City of Biddeford
Public Works Department
371 Hill Street, Biddeford, Maine 04005
AT : Public Works Facility
371 Hill Street
TIME : 7:00 pm
1. Accept minutes of 7/14/09 meeting
2. Public Law 2007 – update – Donna Tippett
3. HHW Day results – July 18, 2009 Saco
4. Radio Campaign : Request for donations & Grant search
5. Solid Waste Management Commission Web Site – Donna Tippett
6. Chapter 58 sec. 58-32 – Covered containers
7. Commission Roster update
8. Updated Unresolved Issues list
9. Review Recycling Reports & Recycling Markets
10. Other business
11. Agenda for next meeting – September 8, 2009
Staff Reports :
1) CRT fees – recycling center
Attendance : Paul Therrien / Chair, Councilor Lamontagne, Councilor Flood, Richard Ryan, Vincent Keely, William Robbins, Donna Tippett, Michael Morin, Bob Malbon, Guy Casavant / Staff
Absent : Michael Beaupre, Paul Gagne
Guest : Warren Maddock / Portland Radio Group
The minutes of the June 9, 2009 meeting were accepted as printed. The Chair asked if Mr. Radding had been in touch with Guy Casavant since the last meeting. Guy stated that he had a brief conversation with him. Councilor Lamontagne stated that Superintendent Poli had requested that Mr. Radding be the point person for all interactions with the School Department.
Donna Tippett reported that there was nothing new to report on Public Law 2007.
Mr. Warren Maddock of the Portland Radio Group was introduced. The Chair gave a brief description of what the purpose was for Mr. Maddock’s presence, that is to consider a radio campaign aimed at increasing recycling in Biddeford. Mr. Maddock gave a presentation of what is available from his group. He identified that WPOR would be the focus station used.
Paul Gagne arrives.
Mr. Maddock played a proposed radio add that had been developed by the Portland Radio Group. He then explained the various implementation options and their corresponding financial commitments. Guy explained that there is currently not enough funding in the FY 10 budget to implement the program. If the Commission is interested in the idea then discussions could take place on possible funding plans. For a reasonable program 9 3 months on weekends ) funding in the area of $5,000 would be required.
Councilor Lamontagne likes the idea. Bob Malbon likes the idea but would be interested in a City and business cooperative effort. Dick Ryan asked if the Maine Energy contract would supply some funding ?? Donna Tippett asked if it had an impact would it be viewed as a new program and therefore reduce the City’s guaranteed annual tonnage due to Maine Energy ??
Mike Beaupre arrives.
Councilor Flood identified that based upon the numbers supplied by the Radio Group, the ad would reach about 1% of the population, meaning about 200 people more or less. That is not enough to justify the expense. Bill Robbins asked if a Friday Saturday run would be possible in lieu of a Saturday Sunday run. Yes, but at a higher cost. The question was asked if recycling revenues could be used. Guy stated that was only a possibility if the revenues exceeded the budgeted revenue expectations. That will not be the case for FY 09 because of the low market prices for our commodities. The Chair stated he felt this was a low cost way to try and increase recycling. The Commission had supported implementing single stream curbside collection for a million dollars and this was a fraction of those costs and he wondered if we will stand pat as we are or are we willing to try something. Councilor Flood countered that single stream curbside collection would have made us money, not cost us money. He stated that for certain things radio is great but for a single city item radio was not the best approach. Mike Beaupre stated that radio and tv advertising is about saturation. A 3 month program will not achieve the results desired. Advertising in print is more effective.
Paul Gagne made a motion to pursue funding options. The motion was seconded by Dick Ryan. Councilor Lamontagne stated he felt the ad campaign would be a positive for Biddeford. The ad, as presented, could be modified and include sponsor names. The Commission voted 6 to 3 in favor of pursuing funding. The Commission will focus on contacting businesses and Guy will pursue funding grants.
The Unresolved Issues list was reviewed and accepted as accurate.
Guy reported on the possibility of having a link to Freecycle on the City’s Web Site. He stated that the IT Director, Mr. Jerry Gerlach, had turned down the request. This was due to the fact that site has some inappropriate materials on it that are prohibited under City Policy. Our options are to link to Saco’s Swap Shop site on their web site or create our own. The Commission unanimously supported pursuing the link to Saco’s site.
Donna Tippett asked if the Commission could create its own web site. Guy stated he would look into it and get back to the Commission.
Vincent reported he had begun placing the Biddeford Recycles signs around the downtown area. There has been good feedback from this effort. He will continue the distribution of the signs in other areas. The Commission thanked Vincent for his efforts and donations to this program.
The Chair briefly explained the documents related to the cost analysis of the recycling center that was performed in 2004. These were requested by Mr. Robbins.
The recycling reports were reviewed and accepted.
The Commission requested that the next agenda include an item related to the issue of closed containers for trash. The Chair agreed to include this item and will invite the Code Enforcement Officer.
Vincent identified that the issue of placing trash out curbside prior to its allowed time is getting better. The stepped up enforcement seems to have helped. The reports from the Code Office are appreciated.
The Chair identified that the town of Waterboro recently instituted single stream recycling and their numbers have gone down and trash numbers have gone up. There is only 4 months of data at this point.
Guy stated this coming Saturday is the HHW day in Saco and needs 2 volunteers to staff the event. There were no volunteers so the Chair sated he would attend.
Guy stated that the fees for the recycling of CRTs, TVs, and computer towers would be reduced to 0 since our costs for this program have been eliminated. The Commission concurred. Guy stated it would take a couple of days to get the signs replaced and the web site adjusted.