January 29, 2018

New Discussion Items

Bills / Subject / Status / Client - Position
AB 1901
California Environmental Quality Act: exemption: roadway projects. / This bill would extend indefinitely an existing CEQA exemption for counties or cities with a population of less than 100,000. The existing program provides a limited exemption from CEQA for maintenance projects within the existing right-of-way if specified conditions are met. / ASSEMBLY PRINT
AB 1866
Transportation funding. / This new measure makes numerous changes to transportation funding programs. These changes largely reflect the transportation funding proposal pushed by the Assembly Republican Caucus last year. The changes proposed in AB 1866 include the following:
·  Expands the oversight of the Inspector General that SB 1 placed within Caltrans to also investigate and audit the following departments that expend transportation funds: Caltrans, High Speed Rail Authority, Highway Patrol, Department of Motor Vehicles, Air Resources Board, and all other state or local agencies that spend state transportation dollars.
·  Removes the California Transportation Commission from within the California Transportation Agency, thus making the CTC an independent entity.
·  Requires the Inspector General in consultation with the State Auditor to conduct annual audits of all “state transportation mega projects.” A mega project is defined to be any transportation public works with a total cost over $2.5 billion.
·  Repeals the authority to use truck weight fee revenue for transportation bond debt service payments.
·  Accelerates the repayment deadline of outstanding loans from transportation accounts from June 30, 2021 to December 31, 2018.
·  The bill would place cap & trade auction revenue in the Public Transportation Account in an amount that equals the revenue generated by that portion of diesel sales tax that is dedicated to the Public Transportation Account. If cap & trade revenue is the deposited into the Public Transportation Account then the sales tax on diesel fuel revenue would be placed in the Traffic Relief & Road Improvement Account.
·  The bill would also use cap & trade revenue to fund the Air Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) and Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Program (ARF&VP). If cap & trade revenue is available to fund AQIP and ARF&VP, the bill would divert the existing registration fees dedicated to these programs to the Traffic Relief & Road Improvement Account.
·  Generally exempt from CEQA any transportation project if it is within an existing right-of-way.
·  Dedicates the state’s share of the sales tax on vehicle sales to the Traffic Relief & Road Improvement Account.
·  Creates the Traffic Relief & Road Improvement Program. The funds in the Account would be allocated 40% for maintenance of state highways, 40% for maintenance local streets and roads, and 20% to the State Transportation Improvement Program. / ASSEMBLY PRINT

Prior Action Items

Bills / Subject / Status / Client - Position
AB 301
Driver’s license: examination requirements: certificate of driving skill. / AB 301 has been substantially amended. The amendments reduce the benefits originally proposed that would improve the ability to conduct commercial driver’s license tests. As amended, AB 301 directs the DMV to do the following:
·  Requires DMV to establish performance goals related to the maximum wait time to obtain an appointment to take the commercial driver’s license driving skills test
·  Requires DMV to report, by June 1, 2018, to the budget and transportation committees of the Assembly and the Senate on how DMV intends to achieve the 14 day maximum wait time, and requires that the report include specified information. / SENATE APPR. SUSPENSE FILE / CalACT – Support & Seek Amendments
AB 1250
Counties and cities: contracts for personal services / As expected to be amended, AB 1250 would impose significant new restrictions on a county’s ability to enter into personal services contracts.
The bill specifically exempts contracts for public transit and paratransit services, but the exemption language stipulates that that the exemption applies:
“…if the county’s transit services are fully funded by Federal Transit Administration assistance and the county is thereby subject to the guidelines established in FTA Circular 4220.1F or any subsequent guidelines or revisions issued by the Federal Transit Administration.”
This appears to make this exemption void since no transit service is fully funded by the FTA. The author’s office is willing to work with CalACT on amendments. His office has asked us to send them proposed language. / SENATE RULES
Two-Year Bill / CalACT-Watch
AB 1745
Vehicles: Clean Cars 2040 Act. / This bill would essentially prohibit the Department of Motor Vehicles from registering any new vehicle after January 1, 2040, unless it is a zero emission vehicle. / ASSEMBLY PRINT / CalACT-Watch
AB 1759
General plans: housing element: production report: withholding of transportation funds / AB 1759 would withhold a city’s or county’s share of local street and road maintenance funds if that city or county fails to meet its minimum housing production goals as certified by the Department of Housing and Community Development. / ASSEMBLY PRINT / CalACT-Watch
SB 349
Chronic dialysis clinics: staffing requirements. / SB 349 requires, commencing January 1, 2019, chronic dialysis clinics (CDCs) to meet minimum staffing ratios at all times for nurses, technicians, social workers, and registered dieticians, as specified, and to ensure the transition time between patients is at least 45 minutes. Requires the Department of Public Health (DPH) to inspect CDCs annually and authorizes DPH to assess administrative penalties for violations of the staffing ratios. / ASSEMBLY INACTIVE FILE
Two-Year Bill / CalACT-Watch
SB 760
Transportation funding: active transportation: complete streets. / Earlier this month, SB 760 was substantially amended to place a priority on the development of complete streets when Caltrans programs funds in the State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP). However, the bill has been scaled back.
As currently drafted, SB 760 would simply allow Caltrans and local entities responsible for the development or operation of bikeways or roadways where bicycles are permitted, to consider additional street design guides such as the National Association of City Transportation Officials’ (NACTO) Urban Street Design Guide. / Assembly Desk / CalACT-Watch
SB 827
Planning and zoning: transit-rich housing bonus. / This newly introduced bill would authorize a “transit-rich housing project” to be eligible for a “transit-rich housing bonus.” A transit-rich housing project is a housing project that is located within ½ mile of a “major transit stop” or ¼ mile from a “high-quality transit corridor.” If the housing project meets these requirements then it would be exempt from local controls on residential density or floor area ratio, parking restrictions, and some height restrictions. / SENATE RLS. / CalACT-Watch
Motor vehicle fees and taxes: restriction on expenditures. / SCA 2 would prospectively prohibit the use of truck weight fees to pay for transportation bonds approved after January 1, 2017. The bill would also expand the protections for Public Transportation Account revenues to also include the 1.75% increase to the diesel fuel sales tax that was enacted as part of the gas tax swap. The ban on borrowing fees and taxes would also apply to any vehicle fees or taxes dedicated to transportation accounts. / SENATE INACTIVE FILE / CalACT - Support
Local transportation measures: special taxes: voter approval. / SCA 6 would allow a local government to impose any special tax with a 55% approval of the voters if the special tax dedicates 100% of the revenues, not including collection and administrative expenses, to transportation programs and projects. / SENATE APPR
Held on Suspense / CalACT - Support