U.S. Department
of Transportation
Federal Aviation
Administration /
Operations Specifications
C070 / Airports Authorized Airports for Scheduled Operations and Adequate Airports for Extended Range Operations (ETOPS)Operations. / HQControl: / 10711/8252/200120124
HQRevision: / 04b050
a.The certificate holder is authorized to conduct scheduled passenger and cargo operations between the regular, refueling, and provisional airports specified in the table of Authorized Airports contained this operations specification.e following table. Except for alternate airports, the certificate holder shall may not use any other airport in the conduct of scheduled passenger and cargo operations.
b. The certificate holder is authorized to use shall thethe a alternate a airports listed in the table of Authorized Airports contained in this operations followingspecification table. The certificate holder maintain a list of alternate airports which can be used and may shall not use any alternate airport unless it is suitable for the type of aircraft being used and the kind of operation being conducted.
c. The certificate holder is authorized to use the ETOPS aAdequate aAirports in the table of Authorized Airports contained in this operations specification.following table. The certificate holder may also use any Rregular, Pprovisional or Rrefueling Aairport Llisted in the following table, as an ETOPS aAdequate Aairport. The certificate holder must list any special conditions and limitations applicable to ETOPS aAdequate aAirports in its manual system.
bd.The following definitions shall apply:
RegularAirport. An airport approved under scheduled service to a community as the regular stop to that community.
Refueling Airport. An airport approved as an airport to which flights may be dispatched only for refueling.
ProvisionalAirport. An airport approved for use by an air carrier for the purpose of providing scheduled service to a community when the regular airport serving that community is not available.
AlternateAirport. An airport at which an aircraft may land if a landing at the intended airport becomes inadvisable.
ETOPS Adequate Airport. An airport approved for use in Extended Operations that meets the landing limitations of 121.197 and is either:
(1) An airport that meets the requirements of part 139, subpart D, excluding those that apply to aircraft rescue and firefighting service, or
(2) A military airport that is active and operational
NOTE: Refueling and provisional airports are not applicable to Part 135 operations;
R = Regular, F = Refueling, A = Alternate, and P = Provisional and, E = ETOPS Adequate Airport.
The complete table of Airports Authorized Airports for Scheduled Operationstable begins on the next page.
Airports Authorized Airportsfor Scheduled Operations