T. Lebret et al. Supplementary material
Appendix 2. Items of the practitioner, nurse and patient questionnaires
Practitioner questionnaire
At patient inclusion
- Patient conformity with selection criteria
- Demographics and status: age, gender, body weight, height, oral and dental hygiene (visit to dentist during last 6 months), Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG PS)
- Primary tumour: date of diagnosis, site
- Bone metastases: date of diagnosis, single/multiple, sites
- Non osseous metastases: presence, sites
- Cancer treatment: treatments, administration mode, where administered
- Laboratory tests: calcium, phosphates, magnesium, creatinine, creatinine clearance, calcium and/or vitamin D supplementation
- ZOL prescription: dose, infusion time, schedule, date of 1st Z infusion within the framework of the study
- Adverse effects (whether severe or not) reported to practitioner by patient during earlier ZOL administration.
- Prior prescriptions for biphosphonates (dates, scheduled date of first ZOL administration at home)
At 6- and 12-month follow-up visits
- Status: body weight, oral and dental hygiene (invasive dental procedure since last visit), ECOG PS
- Metastatic disease progression: new bone metastases, skeletal events, overall progression
- Laboratory tests: see point 7 (patient inclusion)
- ZOL prescription: number of infusions since inclusion, adjustments of dose or infusion time due to impaired renal function , changes in interval between infusions
- Adverse effects (whether severe or not)
On early withdrawal of ZOL, date and reason for withdrawal
Nurse questionnaire
At first infusion
- Employer: Hospital at Home, Health services firm, Independent worker
- Main contact person: Hospital consultant, Community practitioner, Hospital nurse
- Satisfaction with relationship with the hospital department in charge of patient
- Treatment schedule: Venous access (peripheral, external catheter, implantable device), ZOL dose, infusion time, use of portable infusion delivery system, system rinse (20 ml of saline at end of infusion)
- Patient hydration before ZOL infusion
- Adverse effects during or after the infusion: nausea/vomiting, headache, flu-like symptoms, pain (bone, joint and/or muscle), fever, fatigue, shivering, local reaction at infusion site (redness, swelling, and/or pain, extravasation), other
- Most recent laboratory test results: calcium, phosphates, magnesium, creatinine, creatinine clearance
- Demographics: age, gender
Topics brought up by the patient during the infusion: his/her illness, ZOL treatment, ongoing cancer therapy, other
Will regular home visits to administer ZOL promote a good patient-nurse relationship
Satisfaction with overall set-up for infusing ZOL to patient
Technical ease of ZOL administration (product preparation, administration)
At 4 and 8 months
See items 1 to 8 above.
Number of ZOL infusions since first infusion.
Patient questionnaire
At 6 and 12 months
- Overall satisfaction with at home ZOL therapy
- Any preference for therapy in hospital, with reasons
- First person contacted in case of problem with at home therapy
- Advantages of at home ZOL therapy
- Would you recommend at home ZOL therapy