Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Parish Hall, Westbrook, on Wednesday 20 September 2006 at 7.30 pm

Councillor Chairman Ward

* E Coop Burtonwood East

Vice Chairman

* T Rogers-Smith Westbrook

G Cross Callands

* T Cross Callands

S Hamel Callands

P Hamel Callands

B Long Callands

* D Earl Westbrook

M Jackson Westbrook

D Orr Westbrook

* J Joyce Burtonwood East

T O’Neill Burtonwood East

* K Burgess Burtonwood West

* J Higham Burtonwood West

* P Wilde Burtonwood West

J Guthrie Old Hall

* Denotes Councillor present at Council

Also present Police Constable P Cotter

Police Constable A Gardiner

Police Constable D Marshall

C34 Apologies

Apologies had been received from Councillor B Long, Councillor G Cross, Councillor P Hamel, Councillor S Hamel, Councillor M Jackson, Councillor D Orr, Councillor T O’Neill and Councillor J Guthrie.

C35 Community Policing Issues

Police Constables P Cotter, A Gardiner and D Marshall attended the meeting and reported on the following items:-

In August an initiative had been introduced as £2000 had been allocated to the area, this was used to purchase shed locks. It was noted that these had been distributed at Asda along with information leaflets.

The Community Action Team Newsletter had been distributed in some of the Westbrook area. Police Constable P Cotter and L Travis have been out and around the area on bikes, hence a very high visible presence and new areas had been identified.

The Smart Water pack was shown to the Committee, it was reported that theses were issued to burglary victims and can be marked onto possessions. It was noted that each pack was registered to a person and has a barcode which is used as a personal identifier. The Committee noted that this product was being produced by a private company, email , address PO Box 136, Telford, TF3 3WY.

It was noted that there have been assaults and thefts at and around the UCI complex. It was reported that additional police patrols of the area had started last week and were ongoing.

It was reported that Asda currently had security patrols each day which covered weekends. This was to protect their site against criminal damage. It was noted that there were 10 checkpoints.

Named offenders – Callands Area – it was reported that a warrant was issued a month ago and approx 2 weeks ago, it was noted that the individual had handed themselves into the police and he has been taken to court.

It was reported that Police Constable Gardiner and Police Constable Marshall were on their second week of visible policing patrols in Burtonwood and Winwick and they have carried out leaflet drops in the area. It was noted that they had spent a lot of time in the Burtonwood area;-

·  targeting youth disorder

·  speaking to locals regarding hot spot areas

·  speaking to local youths

·  issuing stop forms etc.

The Committee noted that this initiative was raising awareness in the area, and, it had allowed them to observe criminal damage also within the areas and that this had been their own idea developed at the training centre.

Councilor E Coop and Councillor J Joyce raised concerns that the Council had no prior notification in regards to the above initiative; it was felt that they would have been able to forward specific issues.

It was noted that Councillor J Higham expressed his disappointment that the campaign would only last for a period of 2 weeks.

Resolved by the Council that the Clerk write to

(1)  Inspector B Heywood to forward the Committees concerns about his Officers with special regard to their Lone Working Policy


(2)  To forward the Councils positive comments regarding the current campaign, also requesting that further time be allocated for this excellent initiative with Police Constable A Gardiner and Police Constable D Marshall.

Councillors / Parishioners Issues

The following issue were reported:-

Councillor J Joyce reported on the excessive speed of vehicles traveling in Burtonwood, especially in the Chapel Lane area, particularly between the times of 8.00 am and 9.00 am. Councillor Joyce also reported on an unlicensed motorbike.

Councillor T Rogers-Smith reported on safety problems for those walking to school in Burtonwood, her general concerns related to the traffic speed, and parking on the pavements.

It was noted by the Committee that Police Constable P Cotter would liaise with the traffic police in relation to the above and that he would request that action be taken.

C36 Minutes of the Meeting (19 July 2006)

Resolved that the minutes of the Council meeting of 19 July be agreed and signed as a correct record

C37 Matters Arising

C37.1 Fir Tree Lane Pitches (Minute C27.13 Refers.)

Councillor J Joyce reported that he had received an email which stated that information had been passed on to all parents.

C37.2 Properties in Burtonwood (Minute C33.2 Refers.)

Councillor J Joyce reported that a meeting had been scheduled for the 27th to forward the bid for the funds.

