Curriculum Vitae
Richard M. Garfield, RN, MPH, MS, DrPH
Team Lead for Assessment, Surveillance, and Information Management
Emergency Response and Recovery Branch,
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Adjunct Professor
Hubert Department of Global Health, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University
Henrik H. Bendixen Professor Emeritus of International Nursing and
Professor Emeritus of Population and Family Health
Columbia University in the City of New York
4770 Buford Highway
Atlanta, Georgia 30341 (001) 845 784 6542
Field epidemiologist, mobilized to assist national authorities or UN organizations to preserve
health and speed recovery of health systems in response to emergencies or and disasters in Iraq,
Yugoslavia, Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, Liberia, Kenya, Indonesia, Myanmar, India, Japan, and
USA. Visiting or adjunct faculty in public health at Columbia, Emory, and Karolinska
Columbia University, 19851986 M.S. Epidemiology
School of Public Health
Columbia University, 19821985 Dr.P.H. Social and Behavioral
School of Public Health Aspects of Disease Control
Columbia University, 19781980 M.P.H. International Health
School of Public Health
Beacon College, 19751977 B.A. Health Planning
Washington, D.C.
Hahnemann Medical College, 19741976 A.D. Nursing
Philadelphia, Pa.
Licensure and Certification
Emergency Medical Technician Pennsylvania (1975)
Professional Nursing Pennsylvania #212699L (1976)
New York #3063391 (1978)
Clinical Specialist, Community Health Nursing #15216919 (1990)
Prior Employment
2010-2012 Henrik H. Bendixen Professor of Clinical International Nursing, School of Nursing and Clinical Population and Family Health, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University in the City of New York
Health Services Consultant to CDC OD, COGH, CGH, HSRO, and IEHRB offices
12/95 – 2009 Henrik H. Bendixen Professor of Clinical International Nursing
Director, PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center in Advanced Practice Nursing
7/07 - 10/08 Project Manager, Health and Nutrition Tracking Service, Health Action in
Crisis Directorate, WHO and Chair, Information Management Group,
Global Health Cluster
7/95 11/95 Associate Professor of Clinical Nursing
7/93 6/95 Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, Columbia University
11/88 6/93 Assistant Professor of Nursing and Public Health (Epidemiology)
1988 present Consultancies (selected)
CDC: Consultant to Director, CPGH and OD in establishing CGH
Assisting the directors of FETP and IEHRB in priority setting during transition from COGH to CGH
Health services assessment and priority setting activities in HSRO for Haiti and Southern Sudan
Analysis of mortality impact of public health program actions in Haiti (now being used as template for several other country programs)
WHO: Project Lead for program establishing priorities for non-
communicable disease programs in low income countries
Chapter lead author for annual report on socioeconomic conditions
in development and non-communicable diseases
Indicator priority setting consultant for UN General Assembly
session on NCDs (September 2011)
Training, planning, supervision of national staff post 2003 war in Iraq
OCHA: (for ACAPS and ACE): Lead in 3 training programs to prepare
roster members from UNDAC and other cluster members to
engage in Joint Multi-Sector Assessments
Assessment of the impact of sanctions on Serbia; Assessment of the impact of possible sanctions on Liberia; Sanctions Assessment Handbook
WFP: Leading a project to establish rapid frequent monitoring in Food Security Assessment Program (in VAM)
Analysis of data from nutrition survey in Northern Iraq
UNICEF Office of Eval and Save the Children Federation: Impact of Tusnami Response in Aceh, Sri Lanka, and Maldives
UNICEF Iraq: Coordination of program reviews in health sector, Central and Southern Iraq
UNICEF Mid East Region: With World Bank, Post-War Review and Planning for Health and Nutrition Sectors
UNICEF Brazil: Evaluation of information system used by health agents
OXFAM: Advisement in instituting a humanitarian monitoring system by the
Palestinian Authority Central Bureau of Statistics
CARE USA: Needs assessment of children affected by war in Central America
Save the Children Intl: Evaluation of tsunami response Aceh, India, Sri Lanka
PAHO: Design of information systems for community participation in malaria control
Promotion of sociomedical studies of malaria diagnosis and control
Development of nursing systems in Nicaragua
Analysis of the impact of migration on malaria
International Medical Corp: Design of primary care projects in Mozambique; Humanitarian Vulnerabilities and Coping in Iraq; Planning to Improve EMS System in Iraq; Management of Assistance Programs Post-2003 war; Development of Primary Care Mental Health program in Louisiana
Physicians for Human Rights: Humanitarian Vulnerabilities and Coping in Iraq
Merlin: Establishment of a Clinical System of Emergency Care in Iraq
World Bank: Needs assessments for programs in Panama and Nicaragua
2/82 3/83 Staff Nurse, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, New York, N.Y.
4/81 12/81 Assistant to the Director of Nursing, Division of Medical Attention, Ministry of Health, Nicaragua
10/80 1/81 Research and Evaluation Consultant, International Planned Parenthood Association, Western Hemisphere Regional Office
Professional Committees and Organizations
Editorial Boards:
American Journal of Disaster Medicine, American Journal of Nursing, BioScience Trends (Japan)
Journal of Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness (2005)
Minorities at Risk Project Advisory Board E (2009)
Academic Advisory Committee, UN Rep for Children and Armed Conflict (1999)
Institute for the Study of Genocide (1999)
Institute of Medicine Committee on Gulf War Studies Design (1998)
N Y Academy of Medicine Human Rights Committee #463725 (1997)
International Program on Refugee Trauma (1997)
International Society for University Nurses (1994)
Doctors of the World (1993)
New York City Department of Health International Health Task Force (1993)
American Medical Student Association Intnl Health Advisory Board (1991)
Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Honor Society (1988)
American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (1986)
APHA Intl Committee on Human Rights (Chair 9197, Cochair 97) (1985)
Society For Epidemiologic Research (1985)
NYS Nursing Association Committee on Human Rights (1984)
International Union for Health Education (1982)
American Nurses Association (1982)
Nicaraguan Nurses Association #809 (1981)
American Public Health Association #4546776 Governing Council (2001) (1978)
Pennsylvania Emergency Nurses Association (1976)
Humanitarian Policy Group Advisory Group (ODI, UK) (2007)
Academic Appointments
Visiting Professor, Karolinska Institute, Sweden 2007-
Visiting Professor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 2000 - 2004
Director, PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center in Advanced Practice Nursing 1998 - 2010
Henrik H. Bendixen Professor of Clinical International Nursing 1998 -2012
Language Proficiency
Native Tongue: English
Reading Comprehension: French, Italian
Advanced Professional Proficiency: Spanish, Portuguese
Advisor, Director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2009-2010)
Human Rights Institute Keynote, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory U (2003) Fellow, American Academy of Nursing (2002)
Visiting Professor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (2001-04)
Atlantic Policy Fellowship, British Council (2001)
Fellow, Cuny Center for the Study of Societies in Crisis (2000)
Irving H. Mauss Visiting Professor, North Shore Hospital (2000)
Edward Barsky International Health Award, Physician's Forum (1998)
Bendixen Chair in International Nursing (1995)
Cecil and Ida Green Honors Visiting Professor, Texas Christian U. (1993)
Dorothy and Thomas O'Neil Distinguished Faculty Award for
Community Service, Columbia University School of Nursing (1991)
John and Kathleen Gorman Public Health Humanitarian Award,
Columbia University School of Public Health, New York, N.Y. (1985)
Travel Fellowship, Oxfam U.K. (1986)
Grants Received
Merlin Haiti $30,000 2010
ACAPs $50,000 2010-2011
W.H.O. Research on Non Communicable Diseases $116,000 2009-2010
And Development
