Suzanne Magliano, President

Katie Valentino, Co-President

Shanon Walsh, Vice President

Alycia Vivona, Treasurer

Antoinette Pio, Secretary


November 14, 2016


1. Call to Order-The meeting was called to order at 7:04. Motion made to start the meeting by Melissa Johannsen, seconded by Dana Dapson.

2. Welcome / Establish a Quorum

3. Approval of minutes from 11-5-16 meeting approved.

4. Treasurer’s Report: Fall Family Fun Day/Cherrydale Profit- Big thank you to Trusco Bank for giving us change for FFFD. Profit was in the $6,500 area. Cherrydale Profit was around $3,000. (See budget notes )

5. President’s Report- None reported

6. Principal’s Report-

a.Mr. Cohen showed a short clip on relationships with staff and students. How teacher/staff moods and actions can affect the students (children).

b.5th Graders went to all the classes to talk about the PBS posters.

c.B-V News goes out every two weeks as paper to all and is posted on Hen Hud web site along with sending out in email.

d.Mr. Cohen spoke about the evacuation drill that will take place on 11/16. No one will be left in the building to answer phones or let late students in.

e.What programs would you like to see that would provide our families with meaningful engagement in our children’s education?

7. Board of Education Member comments-Charles thanked everyone for all their work being put into B-V.

8. Teachers’ Representative Report-Mrs. Kiernan will continue to help get more involvement from staff and teachers.

9. Committee Reports & Upcoming Events

a.Fall Family Fun Day re-cap/open discussion-All great feedback from members.

b.Membership update: Antoinette Pio-We have over 70 members with more signing up everyday. Handbooks and Directory were completed and will be sent to Boces on 11/21 for print. 100 copies will be made. Only PTA members will get a copy.

c.Cherrydale Fundraiser: Katie Valentino – Pick up Nov 17th 6-8pm. Made $767 more profit on Cherrydale fundraiser than ones in the past. We were given a $500.00 gift card to spend on Cherrydale items.

d.Homestyle Desserts: Pickup November 22nd in lobby 6-8pm. Fundraiser did well! Profit was $400.00

e.Box Tops & Labels For Education: Andrea O’Malley-not present/no report

f.Cultural Enrichment & Arts in Ed: Andrea O’Malley-not present/no report

g.Spirit Wear: Sandra Sarson – Every Friday is BV spirit wear day! We have some inventory left, with another order coming later in the week.

h.VIP Club: Shanon Walsh- Signup sheets will be sent home next week. Program will run for 4 weeks in the winter. Parent volunteers needed to run program. We have a limited number of spots; kids will be chosen by first come first serve.

i.5th Grade Committee Update: Antoinette Pio- To date, we have a profit of

$380 from the car wash

$166 from the FFFD bake sale

$1500.00 for chocolate bar's.

$360.00 for paint night

Yankee Candle sales were $1,964.00 we profited $785.60

$150.00 for bottle returns

$75.00 for bake sale

Bringing our total to $3,416.60

j.School Store: Every Wednesday 10:45am-1:45pm Volunteers Needed

k.December Fundraiser: Will be Five Below. It runs one week in December. We receive 10% of each order.

l.PTA Holiday Dinner: Winter Get Together after the Holidays

m.NYSED: English Language Arts and Mathematics Learning Standards

n.Yearbook: Flyers were sent out last week, personalization due date is December 15th.

5th Grade packets are being sent out this week.

o.FFN: Family Fun Movie Night is January 20th 7-9pm (snow date: Jan 27th) Children will vote on movie choice.

10. Questions and Comments

11. Next meeting: January 9, 2016

12. Adjournment by Laura Mulligan and Michelle Straton.