C38 Summer Recess Summary Report


·  no payments have been made during recess

·  additionally requested items have been forwarded to Hacker Young – external auditor


·  no urgent matters of planning business has been received during recess


·  no urgent matters of correspondence has been received during recess

·  all email correspondence received has been forwarded to Members of the Council


·  the Pavilion roof has yet again been vandalised, youth had smashed all the filters and vents above the shower facilities

·  the planning application for the anti vandal roof barrier was deposited with the Borough Council in August

Football Pitches

·  the football pitches have been marked out and spiked / rolled

·  the areas have been strimmed and mowed

Rugby Pitches

·  the rugby pitches have been marked out and spiked / rolled

·  the areas have been strimmed and mowed

·  the new electrical housing and supply has been completed and commissioned, keys have been deposited with Tom Cunningham (Burtonwood Bridge) and Bill Garner (Burtonwood Bulldogs), Councillor J Higham also has a key (emergency access)


·  complaints have been received about the summer club users from the caretaker (hall left very untidy / toilets had been blocked up) but these were only reported on Saturday 9/09/06 when the Clerk called him to investigate the item below

·  unauthorised use of telephone in the office (calls made to a mobile phone in Turkey - £22.64) this is still under investigation – caretaker has been instructed to remove the phone

Parish Furniture

·  an order for two metal benches to be made and sited in Kinnock Park has been placed

·  an order for two metal benches to be made and sited on the Gorsey Lane Park has been placed

·  all other benches sited in Burtonwood and Collins Green have been repaired and weatherproofed

·  all Parish Notice Boards have been repaired and weatherproofed

Play Area Quarterly Inspection

·  all comments and recommendations received from WBC park inspectors have been actioned from report dated 02/08/06 - main items were vandalism to swings and safety surfaces (Gorsey Lane Play Area)

Risk Assessment

·  Clerk has wrote draft risk assessment during recess – this will be presented to October Committee meeting for comments / amendments / agreement

Skate Board Park - Burtonwood

·  a detailed report is available on request

Resolved by the Council that the Summer Recess report be noted

C39 Report of the Finance Sub-Committee (20 September 2006)

The Clerk reported verbally on the Finance Sub-Committee meeting attended by Councillor E Coop, Councillor T Cross Councillor J Joyce and Councillor T Rogers-Smith and it was

Resolved that the following recommendations of the Finance Sub- Committee be adopted as resolution of the Council

C39.1 Apologies

Apologies had been received from Councillor B Long.

C39.2 Declaration of Interest

No declarations of interests were forwarded.

C39.3 Applications for Grant/ Donations

Grant Application received from Burtonwood Tenants and Residents Association – Funding to assist in building an office / walk in centre / equipment – mainly a computer – Amount requested £ donation

Recommended by the Sub-Committee that the Grant be deferred until further information is forwarded regarding the constitution of the Association

C39.4 Accounts Approved for Payment (Chairman using delegated powers between meetings)


C39.5 Accounts Requiring and Authorised for Payment

K Tindall Metering Cubicle/Rotting Seats Burtonwood £1766.32

D Platt – Hedges Fir Tree Lane Invoice S6677 £ 58.75

D Platt – Hedges Clay Lane Invoice S6678 £ 146.88

ICS – Invoice 659127 – Cleaning Materials £ 286.47

Warrington Borough Council – Repairs Invoice 845544972 £ 553.75

WBC – Audit 2005/2006 Invoice 845542372 £ 681.50

Berrymans Lace Mawer Vat Invoice 0061385 £ 786.96

DJ Platt Landscapes LTD Invoice S6744 £ 146.88

Warrington Borough Council – Inspection Inv 845549618 £ 225.60

K Tindall 2 x Benches Gorsey Lane £ 378.00

K Tindall Repair of Parish Furniture £ 316.83

Inland Revenue PAYE Q2 – Employee Payments £1391.67

Clerks Expenses July/Aug/Sept 2006 £ 163.28

S Smith Relief Caretaker - Kingswood £ 120.00

United Utilities Water Services Kingswood £ 102.79

Recommended by the Sub-Committee that all payments be made

C39.6 Monthly Accounts – July / August 2006

The Clerk produced a report detailing the payments and receipts account for the months of July and August 2006 and it was

Recommended by the Sub-Committee that the report be accepted

C39.7 Bank Reconciliation 2006-2007

The Clerk produced a report showing the bank reconciliation up to the end of August 2006 and it was

Recommended by the Sub-Committee that the report be accepted

C39.8Kingwood Community Hall

Please see Summer Recess Summary Report (Minute Reference C38).

