ME 4135Robotics& Control Lab 2
Pick and Place with GMFanuc Robots
The initial purpose of this experiment is to acquaint the student team with the techniques when modifying the programming for a point to point robot (the GMFanuc robots) using the teach pendant and control panel interface. We will develop a counted loop to run through the “working core” of our 1st program 5 to 10 times.
After successful operation of the modified code (using “Spline Motion” and looping), the programwill be further modifiedto explore the RC controller’s capability to interact with (monitor!) and control its environment. We will use isolation relays working to control drives/brakes and with photo detectors to monitor part presence. The relay isolated circuits will be interfaced to the system device input and output (SDI/SDO) boards to “Turn on” or execute events in the workplace and monitor the work place for changing environmental events. Using the SDI/SDO interfaces, the RC control language and external power supplies, we should be able to make the RC controller the hub of activity in the work cell.
We will program these tools to allow the robot to bring new raw materials into the pick-up location by driving the rotary table (4-axis robot) before moving them along and paintingmultiple coats of paint on a part by repeatedly moving the block of wood down the electric conveyor (5-axis robot). These tasks will be accomplished by the use of various S-codes for SDI/SDO interaction (S8x series).
Each individual report will include an analysis of the required programming tools used to perform these tasks. Within your report, make sure that you consider and discuss the following issues:
1. Discuss the various special codes used to allow internal program looping – consider the “Do While” methods as compared to the “Begin – Until” methods.
2. Consider the use of “timed input” S8x,n, a and contrast it with the “blocking” input -- i.e. S8x,n,–1 control. State advantages and programming problems the various methods entail.
3. Think about how can we link the two programs together? If one robot is bringing raw product to the other robot (4-axis to 5 axis) how can we get these machines to cooperate? Think about and develop code that can adequately accomplish this required control. Consider I/O activities and handing off. By the way, this will be the thrust of Lab 3 to be performed next week!
In addition, your report will include a properly drawn and documented circuit diagrams as it applies to your robot. This drawing and its description should be in sufficient detail (including relay pin numbers and function) that the actual circuits could be quickly rebuilt in the case of reconfiguration.
Do not forget to record the details of programming in your LAB NOTEBOOK for future reference!
SAFETY: All the students in the lab will remain out of reach of the robot while it is powered up and be a "valuable" part in the safety system.