Chellaston Infant School

School Lane, Chellaston


Headteacher:Lindsay Galley

Telephone: 01332 700298


Autumn 2014

Chloe Frearson


At ChellastonInfant School we believe that everyone will reach their full potential in a safe, fun and happy environment which promotes independence, self worth and excellence. Everyone is a learner whose values are respected.

Come InSucceed

  • From September 2001 we will operate a one-point entry.
  • All children will be encouraged to start school in the September of each academic year.
  • Our standard number, as agreed by the LA, is 120 per year group.
  • Class size must not exceed 30.
  • Our normal area as defined by the LA is the whole of Chellaston excluding the new estate at West Chellaston. It includes all the new housing on the East Chellaston estate. Our boundaries are the bridge on Derby Road to the North and SwarkestoneBridge to the South.
  • All children that join part way through the year follow the admission procedure.


  1. All admission requests must be sent to the Admissions Department at Derby City Council.
  2. Admissions will then contact the school when they have received the maximum requests for places.
  3. School will then receive pupil details on SAM (Schools Admissions Module) and school will then transfer all the information onto Integris (pupil database).
  4. If there are any leavers throughout the year, it is schools duty to inform the Admissions Department, they will then fill any vacancies and inform the school.
  5. A leavers/changes register must be kept to ensure pupil whereabouts are known.
  6. If a child joins the school during the academic year the Admission Department will contact the school and give the proposed pupil’s details. It is then up to the school to contact the parent and arrange a start date.
  7. Parents and children are invited and advised to come to admission meetings and transition visits.


The Governing Body believes that the admissions criteria should not discriminate against pupils with SEN and has due regard for the practice advocated in the Code of Practice, in that ‘ All schools should admit pupils already identified as having SEN. Pupils with special educational needs but without statements must be treated as fairly as all other applicants for admission’. (COP 1:33)

The school will not automatically refuse entry to a pupil on the grounds that they have special, social, educational or behavioural needs as long as they have the necessary resources to meet the specific individual needs of that particular child.

Chellaston Infant School also has a duty to the Disability Discrimination Act and therefore will:

  • not deny a child access to school because of their disability;
  • make reasonable adjustments for all pupils with a disability as defined by the Act;
  • be anticipatory in our duty in terms of the pupils that might attend the school at a later date.

We have an Access Plan that has a three year life span, reviewed and revised as necessary. The time related plan details the school’s intention to:

  • increase access for disabled pupils to the curriculum;
  • improve access to the physical environment of the school;
  • improve delivery of written information for disabled pupils.


As a school we ask parents to give as much information about their child as possible. When we have received all the details, from admissions, of the child/ren that is/are joining the school, we distribute our Admission Pack, which includes;

  • Admission form – appendix 1
  • HomeSchool Agreement – appendix 2
  • Pupil questionnaire – appendix 3
  • School prospectus
  • Uniform order form – appendix 4

All parents must bring their completed admission form back to school, along with their child’s birth certificate, before/on their first day of school.

Agreed by Staff:Autumn 2 2014

Agreed by Governors:Autumn 2 2014

Date of Next Review:Autumn 2017




Pupil Details

1 | Page

Legal Surname

Preferred Surname

1 | Page

First Name

Known Name

1 | Page

1 | Page

Middle Name(s)

Date of Birth

1 | Page

1 | Page




Home Telephone No

1 | Page

1 | Page

Home Address

1 | Page


1 | Page



(e.g. Catholic, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, No Religion etc.)

1 | Page

Ethnicity (please tick)

White: British White: Irish

White: Traveller of Irish Heritage White: Other

White: Gypsy / Roma

Mixed: White and Black Caribbean Mixed: White and Black African Mixed: White and Asian

Mixed: Other

Asian or Asian British: Indian Asian or Asian British: Pakistani

Asian or Asian British: Bangladeshi Asian or Asian British: Other

Black or Black British: Caribbean Black or Black British: African Black or Black British: Other Chinese

Any other ethnic group Prefer not to say

1 | Page

1 | Page

First Language


Other (please state)

Prefer not to say

1 | Page

1 | Page

Language Spoken at Home


Other (please state)

Prefer not to say

1 | Page

1 | Page

Does the child have a parent currently serving in the UK military?