C39.9Pavilion - Burtonwood

Please see Summer Recess Summary Report (Minute Reference C38).

It was also reported that further vandalism had been caused to the Pavilion building, it was noted that the gas flue and shower extractor fans had again been damaged, the main roller shutter door had been caved in and the guttering had been smashed and it was

Recommended by the Sub-Committee that all the repairs necessary be ordered

C39.10WBC Inspection Reports

Please see Summer Recess Summary Report (Minute Reference C38).

C39.11Fir Tree Lane Rugby Pitches

Please see Summer Recess Summary Report (Minute Reference C38).

It was reported that a letter had been received from Mr. T Cunningham (Burtonwood Bridge (ARLFC) to request that an independent pitch inspection take place, this being due to the hot summer, Mr. Cunningham forwarded his view that the drainage points had sank which had now caused ruts in the field, he also requested that a dressing of top soil be placed on the pitched areas and it was

Recommended by the Sub-Committed that the Clerk arrange for an independent inspection to take place

C39.12Any Other Business

Councillor J Joyce reported on the possible need for the Pavilion to be used by out of school providers, also reported was the Borough Councils current provision and the futures potential developments were noted.

C40 Report of the Planning Sub-Committee (19 July 2006)

Councillor D Earl reported verbally on the Planning Sub-Committee meeting attended by himself and Councillor J Higham and it was

Resolved that the following recommendations of the Planning Sub-Committee be adopted as resolution of the Council

C40.1 Apologies

Apologies had been received from Councillor G Cross and Councillor T O’Neill.

C40.2 Declarations of Interest

It was noted that no interests were declared in this item.

C40.3 Documents Received

1 General Correspondence Items

13 Domestic Planning Applications

2 Non Domestic Planning Applications

0 Prior Notification under Schedule 2, Part 24 of the Town and Country Planning – (General Permitted Development Order) 1995 (1)

0 Notice of Withdrawal of Planning Application

13 Notice of Decision – Permission Granted

0 Notice of Decision – Permission Refused

1 Notice of Certificate of Lawful Use

0 Notice of Permitted Development

0 Notice of Decision – Approved

0 Notice of Appeal By Way of Informal Hearing

0 Notice of Appeal By Way of Written Representations

0 Notice of Appeal By Way of Public Inquiry

3 WBC Development Control Agenda

8 Ward Lists

Recommended by the Sub-Committee that the documents received be noted

C40.4 Issues/Objections

The Sub-Committee raised concerns regarding the outline planning application to be submitted to the Development Control Committee of the Borough Council on scheduled for 28 September 2006 and it was

Recommended by the Sub-Committee that the Clerk write to the Borough Council to express these concerns

“That the Parish Council strongly objects to this planning application.

That without the proposed and promised by-pass around Burtonwood life would be unbearable for the residents of Burtonwood and related areas. The by-pass would be of benefit particularly to people within the area north of the Omega site, whilst also assisting residents south of the site.

That the road infrastructure in Burtonwood is totally unsuitable in its current form to support any increase in traffic.

And, that the health and safety of local residents would be severely compromised. Those particularly at risk were children traveling to and from school and to the local play areas. With the elderly and disabled also at increased risk”.

C41 Correspondence

The Clerk circulated the correspondence listed below:-

(1) Warrington Borough Council – Small Grants Service

(2) Cheshire Playing Fields Association - The Playing Field

(3) The Blue Cross – Help the Blue Cross Go Green

(4) Jacqui Johnson - CPRE Meeting

(5) Councillor S Woodyatt – CPRE Meeting

(6) Cheshire Police Authority – Forum Newsletter – July 2006

(7) Warrington Borough Council – Graffiti Blitz

(8) Mr. T Cunningham – Fir Tree Lane Pitches

(9) Jackie Weaver – Good Practice Event

(10) Cheshire Community Council – Village Hall Forum Meeting

(11) Cheshire Community Council – Cheshire Village Quiz

(12) ENCAMS – Local Environment Quality

(13) Warrington Borough Council – Draft Milestones Statement Annual Review

(14) Cheshire County Playing Fields Association - AGM