was seconded by Deborah Thompson. The minutes were unanimously approved.

Introductions of Council Members

Each of the attendees in person introduced themselves. First, Vice Chair Jay Narang, followed by Paul Roldan, Christine McMillon, Deborah Thompson, Johnny Helms and Barbara Melvin. On the phone, Chair Cheryl Gonzalez, followed by Malik Ali, Mariana Lugaro, Rhett Frisbie and finally Michelle Andrewin.

Council Chair/Vice Chair’s Update

Vice Chair updates –

Vice Chair Narang witnessed the OSD outreach efforts in Ft. Lauderdale during the Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council Expo. He heard positive feedback from OSD’s presentation about how to work with local, state and federal government. Vice Chair Narang also served as a moderator during a workshop about how to do business with other global companies.

He also shared that the school board of Miami-Dade has adopted a policy to allow for acceptance of NMSDC certification to help small businesses.

Sunshine Law
Bruce Conroy, Esq., Special Counsel, Department of Management Services, provided a brief overview of the Sunshine Law. Following the presentation, Vice Chair Narang asked for clarification of “daisy-chaining.” He also asked what the penalties are as a result of any violations of the Sunshine Law.

Bruce provided clarification on daisy-chaining, and then stated that the entire section of the Sunshine Law was not included in the presentation. He shared that some of the penalties for violation of the Sunshine Law includes a $500 fine. If there was an inadvertent violation, then the solution may include having to re-visit the discussion in the Sunshine.

Johnny Helms asked if he were to offer trainings in coordination with another Council member, it that would fall under the Sunshine Law. Bruce suggested that the course material be vetted through the council and disclosed as needed. If additional clarification about the Sunshine Law is necessary, it can be sent to Hue Reynolds with OSD for further research.

Florida Department of Transportation
Terry Watson, Florida Department of Transportation, provided an overview of FDOT services for small businesses, including the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program.

At this time, Council member Brian Williams also called in to the meeting.

During the presentation, Brian Williams asked FDOT about the statistics associated with the success of their programs. The presentation included statistics at the end regarding meeting the goals associated with FDOT programs.

Deborah Thompson asked about the specific courses offered, and the hours assigned to them. She also wanted to understand the requirements for out-of-state certification with FDOT.

Paul Rendleman, Office of the General Counsel, Department of Management Services provided an overview of the existing, approved bylaws for the Council. Since Paul has recently joined DMS, he would like to work with the Council to modify some of the language within the bylaws. He will work with Hue Reynolds to get proposed language to the Council. Historically, this was handled through the Internal Procedures and Bylaws Committee.

Vice Chair Narang asked the question regarding the section on “ethical standards.” Paul Rendleman highlighted the last paragraph of the section that includes the exceptions. Paul also shared that the important factor to keep in mind is that being a member of the Council should not provide any advantage, nor should any member gain advantage based on the individual’s status on the Council.

Chair Gonzalez asked for clarification regarding whether members of the general public are able to attend the meeting and can public provide input on items for voting or policy discussions. She asked that Paul look into this and get clarification from Bruce Conroy about this issue. She also asked that if Council members have additional questions that they may be sent to Hue Reynolds for clarification from the General Counsel’s office.

Stakeholder Commentary
Enterprise Florida Small Business Council – Julius Davis

·  Julius Davis was not able to join the call

·  Chair Gonzalez spoke about the Enterprise FIorida Memorandum of Understanding with the Council (tab 3). She asked for Hue Reynolds to obtain the recent signed agreement from Sec. Poppell.

·  Chair Gonzalez also noted that the Division name within EFI through Statute is called MASBEC – Minority and Small Business Entrepreneurship Capital.

Deborah Thompson asked: what can EFI do to encourage more small business involvement? The discussion included having each of the Committees do a little bit more work, on particularly legislative matters. Now that the Session has ended, the Committee can review which bills were unsuccessful and align efforts with legislators who are supportive of small businesses.

New Council members wanted to better understand the role of Julius Davis, and Chair Gonzalez explained that by statute, the Council is supposed to have a member representing Enterprise Florida.

Chair Gonzalez would like to invite Peter Harris to speak next month. Hue Reynolds will reach out to him extending the invitation for the June meeting.

Hue Reynolds also shared that the next Enterprise Florida Board meeting is in Naples on May 10 and 11.

Review of Strategic Plan
Chair Gonzalez shared the history of the State’s Strategic and Comprehensive Planning report that was spearheaded by former Council member Wendy Grey. This plan was adopted in

2014 and is becoming the blueprint for the Council’s work. Chair Gonzalez also stated that there is opportunity for the succession of the chair/vice chair and new leadership opportunities for the committees.

It was suggested that the Research and Emerging Trends Committee research and devise a “roadmap” for small businesses, to help guide them through the process of working with government.

Committee Participation and Break-out Sessions

Each of the available Committees, including Research and Emerging Trends: Barbara Melvin and Paul Roldan, Communications: Jay Narang and Johnny Helms, and Legislation & Policy: Deborah Thompson and Christine McMillon, broke out into groups to discuss various issues.

Annual Report 2016 Outline

Chair Gonzalez stated that the work done today will serve as the outline for the annual report, particularly the items within the State Comprehensive Plan. She asked that members send pictures to Hue for inclusion in the Annual Report.

Recommendations to the Strategic Plan

This discussion occurred during the beginning of the meeting. See section noted above.

Chair Gonzalez reminded members of the tour of the Tampa Port scheduled for May 5. She also stated that she would attend SBDC event.

Open to the Public

No members of the public attended or called in to the meeting.

Next Scheduled Council Meeting: June 1, 2016

Meeting was adjourned at 4:34 pm

Florida Advisory Council on Small and Minority Business Development

Florida Department of Management Services