Minutes EMDR Assoc East Anglia Steering Group
Monday Nov 3 2014-11-04
Present on Skype: Mark Brayne (chair), Richard Holborn (Cambridge), Walid Abdul-Hamid (Chelmsford), Kerry Hebdon (Treasurer), Sonya Farrell. Apologies Michael Rivers, Jutta Brayne, Annabel Hare.
- Feedback from Norwich networking day Oct 18 2014. Richard reported back on the bsummary of forms from the networking day, which were overwhelmingly positive and enthusiastic. Average score 4.59 out of 5, with phrases like “beyond expectations”, “travelled 40 miles, spent £15 and this was the most reflective and validating thing I‘ve done in years”. Appreciation of being part of a wider EMDR community. 18 legible sheets, with 26 present.
See attached detailed printout for comments and suggestions., which included requests for events to look at e.g. interweaves, affect regulation, somatic issues, protocols, eating disorders, attachment and veterans.
Summary of notes from the day was agreed, for distribution to the Google Group.
Action: Mark to distribute minutes, report and feedback.
- Finances. Useful discussion of setting up Cooperative bank account for the Regional Group, with Kerry as principal signatory and user, with Mark, Walid and Richard all also with authority to use the account. Forms to be completed at forthcoming CPD day in Chelmsford, for forwarding to Kerry to submit.
Kath Norgate, Association Treasurer, has kindly offered to help Kerry with spreadsheets and the basics of getting the group finances going.
Registered address for the account and for anything posted will be Richard’s business premises in Cambridge, rather than Kerry’s home.
Action: Richard to confirm business address, forms to be completed in Chelmsford and forwarded to Kerry for sending in to the Coop.
- Events. Walid reported on preparation for Chelmsford working-with-veterans day on Nov 24. Registration about to open, managed by Anglia Ruskin Uni who – the upside – are also keen to be seen to be owning the event.
Discussion of the idea of mini-conferences at half a day, as is done in the NW Region, but agreement that better to stick with later start and earlier finish, as our members are more dispersed than around Manchester.
Date set for first meeting in the new year possibly in Cambridge Jan 31. Options might include Roger Kingerlee and Mark focusing on interweaves, or asking Sandi Richman if she could tackle this or another subject.
Norwich again in May or June, possibly looking at Laurel Parnell’s attachment-focused approach and her modified protocol, after Mark has been to her training in NY in January.
Chelmsford again in July or September 2015 with a view to a full regional conference in Norwich, UEA possibly, on the already agreed dates of either Oct 17 or fallback day Nov 14.
Speakers might include Jim Knipe, on Skype, Sandi Richman as experienced trainer, Pam Virdi from Birmingham on EMDR and eating disorders, Remy Aquarone from Norwich on dissociation.
Also, Walid noted importance of forthcoming ICD-11 revision, next year, of the PTSD diagnosis, splitting this out from Complex Trauma. Hugely relevant for EMDR, and will need exploring. Mark volunteered to check with Andreas Maercker in Germany and with the UKPTS for who in the UK might speak to that.
Action: Team to check possible clashes with Oct 17 or Nov 14 2014. Mark to check with Sandi Richman if she can do Jan 31,and with Pam Virdi for future events. Sonya to explore ways of getting Jim Knipe to the wider group.
- Website. All agreed we need a regional website, and liked that of the West Midlands EMDR support group. Mark volunteered to put together a basic site that looks much the same.
Action: Mark to explore options for regional website.
- Group supervision on Skype. Discussed idea of a regular support slot on Skype or with some other appropriate online conferencing facility, e.g., Vuze or TeamViewer. Mark to launch experiment with same for the region in the coming week, with view to weekly peer supervision slot attended by those who can, with ideally Consultant or at least Practitioner in attendance.