S T E P 3 F O R M S

These forms are Word documents, downloadable at:



The Lesson Plan you submit is part of an 8-session residency plan (aka unit plan). Please use this form to summarize, in one or two sentences, each of the other lessons in the plan. Indicate which one is the Lesson Plan you submitted.

Unit Title: / Grade:
Art Discipline:
GLO(s) – if applicable
HCPS III Fine Arts Benchmarks (Topic,Code,Text):
Other Core Area Standards or Benchmarks (if applicable):
Overview of Unit:
In this unit, what do you want students to know and be able to do?
Lesson # / Summary of Lesson Content

S T E P 3 F O R M S


Title: / Grade: / Art Discipline: / Time:
What do you want students to know, do and be like as a result of this lesson? / ESSENTIAL QUESTION:
HCPS III Fine Arts Benchmark (Topic, Code, Text):
Key Arts Vocabulary:
How will students demonstrate what they have learned?
What does quality look like? / Fine Arts Assessment Task:
Rubric based on Arts Benchmark and Task:
Quality Criteria / Advanced / Proficient / Novice
What will you do to plan ahead? / Classroom Set Up:
Materials & Equipment needed:
Prior to this lesson, students need to know:
Teaching Tips:
What are the steps you will take to facilitate a meaningful learning experience? / # Minutes /


Include questions you ask students before, during, or after an activity in the lesson to elicit their thinking about their own work or about work they are studying. / Create / Perform / Respond
Closing Reflection with Students:

S T E P 3 F O R M S


Title: / Grade: / Art Discipline: / Time:
What do you want students to know, do
and be like as a result of this lesson? / ESSENTIAL QUESTION/UNDERSTANDING:
HCPS III Fine Arts Benchmark (Topic, Code, Text):
Key Arts Vocabulary:
Common Core Standard if Content Area is Language Arts or Math (Strand, Code, Text):


HCPS III Standard/Benchmark if Content Area is Science, Social Studies, etc. (Topic, Code, Text):
Key Content Vocabulary:
How will students demonstrate what they have learned?
What does quality look like? / Fine Arts Assessment Task:
Rubric based on Arts Benchmark and Task:
Quality Criteria / Advanced / Proficient / Novice
How will students demonstrate what they have learned?
What does quality look like? / Content Area Assessment Task:
Rubric based on Content Area Standard and Task:
Quality Criteria / Advanced / Proficient / Novice
What will you do to plan ahead? / Classroom Set Up:
Materials & Equipment needed:
Prior to this lesson, students need to know:
Teaching Tips:
What are the steps you will take to facilitate a meaningful learning experience? / # Minutes /


Include questions you ask students before, during, or after an activity in the lesson to elicit their thinking about their own work or about work they are studying. / Create / Perform / Respond
Closing Reflection with Students:


2016 ATP Roster Application_Step 3 forms