Study Guidefor Chapter 1 & 2 for Check Point


1A:Identify the major eras in U.S. history through 1877 and describe their defining characteristics.

1B:Apply absolute and relative chronology through the sequencing of significant individuals, events, and time periods.

1C:Explain the significance of the following dates: 1607

2A:Identify reasons for European exploration and colonization of North America.

2B:Compare political, economic, and social reasons for establishment of the 13 colonies.

3A:Explain the reasons for the growth of representative government and institutions during the colonial period.

3B:Evaluate the importance of the Mayflower Compact, the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, and the Virginia House of Burgesses to the growth of representative government.

3C:Describe how religion contributed to the growth of representative government in the American colonies.

24A:Identify selected racial, ethnic, and religious groups that settled in the United States and their reasons for immigration.

  • Know Similarities and Differences of each of the Colonies
  • The British Colonial Period = “The New England, The Middle Atlantic and the Southern Colony establishment
  • How the physical environment affected settlement
  • John Smith—soldier and adventurer—he said, “He that will not work shall not eat.”
  • Indentured servants—sold their labor for passage to the colonies
  • Joint-stock company—investors received pieces of ownership of the company called shares of stock
  • Proprietary colony-the Duke of York became the sole owner of a colony
  • King Philip’s War-Puritan colonies fought a war with the native Americans…it allowed the settlers to expand
  • Quakers—William Penn established a colony so settlers could live according to their beliefs and live in peace and harmony
  • Food—colonists relied on Native Americans for their food
  • James Oglethorpe—Georgia’s colonial leader, he set strict rules
  • Pilgrims—approached the Virginia Company if they could settle in America
  • Representative assembly—American colonies set up government called the House of Burgesses
  • Purpose of Mayflower Compact: set up laws, establish a Christian heritage, and show colonists to act as one unit
  • How did Lord De La Warr end the “starving time?” imposed discipline
  • Why did the London Company tell settlers that Jamestown would be rich in gold? To attract settlers
  • Why did Roanoke Colony fail? Shortage of food
  • What even led to England colonizing the Americas? The defeat of the Spanish Armada
  • What year was Jamestown established? 1607
  • What did the English government want to use the Georgia Colony for? Military outpost
  • Describe the differenct between a proprietary colony and a royal colony. Proprietary colonies were privately owned----- Royal colonies were under the rule of the king
  • What was unusual about life in Pennsylvania?Native Americans were treated as equals
  • Challenges to Puritan beliefs----forced attendance to Baptist Church, teachings that one could worship God without a church, minster, or Bible. Founding of Rhode Island, that guaranteed religious freedom and separation of church and state