European Commission
Directorate-General for Fisheries
Dg Fish Information System Development
Version 0.70
Report Date: 20/06/2003
Project: / FISH
Part: / Development – CATCH REPORTING on the NET
Date: / 20/06/2003
Author: / Samourkasidis/Mills/Diamantopoulos
Distribution: / DG Fisheries, Intrasoft International Sa.
FISH-06-USD-CRONT-v070En.doc / Page 1 of 1
Purpose of the Document
This document describes the use of the CATCH REPORTING on the NET DG FISH Information System.
This document is intended to be both an instructional guide (section 2) and a reference manual.
Document History
Version / Date / Comments0.10 / 23-Apr-2002 / First draft by Apostolis Samourkasidis.
Submitted to QA for internal review.
0.20 / 30-Apr-2002 / Submitted to DG FISH for review.
0.30 / 31-May-2002 / Incorporating DG FISH comments. Re-submitted for review.
0.40 / 09-Aug-2002 / Incorporating DG FISH comments. Re-submitted for review.
0.50 / 11-June-2003 / Incorporating DG FISH comments and updates.
0.60 / 18-June-2003 / Reviewed by Mr. LIAKIS.
Submitted to QA for internal review.
0.70 / 20-June-2003 / Incorporating QA comments.
Submitted to DG FISH for review.
Distribution List
Company / Name / E-Mail AddressDG Fish / Mr. DOM /
Intrasoft / Mr. LIAKIS /
FISH-06-USD-CRONT-v070En.doc / Page 1 of 1
List of Tables
Table of Contents
Purpose of the Document
Document History
Distribution List
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
1.1Audience Description
1.2Purpose Statement
1.3Document Usage
1.4.2Other Conventions
1.5Problem Reporting Instructions
1.6Documentation References
2Instructional Guide
2.1.2System Purpose
2.1.3System Scope
2.1.4System Overview
2.2Typical Catch-Reporting Concepts
2.2.5Cumulative Catches/Landings
2.2.6Reporting Periodicity
2.2.7Accumulation Tree/Goals
2.2.8Catch-Reporting Regime (and variations)
2.2.10Vessel-Reports (not yet implemented)
2.2.11ICCAT- reports (under construction)
2.2.12Data Visibility
2.3Theory of Operation
2.3.1Getting Started
2.3.2The CRONT Home Page
2.3.3The About section
2.3.4The Management of Catch Reporting Data section
2.3.5The Retrieval of Catch Reporting Data section
2.3.6The use of Business Objects
2.3.7Prepared Reports
2.3.8The Management of Catch Report data
3.1.1The download of all Report data for a particular month
3.1.2Modification/Creation of some Catch Report figures
3.1.3Preparation to Upload the COCR-CATCH-REPORT data
3.1.4Uploading of a Catch Report
3.2The Data Exchange Messages
3.2.1Chart presentation
3.2.2The different Messages
List of Figures
Figure 21: Catch Report Environment
Figure 22: Login
Figure 23: CATCH-REPORTING Homepage
Figure 24:About Catch Reporting
Figure 25: Management of Catch-Reporting data
Figure 26: Edit Accumulation Goal
Figure 27: Retrieval of Catch Reporting Data
Figure 28: Direct Retrieval of Catch Statistics
Figure 29: Assisted Retrieval Step by Step
Figure 210: Assisted Retrieval Continued Step 5 to Step 7
Figure 211: Catch-Reports
Figure 212: Year’s Reporting selection screen
Figure 213: Year’s Reporting, List of the latest reports
Figure 214: Detail screen of a Report
Figure 215: List of all Member State’s reports
Figure 216: Download Landing Report selection screen
Figure 217: Download Accumulation Goal selection screen
Figure 218: Download Landing Statistics selection screen
Figure 219: Statistics screen
Figure 220: Download A, B reports selection screen
Figure 221: Prepared Catch Reporting Reports
Figure 222: Prepared Report
Figure 31: Download landing report
Figure 32: Downloaded data
Figure 33: Report in Notepad
Figure 34: Save in Notepad
Figure 35: Import Text File
Figure 36: Importing Notepad File
Figure 37: Text Import Wizard – Step 1 of 3
Figure 38: Text Import Wizard – Step 2 of 3
Figure 39: Text Import Wizard – Step 3 of 3
Figure 310: Import data
Figure 311: Save As in Excel – Text (Tab delimited)
Figure 312: First Warning Message
Figure 313: Second Warning Message
Figure 314: Third Warning Message
Figure 315: Test COCR Data in Excel
Figure 316: Opening Excel files in Notepad
Figure 317: Test File in Notepad
Figure 318: Replacing tabs with Semicolons
Figure 319: Link to FIDES2 Home Page
Figure 320: Re-enter User Name and Password
Figure 321: FIDES2 Homepage
Figure 322: Transaction Menu Exploded
Figure 324: Uploaded Data
List of Tables
Table 11 Documentation References
