Rocks 3 – 6 Revision Questions

1.The diagram shows a volcano erupting.

not to scale

(a)Look at the diagram. Give the letter which labels:

(i) magma; ……….. (ii) liquid lava; ……… iii)old solid rock. ……….. 3 marks

(b) When magma and lava cool, they form a hard crystalline rock.
What is the name of this type of rock? Tick the correct box.

igneous rock metamorphic rock sedimentary rock 1 mark

(c) The changes listed below take place when a volcano erupts.
Which one of these changes could be reversed? Tick the correct box.

Old rock is heated to form a different rock.

Sulphur burns to form sulphur dioxide.

Water is heated to form water vapour. 1 mark

(d) Ash from a volcano dropped into a lake. All the fish in the lake were killed and buried under the ash in the mud at the bottom of the lake.

The photograph below shows the remains of a fish millions of years later.

(i) The photograph shows the body parts which supported the fish.
Give the name of these body parts.

...... 1 mark

(ii) Give the name for animal and plant remains that are found in a rock after millions of years.

...... 1 mark

2.These photographs show how the cliffs on the coastline by a church changed between the years 1886 and 1919.

/ the church and
coastline in 1886
/ the church and
coastline in 1904


/ the church and
coastline in 1912
/ the church and
coastline in 1919

photographs by kind permission of Dunwich museum

(a)(i) How can you tell from the photographs that the coastline has changed?

...... 1 mark

(ii) What made the coastline change? Tick the correct box. 1 mark

the rain / / the sea / / the Sun / / the wind /

(b) On the seashore, pebbles that are rough and uneven become smooth and rounded. Explain how they become smooth and rounded.


...... 1 mark

(c) The photograph below shows a carved limestone head. The surface of the limestone has changed over many years.

(i)Which process made the surface of the limestone change over many years? Tick the correct box. 1 mark

Carving / / polishing / / Melting / / Weathering /

(ii) Name a substance in the air which made the surface of the limestone change.

...... 1 mark

3.(a) Joseph and Meena did some experiments to show how new rocks can be formed.

(i) Joseph used the following materials.

sand pebbles water plaster

Joseph mixed these materials and left the mixture to go hard. The solid looked like this.

Rocks are grouped into three types: igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary.

Which of these types of rock is most like Joseph’s ‘rock’? …………………………...1 mark(ii) Meena took some crystals. She put them in a crucible and heated it until the crystals melted. She let the crucible cool very slowly until the contents went solid. The solid she tipped out from the crucible looked like this.

Which of the three types of rock is most like Meena’s ‘rock’?...... 1 mark

(b) Rocks can be broken by weathering when:

1. Water gets into cracks in rocks.

2. The water in the cracks turns to ice and expands.

3. The rocks split into smaller pieces.

What else must happen during this part of this weathering process? Tick two boxes.

The temperature stays the same.

The temperature falls below freezing point.

The temperature stays above freezing point.

Expansion forces the cracks in the rock to close.

Expansion forces the cracks in the rock to open.

Expansion forces all of the water out of the cracks. 2 marks

4.Five different rocks, A, B, C, D and E, are described in the table.

(a) From the information given, classify each rock as:igneous, metamorphic or sedimentary. One has been done for you. 4 marks

Rock / Description of the rocks surface / Classification
A / The rock is crystalline. It has interlocking crystals of different colours and no layers can be seen.
B / The rock is made of many rounded sand grains
C / The rock is crystalline with distinct black and grey bands / Metamorphic
D / Pieces of shells can be seen in the rock
E / The rock is very fine-grained, hard, and splits into thin layers.

(b) Look at the descriptions of the rocks A, B, C, D and E.

(i) Sheets of slate are used as roofing material. Which rock could be slate?

Give the letter ...... 1 mark

(ii) When limestone is weathered, fossils sometimes appear in the surface.
Which rock could be limestone?Give the letter ...... 1 mark

(iii) Granite is a crystalline rock. Its surface is speckled with a number of colours. It can be used for road chippings. Which rock could be granite?

Give the letter ...... 1 mark

Thomas Estley Community College1