DRAFT RTCM Paper 025-2009-SC101-232

Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services

1800 N. Kent St., Suite 1060

Arlington, Virginia 22209-2109


Telephone: +1-703-527-2000 Telefax: +1-703-351-9932

February 6, 2009


Meeting of RTCM Special Committee 101

and Special Committee 110

GPS-equipped Portable VHF-FM Radios

Time / Dates: 9:30 a.m. Monday, December 1, 2008

Location: RTCM HQ, Arlington, VA

Call to order, introduction of attendees, and approval of agenda

Mr. Hoffman called the meeting to order. The agenda was approved as written. The following persons were in attendance.

Chris Hoffman / .PROCON, Inc. / +44-1489880326 /
Kerry Greer / ACR Electronics / +1 954 981-3333 x2124 /
Doug Ritter / Equipped to Survive Foundation / +1 480 598-1501 /
Ghassan Khalek / FCC / +1 202-418-2771 /
Masaaki Takahashi / Icom / +1 425 450-6043 /
Bob Markle / RTCM / +1 703 527-2000
fax: +1 703 351-9932 /

Approval of summary record of previous meeting (paper 180-2008-SC101-225)

The Summary Record was approved as written.

Status of ITU Working Party 5B issues – Class D / H discussions

This radio was intended to be a simple VHF hand-held radio with DSC functions and an integral GPS Receiver. At the time, Class D DSC included all of the relays and other functions which complicated its use, thus we devised Class H DSC to overcome these issues. ITU could not reach an agreement when it discussed the Class H proposal, and sent a Liaison Statement to IMO. In the meantime, IMO sent a Liaison Statement to ITU encouraging simplification of Class D. Both Class D and Class H were discussed at the October ITU Working Party 5B meeting, but members could not reach an agreement. They decided to defer the issue to the next meeting, which will follow IMO COMSAR 13, at which the Class D and Class H issues will be discussed. The next ITU Working Party 5B meeting is 19-28 May 2009.

The committee would like to avoid developing a standard that would be limited to the U.S. market and thus would like to use a simple ITU recognized form of DSC, but this means that we have to wait until IMO and ITU complete their deliberations, hopefully by the end of May 2009.

Review of relevant documents

The committee reviewed paper 223-2008-SC101-230, the U.S. submission to IMO COMSAR 13 on the Class H radio. There then followed a discussion on how best to support the paper in the IMO meeting. Mr. Markle confirmed that he would be attending as part of the US delegation, Mr. Hoffman also agreed to attend either as CIRM or part of the UK delegation. Mr. Greer offered support from an ACR representative attending as part of the CIRM delegation.

Review and revision of draft standard (paper 210-2008-SC101-228)

The committee reviewed the draft standard, and made the following decisions:

The Class 3 Radio (SOLAS) should be required to float.

Definitions for Primary and Secondary Batteries were added in Section 3.

In 4.7.3, it was decided that the radio should automatically return to a distress call process where it left off, if the wait for the distress call acknowledgement is interrupted to make another call.

In 4.8.2, – If selection of the priority channel is not provided, the priority channel shall be channel 16. The highlighting of the text was removed.

In 4.8.2, it was decided to delete the provision for a transceiver prohibition on transmission while the scanning facility is operating.

In 4.9, the 3 mm minimum character size was maintained, but the display should be as large as practical.

The battery and equipment labeling requirements were revised to be consistent with appropriate requirements in the RTCM PLB standard, RTCM 11010.2.

Definitions of the Performance Check and Test were added to 6.12 and 6.13.

It was decided not to include the tests in RTCM 11702.0 for portable radios in high EMF environments (9.12).

In the discussion of the environmental tests in section 7, it was decided not to address whether this was to be done by an independent laboratory, since this would be the responsibility of the regulatory agency.

It was decided to delete the low temperature soak requirement for the drop test in 7.4 to align it with IEC 60945.

A package warning was added as 12.2 to indicate that Class 1 radios do not float.

Based upon discussions under agenda items 4 and 5; development of the future work plan for SC101/SC110

Mr. Hoffman will update the standard based on the discussions at the meeting, and circulate it. We will then review our position after the COMSAR meeting, to see if there is any reason to hold a meeting before ITU Working Party 5B meets in late May.

7  Other business

There was no other business.

Assignment of Action Items for next meeting

Mr. Markle and Mr. Hoffman will support presentation of the COMSAR 13 Class H paper at IMO.

Mr. Hoffman will check the MMSI assignment and change rules for use in 5.4 of the draft.

Mr. Markle and Mr. Hoffman will review our position based on outcome of COMSAR 13 and prepare a summary for circulation.

Mr. Hoffman will update the draft standard for posting.

USCG should decide on updating of the distress position when a new location is determined, is this required, if so how often.

Mr. Kahlek will be asked to determine if any of the tests specified in the draft overlap with FCC-required testing.

Date and Venue for next meeting

A decision will be made on the date of the next meeting at a later date –after the ITU Working Party 5B meeting in May 2009, probably in September 2009.