
8Th Annual

KIMEP International

Research Conference

All sessions are in the New Building

Academic Sessions hosted by:

Bang College of Business

College of Social Sciences

Central Asian Studies Center

Language Center

22-23 April 2011

3rd Annual Taxation Conference/Symposium

Central Asian Tax Center

21 April 2011


Student Conference

21 April, 2010

8th Annual KIMEP International Research Conference


On behalf of our president, Dr. Chan Young Bang I would like to welcome you to the 8th Annual KIMEP International Research Conference. This year’s conference will feature 128 presentations with 26 presenters coming from universities outside of Kazakhstan. Putting together a conference of this size requires the efforts of many people and I would like to thank the individuals responsible for putting together the various programs: Dr. Golam Mostafa, College of Social Sciences; Dr. Nargis Kassenova, Central Asian Studies Center; Dr. Tomas Balco, Central Asian Tax Center; Maria Yessimzhanova, Language Center and Yevgeniya Malkovskaya, Leadership Development Program. Alexios Shaw was invaluable in assisting with the TEDX-KIMEP student conference. I would also like to thank Zukhra Asanova, Dinara Zhursunova and Meruyert Duisengaliyeva for their assistance with the logistics. I would also like to thank Stanley Currier and Raushan Kanayeva for their assistance with funding the publication of the program and proceedings and especially to the people of K-Cell for their generous financial support. I hope everyone has a good experience at the conference and wish everyone a good remainder of the academic year.


Dr. William Gissy

Program Director, BCB


21 April, 2011

3rd Annual Taxation Conference/Symposium Hall # 1

10.00 – 10.30 / Introduction / Dr. Dana Stevens, Dr. Blackburn Terence, Prof. Tomas Balco, Prof. Vladimir Tuytuyruykov
Session 1: Fiscal policy issues
10.30 – 11.30 / Topic 1: Role of taxation in
Accounting (3) / Omarova Saltanat,
Seifullina Meruert,
Baisalbayeva Kuralay
11.30 – 11.45 / Coffee Break
11.45 – 12.25 / Topic 2: Financial Crisis and Taxation: Global Trends(2) / Sakiyeva Assel,
12.25 – 13.05 / Topic 3: Customs Union (2):
- role of taxation;
- role of SEZ / Haliullina Elvira,
Pak Natasha,
Yermuhametova Assiya
13.05 – 14.00 / Lunch
Session 2: International taxation with focus on Korea-Kazakhstan relations
14.00 – 14.40 / Topic 1: Suitable Investment Structures in Kazakhstan/KZ Investment into Korea
Topic 2: Elimination of Double Taxation / Altayeva Kamilya,
Sergazinov Yernat
14.40 – 15.20 / Topic 3: Domestic Tax System
Topic 4: Taxation of capital gains and dividends / Gabdul Anar,
Assilova Meruert
15.20 – 15.35 / Coffee Break
15.35 – 16.15 / Topic 5: Permanent Establishment - Attribution of profits
Topic 6: Anti-Avoidance Provisions / Dautova Balnur,
Akhmetbek Akerke
16.15 – 16.55 / Topic 7: Tax Rules in Non-tax Agreements
Topic 8: Korea-Kazakhstan Tax Treaty/German - Korea Tax Treaty / Imankulova Bibinur,
Muratova Karina
16.55 – 17.10 / Coffee Break
17.10 – 17.50 / Topic 9: Oil & Gas Taxation in Kazakhstan
Topic 10: Transparent Entities / Yermagambetov Damir,
Yeroshenko Xeniya
18.10 / Closing ceremony, reception


21 April, 2011


Student Conference

Hall # 2

Program Timetable:

1630 - 1745 / Pre-Conference Reception
1800 - 1810 / Delivery address Marcus Yue Han-Jie
1810 - 1830 / Speaker #1 Kasiet Omarova
1835 - 1855 / Speaker #2 Alisher Yelikbayev
1900 - 1920 / Intermission
1925 - 1945 / Speaker #3 Shakhnoza Yakubova
1950 – 2010 / Speaker #4 Chuah Sun Soon
2010 - 2020 / Closing address Marcus Yue Han-Jie
2025 - 2125 / Refreshments /Networking Sessions

Eighth Annual KIRC


Friday, 22 April 2011

Bang College of Business

Leadership Development Program

Project Coordinator

Yevgeniya Malkovskaya

Academic Supervision

Dilbar Gimranova and Alma Alpeissova


Session 1 Hall # 1

Moderator: Dilbar Gimranova

Innovative Teaching Methodology: Leadership Development Program at the Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics, and Strategic Research (KIMEP)