Table 21 Links with other IS
Table 22 Responsibilities
Table 33:...... COCR_REGIME_REPORTS FIDES message
Table 35: CR-RPT-A FIDES message
Table 36: CR-RPT-B FIDES message
Table 37: CR-RPT-C FIDES message
Table 38: CR-RPT-D FIDES message
Table 39: CR-RPT-E FIDES message
Table 310: CR-RPT-F FIDES message
Table 311: COCR-STAT-REGIME FIDES message
This document describes the way to use the Catch Reportingon the Net (CRONT) Information Systems with specific emphasis on how to manage the data that is to be stored in the Catch Reporting database.
1.1Audience Description
Users that normally access the data via a web-browser will not need to read the entire document. They may use the on-line help – About Catch Reporting and Retrieval of Catch Reporting Data, both of which can be found on the CRONT home page (please see the to the FIDES 2/CRONT website section at page 17).
An overall presentation of the major system functions and support information is included in this document from section 2.1.1 to 2.1.4. Users who need to access this information do not need any special technical skills to access and perform actions within the CRONT application.
For other users who are responsible for downloading, uploading, modifying, or inserting Catch Reporting information, a tutorial has been provided. Users that fall into this category need to have some basic knowledge and experience of the FIDES2 application or MS Excel. Otherwise, the tutorial provided will permit both experienced and inexperienced FIDES2 users to familiarise themselves with the preparation of data file.
It must be noted that the manual is intended both for the internal use within DG FISH, and for the external use by personnel of the Member States’ administrations.
1.2Purpose Statement
The primary aim of this document is to provide novice users with a reference guide so that they can acquire the necessary skills to be able to manage the CRONT data.
1.3Document Usage
The novice CRONT data managers are recommended to read the System Requirements Document (SRD) followed by the tutorial. This will benefit novice users to easily understand the system application.
Arrows and pointers have been added to some pictures in order for the users to be able to navigate through the CRONT application hyperlink geography, and also to locate the positions of various functions. In other images, the actual test data have been included for the users to compare their input with the one given in the tutorial.
Some arrows have been added to the screen-copies in order to focus the attention of the reader in certain parts/fields of the screen.
1.4.2Other Conventions
1.5Problem Reporting Instructions
In principle, all problems should be reported to the DG Fish Call Dispatch Helpdesk. Users can contact the service by calling +32(2)2953683. Upon connection, the user’s call will be registered and directed to the appropriate person that will be able to provide the required assistance to their problem.
Users can also send e-mails to the FISH Helpdesk (e-mail: ), and, where possible, indicate the problem(s) with a clear description. Under normal circumstances, all users will be contacted within one hour following their telephone call or within one day following their e-mail.
1.6Documentation References
This document is based upon the following documents:
Document / DescriptionCRONT SRD V0.21.doc / CRONT System Requirements Specifications
CRONT SDD V1.3.doc / CRONT System Design Document
FIDES2 Format Definitions
FIDES2 DEF Utility – User Manual
The Business Object User Manual
IEEE Std 1063-1987 / IEEE Standard for Software User Documentation
Table 11 Documentation References
Instructional Guide
2Instructional Guide
The Catch Reporting Regime is one of the tools available to the Commission, in particular to the Directorate General of Fisheries – Unit, Licenses and Control (FISH-D/4). It is for the management and limiting of the fishing opportunities in several fishing grounds (stocks), on a national and/or a global level. The limitations applying to the Community fall exclusively within the competence of the Community and arise from obligations set out in Article 8(4) or Regulation (EEC) No 3760/92 of the Council of 20/12/1992. These limitations are set and managed through the use of the TAC-Quota Information System (TQONT).
