Summer News
June 6th we returned from a six week trip, about 4,200 miles, 14 stops, 12 services and met with several missions directors, church staff, and about a dozen individual partners. We also attended our NYS District Council. We feel it very important that we make a personal visit with each partner as often as possible.
We trust that in each visit we were a blessing. We know each of the churches we visited were a blessing to this ministry. PTL!!! Not only were our offerings enough to meet the expenses of the trip but we were able to give Global a check for $3,500 to help in the cost of courses.
We are truly grateful.
Our AG Joint Chaplains Conference was held, June 13-16, here in Springfield. This is a gathering for all our various chaplains including military. It was one of the best attended we have had. We enjoyed networking with many of our correctional chaplains from all over the US.
PLEASE PRAY for our correctional chaplains. Many are experiencing great budget restraints even drastic reduction if not elimination of the chaplains in their systems. Then many are retiring. We need to pray that the Lord replaces them with men and women who have a passion for the incarcerated.
Tuesday, 6.21, Florence had serious back surgery to correct spinal stenosis in one vertebra and to attach bone grafts and rods with screws to correct scoliosis. The surgery went very well with a good prognosis. The Dr. feels she will have far less pain and will be able to walk more erect.
There is no doubt that we are moving rapidly toward the vision the Lord gave me about 2 ½ years ago where we would be grading 500 courses a week and five days a week. In fact, we have someone here most every day either grading or getting courses ready to grade and we a grading about 330 courses a week.
- For each grader to be used of the Lord as HIS hands extended to those who in many ways are the forgotten.
- For more graders, 5 more English and at least 3 more Spanish.
- For God to miraculously supply the funds for the courses – now near $500 a day.
God has restored me -
from insecurity to certainty,
from confusion to stability,
from regret to contentment.
from fear to boldness,
from sadness to joy
from defeat to victory
from anger to a calm spirit
from embarrassment to a right mind set
from longing to fulfillment.Amen
I want to thank you for these studies. It’s a great thing you do. It brings me understanding of the word and peace in my heart and helps me to my path of seeking God.
I spend an average of 6-8 hours a day 7 days a week with my studies. I have a thirst for this knowledge that is unrivaled in anything I have ever done in my life. In the last year I have grown more spiritually than I had in the first 47 years of my life.