Dilbar Gimranova, Alma Alpeissova and Gurumurthy Kalyanaram

The Employee Motivation in Volunteering Organizations: Alumni Leaders League, Kazakhstan

Tutova Mariya, Kuanysheva Meruert, Rau Grigoriy


Session 2 Hall # 1

Moderator: Alma Alpeissova

The ICT Development Index in Kazakhstan: The Focus on Business Environment

Kadyrova Dilnaz, Maratov Askar, Bolatbekuly Olzhas, Laulanov Askhat

Company supervision: Guenter Dahm, CEO, Microsoft Kazakhstan

Innovation Management: A Critical Analysis of the Government Initiatives to Foster Innovation in Kazakhstan

Sansyzbayev Dair, Sakiyeva Assel, Kuanysheva Meruyert, Aman Arman

Company supervision: Guenter Dahm, CEO, Microsoft Kazakhstan


Session 3 Hall # 1

Moderator: Dilbar Gimranova

Islamic Banking in the Republic of Kazakhstan: The Al Hilal Bank Market Entry Challenges

Askar Baiken, Valeriya Demchenko, Karina Turkebayeva, Dana Saparova, Almat Mazinov, Dilshat Mukhamejanov

Company supervision: Prasad Abraham, CEO, Al Hilal Bank Kazakhstan

Leadership of the Kazakhstan Banking System in the CIS: Myth or Reality?

Margarita Stepanova, Yekaterina Kazakova, Maiya Kaushenova

Company supervision: Mukhtar Mussabetov, Managing Partner, ICC Business Advisors

Academic Sessions

Bang College of Business

Session 4 Room 102


Ethics, Social Responsibility and Sustainable Living

Moderator: Dr. Vladimir Garkavenko

Business Ethical Decision Making in Kazakhstan

Dr. Carolyn Erdener (KIMEP), Dr. Vladimir Garkavenko (KIMEP)

The Features, Problems and Perspectives of Corporate Social Responsibility in Kazakhstan

Farikha Yerzhanova (KIMEP)

Sustainable Living: A Study on Communities in CIS Region

Dr. Elmira Bogoviyeva (KIMEP)

Big Oil and CSR in Kazakhstan: Government Intervention vs. Voluntary

Saule Bulebayeva (KIMEP)

Session 5

2:00-3:15 Room 109

Technology, Infrastructure and Innovation

Moderator: Dr. Krishan Rana

Visitor Moving Pattern Analysis Using Spatiotemporal Data Mart and Data Visualization

Jaehee Cho (Kwangwoon University), Iljung Seo (Kyungpook National University)

Information and Communication Technology Adoption in Tourism: A Review of Theoretical Models

Liza Rybina (KIMEP), Dr. Vladimir Garkavenko (KIMEP), Dr. Ha Jin Hwang (KIMEP)

Sustaining innovation by implementing qualitative research

Dr. Francisco Chia Cua (KIMEP)

Transportation in Kazakhstan and its Economic Implication

Dr. Krishan Rana (KIMEP)


BCB Keynote Lecture

Hall # 1

The Myth Too Big to Fail

Dr. Imad Moosa (RMIT)

MC: Dr. Razzaque Bhatti

Reception to follow

College of Social Sciences


Discussion Panel Hall # 2

Moderator: Fredrick Emrich

Connecting Groups and Communities: Examples and Lessons

Organized and run by faculty members of the Journalism Department


Session I Room 102

Topics in the Economics of Central Asia: Kazakhstan

Moderator: Aloysius Ajab Amin (KIMEP)

Estimating the Sources of Kazakhstan’s Economic Growth.

Aloysius Ajab Amin (KIMEP), Dariya Ainekova (KIMEP).

Indicative Tariff Protection Level in Kazakhstan: Before and After the Customs Union (Part I).

Lyaziza Sabyrova (RAKURS Center for Economic Analysis).

ISO in Kazakhstan or Why Quantity Does Not Grow to Quality.

Gulbaram A. Nassyrova (Karaganda State University named after E. A. Buketov).

Housing Market of Almaty.

Kairat Mynbaev (Kazakh-British Technical University) and Saniya Ibraeva (Kazakh-British Technical University).

Determinants of Small Business Development in Almaty

Igor Kim, Executive Assistant to the Department of Economics


Session II Room 205

Emerging Online Realities

Moderator: John Couper

Can Online Marketing Tools be used to Help Central Asian Organizations Complete?

Dr. Ken Harvey (KIMEP)

Internet is the fifth power! Challenges and Opportunities of New Media in Kazakhstan.

