AP Check 2
- During the Early Modern period in world history, which region, culture, ideology, or civilization came to dominate the world?
- Muslim
- Chinese
- American
- European
- Communism
- All of these were gunpowder empires EXCEPT:
- Safavid Persia.
- Ottoman Turkey.
- Mughal India.
- Ming China.
- Tokugawa Japan.
- A major feature of the early modern globalization of international trade was the
- Dominance of trade by the Muslims.
- Intentional isolation of countries from participating in international trade.
- Unequal economic and commercial relationships and the dependence of many other states on European states.
- Decline of the luxury trade.
- Decrease of unfree labor such as slavery and serfdom.
- The Columbian exchanges involved all of these global movements EXCEPT:
- European diseases devastated the Americas.
- American foodstuffs and crops spread around the world.
- Africans were forcibly transported to the Americas.
- European transplanted their crops, animals, and economic systems to the Americas.
- Indian populations were resettled to the Pacific islands and African lands.
5. The Renaissance in Western Europe
- Profoundly challenged absolutist traditions in government.
- Was primarily religious in outlook.
- Began in England and France but spread throughout Europe.
- Challenged medieval values and intellectual constructs.
- Was the last European intellectual movement to influence world cultures.
6. The cause of the massive inflation in 16th century Europe was
- The Renaissance monarchs’ increased demand for art.
- The Reformation challenged faith in the economy.
- The large imports of gold and silver from overseas colonies.
- The religious wars destroyed the economic structures.
- Trade between Europe and the Muslim world.
7. Mercantilism differs from capitalism because mercantilism
- Discourages colonies and overseas adventures.
- Encourages skilled workers to demand better pay and benefits.
- Does not encourage the state or government intervention in the economy.
- Allows imports and exports without tariffs and barriers.
- Promotes the wealth of a national economy at the expense of free trade.
8. The main reason European conquerors and navigators were able to sail and continue to explore, and the reason the Ming Chinese fleets in the Indian Ocean failed was
- The Europeans had superior military technologies and the Chinese did not.
- Europe encountered no opposition, while the Chinese did.
- European governments supported and encouraged overseas expeditions; the Ming did not.
- Europe was wealthier than were the Chinese.
- China had a smaller population base than Europe and could not afford to send people abroad.
9. European nations acquired their first colonies in the Americas
- Following the conquests by military, gold seeking adventurers.
- When merchants bought islands and landholdings from the inhabitants.
- Through missionary activities to convert the inhabitants.
- Through intermarriage between reigning royal families.
- Peacefully.
10. In Africa during the Early Modern period, Europeans
- Controlled the slave trade.
- Had to negotiate with Africa kings, who controlled the slave trade.
- Settled widely in West Africa.
- Exported gold and raw minerals.
- Started the slave trade.
11. In order to acquire lands to the south and east (the Ukraine), the Russian tsars
- Married into the ruling dynasties of neighboring states.
- Recruited semi-nomadic peasants and adventurers and landlords to acquire and to farmlands.
- Made an alliance with Poland.
- Launched an Orthodox crusade against the Mongols and Muslims.
- Became Roman Catholic and sought assistance from the Pope.
12. All of Russia’s reforms under Peter the Great were largely attempts to
- Preserve Russian cultural identity from Western influences.
- Protect the serfs from the harsh rule of the boyars.
- Please his wife, who was Italian.
- Undermine the power of the Russian Orthodox clergy.
- Modernize the state and strengthen the army in order to conquer desired lands.
13. In order to administer it Latin American possessions, Spain
- Permitted nobles to administer lands without royal interference.
- Retained local Indian rulers as clients provided they were loyal to Spain.
- Transferred political authority to Catholic bishops and priests.
- Intermarried with ruling Indian elites to create an administrative class.
- Built capital cities staffed with trained bureaucrats and royal officials.
14. The dislocation of native plants and animals by European crops and domesticated animals and the devastation of natives by European diseases is referred to as the
- Columbian Exchange.
- Great Migration.
- Environmental disaster.
- Ecological imperialism.
- Great Die-off.
15. The largest number of African slaves sent to the Americas went to
- British and French islands of the Caribbean.
- Brazil.
- The slave states of the United States.
- Central America.
- The Spanish colonies along the Pacific coast.
16. The Trans-Atlantic slave trade differed from the Trans-Saharan slave trade to the Muslim world in that
- The Trans-Atlantic was less brutal than the Trans-Saharan slave trade.
- The Trans-Saharan slave trade included women for domestic work.
- The Atlantic route transported whole families to the Americas whereas the Trans-Saharan trade broke families up.
- The trade to the Muslim world ended before the Trans-Atlantic trade began.
- More people were transported across the Sahara than across the Atlantic.
17. During the Ming Dynasty, the true power of China resided with
- Prosperous peasants.
- Merchants in port cities who administer foreign trade missions.
- The eunuch bureaucrats in the capital city.
- Rural landlord families with relatives in the imperial bureaucracy.
- Aristocrats and nobles.
18. The Japanese dealt with the long-term European challenge by
- Allying with the Portuguese against the other Europeans.
- Permitting the Jesuits to convert the Japanese to Christianity.
- Permitting the Europeans to establish a trading monopoly in Japan.
- Self-imposed isolation and forbidding most European contacts.
- Adapting European customs and technology.
19. Classical differed from river valley civilizations in all of these ways EXCEPT:
- Their societal institutions were more complex.
- Interregional contacts especially through trade, war, or migration, increased.
- Government was larger and more complex.
- Religiously, classic religions were largely monotheistic or atheistic.
- Large empires and elaborate government institutions arose.
20. The Qin Dynasty alienated all of these groups EXCEPT:
- Confucian scholars through banning and burning the classical texts.
- Peasants through conscription and excessive labor projects.
- Trained bureaucrats, who no longer administered government offices.
- Traditional aristocrats, who lost their lands and positions.
- Daoist priests.
21. When the Bantu migrated, they
- Disrupted older, more established civilizations and states in Africa.
- Adopted pastoral nomadism and abandoned sedentary agriculture.
- Spread agriculture, crops, and iron technologies across much of Africa.
- Settled largely in the Nile and Niger River valleys.
- Were assimilated by the older civilizations into whose areas they moved.