Yes No

Prefer not to say

1 | Page

Is your child entitled to Free School Meals? YesNo

1 | Page

Is your child adopted?Yes No

What type of lunchtime meal will your child be having?

(e.g. Dinners, Free Dinners, Go Home, Sandwiches etc.)

1 | Page

Is your child entitled to free transport to and from school? Yes No

What is your child’s usual mode of travel to and from school?

(e.g. Walk, Cycle, Car/Van, Car Share (with children from a different household), Public Bus, School Bus, Taxi, Train etc.)

1 | Page

Contact Details

Priority / Title / First Name / Surname / Gender / Relationship
to child / Parental
1 / Yes / No
Postcode / Email Address
Home Phone / Mobile / Work Phone / Language
Priority / Title / First Name / Surname / Gender / Relationship
to child / Parental
2 / Yes / No
Postcode / Email Address
Home Phone / Mobile / Work Phone / Language
Priority / Title / First Name / Surname / Gender / Relationship
to child / Parental
3 / Yes / No
Postcode / Email Address
Home Phone / Mobile / Work Phone / Language
Priority / Title / First Name / Surname / Gender / Relationship
to child / Parental
4 / Yes / No
Postcode / Email Address
Home PhoneMobile / Work Phone / Language
Priority / Title / First Name / Surname / Gender / Relationship
to child / Parental
5 / Yes / No
Postcode / Email Address
Home Phone / Mobile / Work Phone / Language

1 | Page

Please detail any court orders applying to the child (e.g. Ward of Court, Legal rights of access)


If your child has any siblings who attend this school, please provide their names.

Name and address of the pre-school your child currently attends.

Medical Details

1 | Page

Doctor's Name

Telephone Number

1 | Page

Medical Practice Name

Practice Address

1 | Page

Do you give permission for the school to call the doctor in an emergency?

Do you give permission for the school to administer first aid in an emergency?



1 | Page

Please provide details of any medical conditions that the school should be aware of, and any emergency action that should be taken. (e.g. asthma, epilepsy, allergies to bee stings, nuts or particular medicines etc.)

Please provide details of any Special Educational Needs

Any other relevant information

1 | Page

Earrings – Because it is impractical for my child to remove his/her earrings for PE and games I request that he/she be allowed to participate without removing them. I understand and accept that for him/her to do so means that he/she will run the risk of suffering pain or injury. I will provide plasters/tape.
Head Lice – In the event of an outbreak of head lice in school, I give permission for my child’s head to be examined and understand that if lice are found my child will be sent home, where it is my responsibility to treat them before they return to school.
Money Owed to School – I understand that I will be asked to pay in advance for things such as water bottles, school uniform, school trips, breakfast club etc.
Plasters – I give permission for a first aider to use plasters on my child when necessary.
PE Kit - I will ensure that my child has the correct PE kit as specified in the school booklet.
Showering - In the unlikely event that your child has an accident in school, a member of staff will change and shower him/her if necessary. Please sign the permission slip below to allow us to do this for your child during his/her time in our school. This will apply for the period of time your child is at our school.
I agree to all the above
SIGNED: …………………………………. (PARENT/GUARDIAN) DATE: ………………………..
PRINT NAME (BLOCK CAPITALS): …………………………………………………………………
Usual Mode of Transport – Car / Cycle / Walk / Public Bus Service / Car Share
Please circle relevant mode.

Data Protection Act 1998 - The School is collecting this data in order to meet its statutory responsibilities for the provision of education to children in accordance with the requirements of the Education Act 1996 and The School Standards and Framework Act 1998. Some of this data will be shared with the Local Authority and may be shared with other agencies that are involved in the health and welfare of school children.


Chellaston Infant School

School Lane, Chellaston


Headteacher:Lindsay Galley

Telephone: 01332 700298

Child’s Name......


    I have received and read the school brochure.
    I will
  • See that my child attends school regularly and is always on time. If he/she is absent I will always send a written explanation.
  • Talk to the school if I have concerns about my child’s behaviour or progress.
  • Ensure my child:
  • reads his/her reading book daily and practises any words;
  • learns any spellings;
  • completes any additional tasks given by the teacher.
  • Attend parents’ evenings to discuss my child’s progress.
  • Take an interest in my child’s life at school.
    We will:
  • Provide your child with a carefully planned curriculum, which meets the needs of your child and the requirements of the National Curriculum.
  • Contact you if there is a problem with your child’s punctuality or attendance.
  • Let you know if there are concerns about your child’s behaviour or work.
  • Send you an annual report detailing your child’s progress and achievement.
  • Invite you to an open evening every term.
  • Ensure your child’s reading record is updated and give additional tasks when appropriate.
  • Keep you informed about school life by regular newsletters.

Signed...... Parent

...... Headteacher

...... Date


Chellaston Infant School

School Lane, Chellaston


Headteacher:Lindsay Galley

Telephone: 01332 700298

Parent Questionnaire

Child’s Name:...... Date of Birth:......

Personal, Social & Emotional Development

  1. What type of pre-school setting did your child attend?
  1. What sort of favourite activities does he/she enjoy at home?
  1. How does he/she get on with familiar adults and children?
  1. Does he/she dress and undress independently / need help with very difficult fastenings, manage the toilet alone and wash hands?
  1. Does he/she usually co-operate at home?
  1. What makes him/her happy/sad/excited/upset?

Communication, Language & Literacy

  1. Does your child like to talk about what he/she is doing/about things you have done together/about things he/she is looking forward to?
  1. Does he/she enjoy books and stories?
  2. Does he/she like to draw and try to write?

Mathematical Development

  1. Is he/she getting to know about numbers?
  1. Does he/she like to help you at home or when you go shopping?
  1. Does he/she enjoy games and puzzles?

Knowledge & Understanding of the World

  1. Does he/she seem curious about why things happen and how things work?
  1. Does he/she show an interest in past and present events in the family?
  1. Can he/she operate the TV, tape player, etc under supervision?
  1. Is there a computer at home, does he/she know how to use it?

Physical Development

  1. Does he/she enjoy running, climbing, balancing? Does he/she like drawing and cutting things out with scissors? Does he/she find any of these things particularly difficult?
  1. What does your child like to eat and drink? Is he/she beginning to understand that some foods are ‘good for you’?

3. Does/has your child have/had any medical problems that we need to be aware of?

Creative Development

  1. Does he/she like to sing/dance/listen to music? Does he/she know some songs ‘by heart’? (Examples)
  1. Does he/she enjoy painting/drawing/making models?
  1. Does he/she use imagination, like to dress up, enjoy ‘pretend play’?

Additional Comments

What else do you want to tell us about your child (including anything your child has done that has made you feel proud or happy or hopes and plans for the future)?

Any concerns?

If there is any other relevant information about your family please write it here, such as living arrangements or family issues that may affect your child.


CLASSIC SWEATSHIRT / RED/GREEN / AGE - 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 / £6.50
CLASSIC SWEATCARDI / RED/GREEN / AGE - 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 / £7.50
CLASSIC POLO SHIRT / WHITE / AGE - 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 / £ 5.50
FLEECE JACKET / RED/GREEN / AGE - 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 / £10.00
WEATHERPROOF REVERSIBLE COAT / RED/GREEN / AGE - 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 / £13.50
WATERPROOF & BREATHABLE OUTDOOR COAT / RED/GREEN / AGE - 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 / £16.00
PINAFORE DRESS / GREY / AGE - 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 / £8.50
GINGHAM DRESS / RED& WHITE GREEN&WHITE / AGE - 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 / £6.50
PE KIT (T-SHIRT, SHORTS & BAG) / BAG COLOURS – RED, GREEN / AGE - 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 / £6.50

Order Form

Name of pupil…………………………………………………………. Class………………………………………

Please supply my son/daughter with the following items.

Quantity / Style / Size / Colour / Price