Leaders of Learning Quotes
“Viewing leadership as a group activity linked to practice rather than just an individual activity linked to a person helps match the expertise we have in a school with the problems and situations we face” – Thomas Sergiovanni
“Effective leaders recognize that they cannot accomplish great things alone”
“Leadership is not a solo act; it’s a team performance…Collaboration is a social imperative.” – Kouzes and Posner
“Teachers, like all leaders, seek results that cannot possibly be achieved solely by their own efforts”
“…they (teachers) have lacked the collective capacity to promote learning for all students in the existing structures and cultures of the system in which they work.”
“The challenge confronting public education is not recruiting more good people to an ineffective system, but rather creating powerful systems that allow ordinary people to achieve success.”
“The best strategy for improving schools and districts is developing the collective capacity of educators to function as members of a professional learning community (PLC).”
“If educators are to rise to the occasion and meet the challenges confronting them, they will be required both the think anew and actanew.”
“Principals arguably are the most important players affecting the character and consequence of teacher’ school-sit professional communities. Principals are culture-makers, intentionally or not.” – Milbrey McLaughlin and Joan Talbert
“The PLC process provides a vehicle for focused interactions between principals and teachers.”
“This transformation from a culture of isolation to a culture of collaboration will not occur in a school, however, without the effective leadership of the principal.”
“Principals do indeed make a difference in student learning, and the most powerful strategy for having a positive impact on that learning is to facilitate the learning of the educators who serve those students through the PLC process.”
“Schools that function as professional learning communities are characterized by academic focus that brings clarity, coherence, and precision to every classroom.” – Jonathan Saphier
“The collective inquiry of the collaborative team process in a PLC is purposefully designed to ensure students have access to a guaranteed and viable curriculum.”
“We cannot overstate the importance of common assessments to the PLC process.”
“The assessment process in a PLC is not used simply to prove what a student has learned, but to improve that learning.”
“It is not merely reflecting about teaching that impacts student learning, but collective reflection by teams of teachers “in light of evidence about their teaching” – Hattie
“A team of teachers can work conscientiously to create a guaranteed and viable curriculum, plan wonderful lessons, use varied instructional strategies, monitor learning in their classrooms on an ongoing basis, and develop valid and reliable assessments, only to find at the conclusion of the unit that some students did not learn…..how will we respond when students don’t learn...”
“A school must not only provide its staff with a new set of ‘tools’ to help students learn, but must also help educators develop a new way of thinking about their roles and responsibilities.” – Buffum, Mattos, and Weber
“Great leaders and great learners”
“Empowerment means establishing a culture in which people are hungry for evidence and are willing to face the brutal facts when things don’t work out as hoped.”
“The key to leadership is developing the capacity of others to accomplish a collective endeavor, not doing it all yourself.”
“May you choose to be a servant leader, and in making that choice, may you develop the capacity of those you serve to carry on your legacy by becoming servant leaders themselves.”