Photography Competition: Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions are intended to help you understand what this competition aims to achieve, how to meet our eligibility criteria and deadlines and to promote fair participation in the process. By submitting photographs, you are agreeing to accept our Terms and Conditions.

About the Competition ‘All About Ageing’

The Age Action Alliance is a network of older people and organisations working in partnership to promote solutions for an ageing society. To celebrate its second anniversary on 30 September 2013, the Alliance is proud to announce its first photography competition aimed at celebrating ageing in the UK.

Our aim is to encourage improved attitudes to ageing through generating more positive images of diverse older people and their contribution to wider society. These images will be used to promote the work of the Age Action Alliance and support the work of members and positive media reporting.

Photographs submitted under the following categories will be considered:

·  Celebrating Age - Recognising older people’s contribution to society

·  Diverse Ageing - Improving attitudes to ageing across society

·  Mind the Gap - Skill sharing and knowledge transfer across age groups

·  Digital World - Encouraging digital learning and inclusion

·  Ageing Themes - Images linked to the Age Action Alliance themes[1]

The panel may also consider selecting images entered under an Open Category.

How to Enter

The competition is open to everyone of all ages but we particularly welcome entries from older people and images which celebrate later life, encourage digital inclusion, promote positive relationships between different age groups and reflect the full diversity of our ageing society.

To submit your photograph for consideration by the Alliance judging panel, please provide the following:

1)  Please email your photograph in the required format (large size[2] and high resolution) to , stating your chosen category.[3]

2)  All entries must be submitted together with your name, town/city of residence, postcode, entry category and provide a brief explanation of what inspired you to take the picture or what it means to you.

3)  If you want to tell us your age and other characteristics (eg gender, ethnicity, disability) it will help us to understand the diversity of entrants but it will not be published or shared with the judging panel.

4)  Please provide us with a telephone number and email contact (for yourself or for someone acting on your behalf) so that we can contact winners. Please complete a consent form if submitting on someone else’s behalf.

5)  All information will be treated in line with data protection but we will wish to credit your work and publicise winners names unless you tell us otherwise.

Closing Date

All entries must be received by the Alliance Secretariat not later than 31 October 2013. They must be submitted to the above email address in the required high resolution format (see footnote above for details).

The judging panel will be drawn from older people and organisations involved with the Age Action Alliance. Winners will be notified and announced to members by the end of the year. All winning entries and selected photographs will be featured on the Alliance website:


When you enter an image in our competition, you retain copyright over your image - in other words, you still own it. We do, however, ask you to allow us to use your image to promote the aims of the Alliance, at our own discretion. In return, we will ensure you are credited as the photographer wherever possible.

By submitting your photograph to the Age Action Alliance you are confirming that you accept our Terms and Conditions and agree that the photograph is your own original work, is not copied, and does not contain any third party materials and/or content that you do not have permission to use.

You further warrant and represent that your photograph is not obscene, defamatory or in breach of any applicable legislation or regulations. Entrants are responsible for gaining consent from a parent, guardian or carer for any photos taken by a person under 18 or when submitting on behalf of an adult who is unable to submit in person. A suggested consent form is available for download here.


All photographs submitted may be used by the Age Action Alliance for its website and for members wishing to promote positive images and attitudes to ageing. Members may apply for a high resolution version to be shared, on request, to promote partnership working, practical action and positive attitudes to ageing. Photographs selected for awards and publication will be at the sole discretion of the Age Action Alliance judging panel and Secretariat.

There will be no payment for submission or publication but you will receive recognition of your photograph on the Alliance website if displayed and we hope to host an awards ceremony, exhibiting the winning photographs, if funding permits.

By submitting a photograph you agree to:

a) give us permission to publish it on our website (, in our publications and for use by members to promote improved attitudes to ageing.

b) grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to republish it in any format including without limitation in print and electronic formats.

c) use your name and town or city of residence (and age if you are under 16) for the purpose of identifying you as the author of your photograph.

We may cut, edit, crop or arrange your photograph(s) or graphic as we think fit to appear in print and on the Age Action Alliance web site and we may remove your photograph(s) or graphics at any time. Your name will be published alongside your photograph(s) or graphic, but we may edit or delete any comments which you submit along with your photograph(s) or graphic.

As author, you are free to republish your photograph wherever you wish and in whatever medium you want after submission. However you also agree to its use by the Age Action Alliance and to Alliance members who can use it to promote improved images and attitudes to ageing.

We take no responsibility for photographs that are lost, delayed, misdirected or incomplete or cannot be delivered for any technical or other reason. The Alliance will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from submission or publication of your photographs and will not return your photograph to you. In these terms and conditions "we" and "us" means the Secretariat, Partnership Development Group and Communications Group of the Age Action Alliance network.


No prize is guaranteed but we will consult our members and hope to provide some recognition of one winner in each category. All photographs will have the chance of being selected to feature on our website and to be shared with members to promote positive ageing and improve later life.

We also hope to hold an awards ceremony at which winning entries would be exhibited. If you are interested in sponsoring or contributing towards such an event, please contact the Alliance Secretariat to discuss.

Contact Us

If you have further queries regarding the competition, please contact the Alliance Secretariat by email: or telephone us on: 020 7449 7008.

[1] Please visit the Alliance website for more information ( or request this from the Secretariat ().

[2] Preferably a minimum of 1600 pixels wide or high on the longest side of the photograph and not smaller than 900x900 pixels.

[3] You can enter just one photo or up to one in each of our given categories.