The Catch Reporting Information System of which the kernel of the system has been built during the 1980-1985 period, distinguished between two major types of catch messages:
- The ones sent by radio/fax by the individual vessels;
- And the ones received from the Member States administrations, the so-called cumulative catch-reports.
Meanwhile, new technologies allow for a more detailed (more voluminous and more frequent) follow-up of catch data and have introduced concepts such as vessel/satellite monitoring. New technologies, coupled with new regulations, also allow the Commission to access data that member States are obliged to collect and store, thereby avoiding the need to have all data transferred and stored locally at DG FISH. Finally, the co-operation with different international organisations on this subject implies the exchange of such data.
2.1.2System Purpose
The new CRONT system offers a framework in order to be able to efficiently carry out the administrative tasks involved with the management of Catches, in comparison with the pre-established TAC and Quota.
The Conservation CATCH-REPORTING Information System (acronym COCR to refer to the complete system, CRONT for the website) has replaced the existing CATCH-REPORTING system as operational from 1981. The new system offers the following benefits:
- Improves and increases the capability of automatic data introduction, with data coming from different administrations;
- It is based on the new COTQ/TQONT system described in the document COTQ SDD V1.0;
- It is able to cope with the different CATCH-REPORTING (sub-regimes), each sub-regime having different parameters where it concerns reporter, report-types, reported stocks and periodicity;
- It is based upon modern web-technology.
2.1.3System Scope
The following schema presents an overview of the CATCH REPORTING environment:
Figure 21: Catch Report Environment
The CATCH REPORTING Information System has links with the following DG FISH Information Systems:
Code Management / This project manages the common codes to all IT applications of the DG FISH, like the Country Codes, the different Languages, the types of Vessels, of Species, of Fisheries, etc(It was not shown on the previous figure to avoid complexity)
TAC-Quota / This project serves to manage the limitations on the fishing opportunities in several fishing grounds (stocks) and this on country as well as on global level and its data will be used as basis for the evaluation of the catch effort.
Table 21Links with other IS
2.1.4System Overview
The major functions covered by the system are: of the REGIMES and CATCH[1]-REPORTS, including:
- Registration of the characteristics of a new reporting regime (scope, frequency, what reports to be included);
- Registration of the accumulation rules (direct or through automatic goal-searching);
- Validation, Registration and Follow-up of the regularly transferred and/or ad-hoc requested catch-report data;
- Accumulation of the data in accordance with the regime rules;
- Sending feedback on accumulated results to the required correspondents (National and International administrations).
Remark:The management of REPORTS can be done independently from the management of REGIMES; at any time new regimes can be added that will use data from reports already introduced in the database. of Information, including:
- An explanation about the Catch-Reporting Regime and its working procedures;
- Retrieval of an overview of CATCHES registered at DG FISH, where needed, compared with corresponding TAC and Quota figures for a particular agreement/geographical area, based upon the classification as defined in that TAC and Quota system (stock-groups principle);
- Retrieval and download of data registered at DG FISH: the possibility to retrieve and download CATCH figures based upon selection criteria in a pre-defined format, ready to be downloaded to an office automation software package on PC;
- Predefined Reports: The possibility to retrieve management data on the Catch-Reporting Regime based upon selection criteria (period, country, regulation or agreement, waters). These reports concern especially the catches on stocks, executed by countries, their evolution over years, and compared, if desired, with TAC, EC-Share and quota figures;
- Ad-hoc statistics can always be produced via the download option mentioned above, or via the Business Object software that will be linked to the CATCH-REPORTING and TAC-QUOTA Regime. responsibilities
The CATCH-Reporting system works with different types of data. The following scheme indicates the data-owners for these types of data. This service is responsible for the introduction of data into the system, and for corrections, if applicable.
(1)CR Systems / (2)Responsible service(3)Codes (country, species and area codes) / (4)FISH-1 Informatics
(5)Regulations / (6)The EURLEX-Reference, OJ-Reference and publication date can be introduced by FISH-D, if necessary, as part of the introduction of the TAC and Quota data; FISH-1 Informatics will monitor the process.