Saltanat Kazhimuratova (KIMEP)

Coverage of the 2010 OSCE Summit by Kazakhstani Newspapers: Professionalism and Objectivity.

John Couper (KIMEP)


Session III Room 103

Topics in the Economics of Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan

Moderator: Lyaziza Sabyrova (RAKURS Center for Economic Analysis)

Bank Size and Ownership Effect on Kyrgyz Bank Efficiency.

Ibrahim Keles (International Ataturk Alatoo University, Bishkek).

Banking System and Islamic Banking in Kyrgyzstan in Case of ECO Bank.

Gulnaz Atabaev (International Ataturk Alatoo University, Bishkek).

Impact of CIS Countries Monetary Policy to the Economy (In Case of the Kyrgyzstan).

Nurlan Atabaev (International Ataturk Alatoo University, Bishkek).

Problems of Developing a Silicon Cluster in Kyrgyzstan.

Bedelbai Mamadiev (International Ataturk Alatoo University, Bishkek).

Impact of Standardized Tests on Equity Issues in Kyrgyzstan.

Duishon Shamatov, Research Associate at the University of Central Asia, Bishkek


Session IV Room 110

Journalism Impacts

Moderator: Ken Harvey

Agenda Setting by Print News Media in Kazakhstan: How Vremya and KazPravda frame headlines

Sholpan Kozhamkulova (KIMEP)

Long- Circuiting Media: theorizing the Construction of News Meaning

John Couper (KIMEP)

Power Discourse in Public Discourse: Frames of Aggression and Institutions in Pakistani News

Sholpan Kozhamkulova (KIMEP)

Involving Kazakhstani Households in National Stock Market Participation

Dinara Tusupova (Nazarbayev University)


Session V Room 102


Moderator: Saleheen Khan (Minnesota State University, Mankato and KIMEP)

Should the Government Sell or Lease Capital?

Leon Taylor (KIMEP).

The Resource Curse and the CIS Economies: Theory and Country Experiences.

Eldar Madumarov (KIMEP).

Contagious Currency Crises: How Important is Trade Channel?

Saleheen Khan (Minnesota State University, Mankato and KIMEP), Faridul Islam (Utah Valley State College), Shakil Quayes (Arizona State University).

Exploring the Responsive Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows into the ASEAN-5.

Shahidur Rahman (KIMEP).

Patriotic Name Bias and Stock Returns.

Dr. Marek Joches (ISCTE), Dr. Evangelos Benos (ISCTE)


Session VI Room 109

Public Administration

Moderator: Shahjahan Bhuiyan

The Hierarchical Civil Servant: The Resurrection of an Administrative Archetype?

Dr. John Dixon (KIMEP)

Managing Non- Governmental Organizations in Kazakhstan

Aliya Kabdiyeva (KIMEP)

The Role of the Public Sector in Promoting CSR in Kazakhstan

Azhar Baisakalova (KIMEP)

Механизмы распределения ресурса

Н.Б. Кубанова

Современные аспекты применения конкурентоспособной оплаты труда и системы вознаграждения персонала

Абдрахимова М.С.,

Language Center


Session 1 Room 102

Theory of Language

Moderator: Z.Yernazarova

Doctor of Sciences, KIMEP

Тілдік біліктілік – кәсіби біліктіліктің негізгі тетігі

K. Yessenova, Doctor of Sciences, Kazakh Abylai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages

Эмотивтіліктің семантикалық негіздері.

G. Imanaliyeva, Cand. of Sciences, Kazakh Al-Farabi State University

Қазақы пайымдаудың логика - синтаксистік көрінісі.

Z.Yernazarova, Doctor of Sciences, LC, KIMEP


Session 2 Room 109

Methods of Teaching Kazakh

Moderator: Sh. Abdiyeva,

Cand. of Sciences, LC, KIMEP

Іс қағаздарын мемлекеттік тілде жүргізу,

оның қолдану аясын кеңейтудің тиімді жолдары

O. Abutalip, M.Zhagyparova; Kazakh-British Technical University

Қазақ тілін шет тілі ретінде оқытудың тиімді жолдары

А.Abuova, PhD; S.Demirel University

Ақпараттық-коммуникациалық технологияны техника тілін үйретуде қолдану жолдарының бірі жайында.

K. Zhaksylykova, professor, Cand. of Sciences, Kazakh State Technical University


Session 3 Room 102

Theoretical and practical Issues of Language

And language Teaching

Moderator: K.Yessenova,

Cand. of Sciences,

Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages

Сөз мәдениетін оқытудың мақсаттары мен міндеттері

D. Alkebayeva, Kazakh National University, professor

Қытайдың жаңаша жазу жүйесінің қалыптасу тарихы

F. Orazakynqyzy, N. Ashimbai, Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Қытай Тіліндегі Мөлшер Сөздердің Қолданылуы

N. Ashimbai, Kazakh State Pedagogical University


Session 4 Room 109

Methods of Teaching Kazakh

Moderator: N. Bekeyeva,

Cand. of Sciences, Language Center, KIMEP

Тіл оқытудың әлемдік тәжірибесі

R. Smagulova, Cand. of Sciences, LC, KIMEP

Магистранттарды коммуникативтік-танымдық оқыту кағидалары

G.Gaiipova, Cand. of Sciences, Kazakh State Architecture Academy

Мемлекеттік тілде іс қағаздарын жүргізу» курсы бойынша студенттердің өздік жұмыстарын (СӨЖ)ұйымдастыру тәжірибемізден.

G. Otebayeva, Kazakh British Technical University

2:00-2:50 Hall #2

LC Keynote Lecture

How Many Languages? What Languages? How to Teach Children,

youth, and Adults to Understand, Speak, and Write Them

Dr. Alan Crawford,

Emeritus Professor of Education, California State University

15:00-3:30 Hall #2

LC Keynote Lecture

Шетел тілін үйрету және оның әдіснамалық негіздері

Tanat Ayapova,

Doctor of Sciences, professor,

Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages


Session 5 Room 102

Theoretical and Practical Issues of Language

And Language Teaching

Moderator: Z.Utebayeva,

Cand. of Sc., LC, KIMEP

Metaphors in the Classroom: Worth Their Weight in Gold

Dr. N. Burkhalter, LC, KIMEP

Modalisation in Academic Discourse

G. Makhanova, PhD

Concept Definition Method in Research on Children’s Bilingualism

A. Shayakhmet, Cand. of Sciences, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


Session 6 Room 109

Organizational Issues of Education

Moderator: R.Smagulova,

Cand. of Sc., LC, KIMEP

Роль интерактивных методов обучения для познавательной деятельности студентов

B. Ashegova, English Dep., Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Организация работы магистрантов

U. Adilbayeva, Cand. of Sciences, associate professor, Kazakh State Architecture Academy

Виртуальные университеты Республике Казахстан как способ повышения качества высшего образования

N. Baimuldina, Cand. of Sciences,

C. Kalmukhanbetova, Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Session 7


Session 5 Room 102

Practical Issues of Language Teaching

Moderator: Nancy Burkhalter, PhD, LC, KIMEP

An Investigation of English for Web Design Purposes

Dr. D. Landis, LC, KIMEP; B. Muldasheva, N. Chubko, MA TESOL

Video and Videotaping in Teacher Self-Reflection

T.Zhanadilov, LC, KIMEP

Shifting to New Teaching Approaches in the Kazakhstani Foreign Language Classroom

Z. Suleimenova, WLP, KIMEP; A.Tursun, LC

Session 8

4:20-5:35 Room 109

Session 5

Critical Literacy Issues

Moderator: S. Mirseitova, Cand. of Sciences

International Reading Association, Kazakhstan

Кейс әдісі арқылы студенттердің қазақша сөйлеу белсенділігін арттыру.

Sh. Abdiyeva, LC, KIMEP

Іскерлік Хаттарды Жазуға Үйретудің Кейбір Тәсілдері

A. Noken, LC, KIMEP

Тіл үйретуде студенттердің қызығушылығын арттыру.

A. Kurmanaliyeva, LC, KIMEP

Saturday 22 April

Academic Sessions

Bang College of Business

Session 6 Room 102


Topics in Finance

Moderator: Dr. M Mujibul Haque

Kazakhstan - The Real Currency and Growth Challenge for Commodity Producing Countries

Dr. Gavin Kretzschmar (KIMEP/University of Edinburgh), Mira Nurmakhanova (KIMEP)

The Benefits of International Portfolio Diversification: A Kazakhstani Perspective

Dr. M Mujibul Haque (KIMEP), Dr. Sang Lee (KIMEP) and Dmitriy Belyanin (KIMEP)

The Impact of Bank Competition on the Bank Credit Risk-taking in Kazakhstan During Crises Years 2007-2010

Olga Pak (KIMEP)

Session 7

9:00-10:15 Room 109

Questions of Attitude

Moderator: Dr. Carolyn Erdener

Sources of Work-Related Stress: An Exploratory Study

Dr. Michael Conrad (KIMEP)

Motives for Participation in Sports in Kazakhstan

Dr.Elmira Bogoviyeva (KIMEP)