UNICEF Evaluation of Tsunami Recovery $56,000 2008
Global Burden of Disease, Conflict Assessment $20,000 2008
Improving the monitoring of humanitarian emergencies
Karolinska Institut, Sweden $35,000 2007
Assessment and Evaluation of Recovery from Hurricaine Katrina
CU National Center for Disaster Preparedness $43,000 2005-2006
Nursing Continuing Education program for Aceh, Indonesia
World Health Organization $32,000 (approved, not funded) 2005-2006
Assessing the role of small arms in post-war Sudan
Small Arms Survey/Government of Canada $55,000 2006-2008
Development of an In-Service Training Program for HIV Practitioners in Rwanda
CU School of Public Health MCTC program $82,000 2005-2006
Strengthening Nursing and Public Health Training at Bir Zeit University, Palestinian Territory
Mellon Foundation $150,000 2002-2005
Joint London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine-Columbia University Program of Research with
Bir Zeit University $150,000 2002-2005
OCHA/UN Evaluation of Sanctions $55,147 2002-2002
British Council
Atlantic Policy Fellowship $ 30,000 2000-2001
Columbia University Institute of Iberian and Latin American Studies
Faculty Travel Grant $ 1,400 2000
Fourth Freedom Foundation
Evaluation of Studies on Embargo Impact in Iraq $ 5,000 1997
Kellogg Foundation, Dentcare Program
Methodology Consultant $ 25,000 19971999
Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation
Evaluation of a Universitybased NursePractitioner, Independent Practice Clinic
P.I. $540,000 19951997
N.Y.S. Department of Health Bureau of Health Resources Development
Evaluation of a Universitybased NursePractitioner, Independent Practice Clinic
P.I. $200,000 19951997
Samuel S. Rubin Foundation
Collaborative Research on the Impact of Embargo on Health in Cuba
P.I. $ 6,000 19951996
Health of the Public Community/Medical Center Partnership at Columbia University. Health of the
Public Program (Pew Charitable Trusts, Robert Wood Johnston Foundation, and Rockefeller Found.)
P.I. $150,000 19931996
Community health promotion based on volunteer youth P.I.
Comprehensive Health Investment Program (CHIP) Replication Project, Virginia
P.I. $40,000 (Approved, Not Funded) 1992-1995
Centers for Disease Control Model Health Department/School of Public Health Collaborative Project:
Assessment of Immunization Status Among Children in Washington Heights
CoP.I. $14,626 19921993
Enhancing community based health care in academic medical centers P.I. and Project Director
W.K. Kellogg Foundation $59,000 1991
Microcomputer based graduate nursing education promotion (P.I.)
W.K. Kellogg Foundation $933,069 19891992
Helene Fuld Health Trust $15,000 19891990
Interamerican Foundation $10,000 19831984
Master's research (P.I.)
Academic Participation
Invited Lectures and Delivered Papers:
1976 S.U.N.Y. at Utica, Syracuse University, Harpur College, Mohawk Valley CC
1977 University of Pennsylvania
American Public Health Association Public Health Issues in China
1978 Columbia University, Cornell University, New York University
1979 New York University
1980 Columbia University, Cuban National University
APHA Changes in Chinese Health Delivery Systems in the PostMao Era
First National Congress of Cuban Nursing Relations Between Cuban and U.S. Nurses (Plenary)
1981 Stockton State Community College
1982 Columbia U., Hunter College, Albert Einstein Medical College
American Public Health Association Recent Health Developments in Nicaragua
N.Y. Conf on Health Care in Central America Health Admin in Central America
1983 Columbia University, Queens College
APHA Evaluation of Mass Drug Administration for Malaria Control in Nicaragua
1984 Columbia U., New York U, Queens College, Brown U., Harvard U.
APHA Strategies for Community Participation in Malaria Control in Nicaragua
New Perspectives on Caribbean Studies Health Services in Central America (Plenary)
Pan American Nursing Congress Role of Nursing in Human Rights and Justice (Plenary)
1985 Columbia University, Montclaire State College
APHA Coordination and Participation of Panel on Health Care in Central America
1986 Harvard U., Johns Hopkins U., U. of Conn., Columbia U., SUNY (Utica), Syracuse University (Utica), Radcliffe Infirmary (Oxford), Bellinzona (Switzerland), Mario Negri Research Institute (Milan), Colgate
Connecticut PHA The Role for and Limitations of International Assistance in Health Activities
British Peds Association Determinants of Infant Mortality Decline in Central America
Am Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Community Participation in Malaria Control
1987 Harvard U.
Dunning Mem Symposium, CU SDOS Socialized Health Systems Are Not All the Same
APHA Use of Service Statistics to Evaluate Diarrhea Control Programs in Nicaragua
1988 Case Western U., U. of Rochester, SUNY (Brockport)
Latin American Studies Association Epi Outcomes of War Related Activities in Nicaragua
American Public Health Association Primary Health Care Controversies in Central America
1989 University of Leeds, London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, University of Sheffield
1990 Kellogg Foundation Networking Conference, Boston
1992 Acute Combat Trauma Symposium, Norfolk Epi Perspectives on War Related Casualties
The Impact of International Embargos on Health APHA
Desocialization of the Health Care in PostSandinista Nicaragua APHA
1993 Green Chair Professor Lecture, Texas Christian University The Health of Minorities in the US
Inst. Social Medicine and Community Health, Phila The Health Left Past, Present, and Future
UCSF, Old Westbury
Military Involvement in Humanitarian Activities APHA
Nursing Leadership in Primary Care in Northeast Brazil APHA
1994 Hampshire College
Health Impact of Embargo on Cuba 1st Intl Conference on Health and Human Rights
Health Impact of the Economic Embargo on Cuba APHA
Health Impact of the Economic Embargo on Cuba UNICEF
Health Impact of the Economic Embargo on Cuba Doctors of the World
1995 Bates College
Health Impact of Economic Embargos III World Congress of Bioethics (S.F.)
Comparative Analysis of Health in Embargoed Countries UNICEF
1996 National Autonomous University (Dominican Republic)
1997 National Autonomous University (Dominican Republic)
University of Miami NorthSouth Center The Health Impact of Economic Embargoes
University of Wisconsin, Madison- International perspectives on advanced practice
University Consortium on Sanctions, Humanitarian Impact of Sanctions, New York City
Olaf Palme Intl Center/Cuban Committee for Democracy Analysis of the Embargo on Cuba
3rd Intl Conf on Health and Human Rights in Gaza The Health Impact of Economic Embargoes
Data Needs for Assessment of Humanitarian Impact of Embargoes U.N.
Economic Sanctions and their impact on civilian populations lessons from Cuba, Haiti, and Iraq
Effects of sanctions on maternalchild health
Can sanctions be redesigned within humanitarian guidelines? U of Wisconsin
Economic sanctions APHA
1998 U Wisc: Changes in nursing in Latin America; Cuban Innovations in Primary Care; Embargos
Mt. Sinai Hospital Grand Rounds, Embargo Effects on Iraq
U of Iowa, Global Outbreak Intervention: Sociopolitical Influences on Malaria Control
3rd Intl Nursing Colloquium in Riberon Preto, Brazil: Nursing Participation in Health Research
University Consortium on Sanctions, Estimating the Impact of Sanctions on Well being in Iraq
University of Galveston, Texas, Structural Adjustment and Impact on Malaria Control
Ottawa, Canadian Ctr for Foreign Policy Development (Min For Affairs), Nigeria: Sanctions Roundtable Ottawa, Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), UN Sanctions
Cornell U Rogers Health Policy Colloquium. Health and Human Rights: Impact of Sanctions
Health impact of economic sanctions APHA
Methods to assess mortality changes in Iraq APHA