(7)Accumulation of CATCH-MESSAGES / (8)FISH-D/4 Control and Licenses.
(9)Comparison of CATCHES vs. TAC-QUOTA / (10)FISH-D/4 Control and Licenses.
(11)Catch Statistics / (12)FISH-D/4 Control and Licenses.
(13)Landing Reports / (14)FISH-D/4 Control and Licenses.
(15)ICCAT Reports / (16)FISH-D/4 Control and Licenses.
(17)Fishing Stops / (18)FISH-A/1 Management of Stocks.
(19)Fishing Stops Decisions / (20)FISH-D-4 Control and Licenses.
Table 22 Responsibilities
2.2Typical Catch-Reporting Concepts
A quantity of fish in Kg (live weight) caught in a specific catch-zone, by a vessel flying the flag of a country, during a certain period and reported by someone. Discards are normally not declared as catches.
A catch landed in the port of a country.
A catch transferred from one fishing vessel to another.
Depending upon the instance of who is reporting, the catch-zone can be a basic zone (e.g. simple ICES division or statistical rectangle) or a composed zone as referred to in the TAC/QUOTA Regulation.
As the composed zones are complex in definition and coding (the current system uses an encoding scheme proper to DG FISH), ideally all catch-reports should refer to well-known and internationally defined standard (or basic) zones. FISH-D/4 would prefer that reporting would be done either based on the concept of Statistical Rectangles, or (if the first possibility cannot be met) based on the Fishing Zones as defined by the FAO for Statistical purposes; however, this will require certain regulations and agreements to be adapted. Rectangle
The concept of the Statistical Rectangle has been described by the Workgroup for the Coordination of Atlantic Fisheries Statistics, also referred to as GTC in the Manuel de Statistiques des Pêches, Rome, 1994. The Codification seems to cover all the seas of the world and is composed of:
- A: 1 digit code specifying the dimension of the quadrangle;
- B: 1 digit code specifying the quadrangle on the earth-globe;
- The latitude (xx xx) and longitude (yyy yy) of the corner of the quadrangle the closest to the point where the equator crosses the Greenwich Meridian;
- Format: A B xx xx yyy yy (SA.B.xxxx.yyyyy). zones as defined by the FAO for Statistical purposes
The concept of Fishing Zones for Statistical Purpose, has been described by the Workgroup for the Coordination of Atlantic Fisheries Statistics, also referred to as GTC in the Manuel de Statistiques des Pêches, Rome, 1994. At that time 27 main zones were identified:
- 8 major zones covering the 7 continents;
- 19 major zones covering the main seas and their adjacent waters.
Each of these major zones might be subdivided into:
- sub-zones;
- divisions;
- sub-divisions;
- sometimes nk is appended/used to as not known;
- examples: 27.7.9.
2.2.5Cumulative Catches/Landings
The sum of catches/landings made over a period of time; in most cases, according to this terminology, the first day of the period equals the first day of the year.
2.2.6Reporting Periodicity
Most Regulations and Agreements identify a reporting periodicity (e.g. each month) or refer to an event, which requires sending a report (e.g. when entering or leaving a particular zone).
Therefore, the system allows dealing with a reporting period, which can be shortened when necessary (e.g. weekly reports instead of monthly when the summed catch goes above a certain catch-level).
Each catch-report could refer to a period (start and end-date) in which the quantity of fish has been taken. This principle would allow any periodicity (from 1 day to any number of consecutive days). Cumulative catches, as defined above, would then be reported as catches for the period starting first of January until the end of the reporting period; vessel catches would refer to the period in between their last report and the current one.
It has been decided to tend towards a reporting scheme based upon the periodicity - P = D(ay), W(eek), M(onth), Q(uarter), S(emester), Y(ear) - referring with a date (YYYYMMDDP) to the last day of the reported timeframe P.
2.2.7Accumulation Tree/Goals
Catches will be accumulated, following certain rules, in order to have the “total catch” to be compared with a pre-established fishing opportunity (TAC, EC-share, Quota).
This accumulation can be straightforward such that all catches for the same catch-area are simply summed.
However, the reported catch area may differ geographically (and in coding) from the area for which a fishing opportunity has been defined. Two reasons can be identified: