Early Childhood Communication Goal Bank

Articulation Goals & Objectives

Student will increase the number of speech sounds that he/she is able to correctly produce on a consistent basis FROM a level that includes (# of sounds and /or specific list of sounds) TO a level that includes correct production of at least (# of total sounds and/or specific sound targets) as documented by the Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) in at least 3 separate speech samples by (month, year). Specific sound targets will include # of the following: (list sounds in error)


Student will imitate correct productions of (list target sounds) in the following syllable patterns on 90% of trials charted by the SLP:

Consonant + Vowel (C+V) = eg. ma

Vowel + Consonant (V+C) eg. am

C+V+C (eg. mom) with consonant change (eg. mop/pom)

C+V+C+V with consonant change & vowel change (eg. Maddy)

Student will independently produce (target sounds) correctly in all positions of phrases and sentences with 85% accuracy during structured activities as charted by the SLP over 3 consecutive sessions.

Student will independently produce (target sounds) correctly in all positions of phrases and sentences with 85% accuracy during story telling/re-telling activities as charted by the SLP over 3 consecutive sessions.

Student will independently produce (target sounds) correctly during spontaneous conversation with 75% accuracy as charted by the SLP in 3 separate speech samples.

Early Childhood Communication Goal Bank

Concept and Vocabulary Goals and Objectives

Goal: (Student) will increase understanding and use of quality concepts FROM (present level), TO a level of (targeted level) of concepts (listed below) as documented by the speech/language pathologist (SLP) by (month/year).

·  Colors-matching

·  Colors- pointing to #

·  Colors- naming #

·  Hot/cold

·  Big/little

·  Soft/hard

·  Heavy

·  Go/stop

·  Fast/slow

·  Tall

·  Same

·  Wet/dry

·  Rough/smooth

·  Heavy/light

·  Loud/soft

·  Different/same

·  Long/short

·  Wide/fat/thin

·  Largest/longest

·  Shapes (circle, square, triangle, star, oval, heart, rhombus)

Receptive skills

  1. Student will demonstrate understanding of (#) qualitative concepts listed below by manipulating or pointing to objects in response to single step directives on 80% of trials documented by the SLP.
  1. Student will demonstrate understanding of (#) qualitative concepts listed below by following single step directions in everyday situations (eg. Get the blue cup.) on 80% of trials documented by the SLP.

Expressive skills

  1. Student will demonstrate correct use of (#) qualitative concepts listed below by correctly naming stimulus pictures presented on 80% of trials documented by the SLP.
  2. Student will correctly use (#) qualitative concepts listed below to describe/discuss common scenarios observed in stories, or events on 80% of trials documented by the SLP.


Goal: (Student) will increase understanding and use of spatial concepts FROM (present level), TO (targeted skills) (listed below) as documented by the speech/language pathologist (SLP) by (month/year).

·  In/out

·  On/off

·  Up/down

·  Under

·  Front

·  Behind/in back

·  Over

·  Next to/beside

·  Around

·  Outside

·  Nearest

·  Top/bottom

·  Between

·  Beside

·  Above/below

·  Middle

·  Together

·  Backward

·  Forward

·  High/low

Receptive skills

  1. Student will demonstrate understanding of (#) spatial concepts listed below by manipulating or pointing to objects in response to single step directives on 80% of trials documented by the SLP.
  2. Student will demonstrate understanding of (#) spatial concepts listed below by following single step directions in everyday situations (eg. Put the cup on the table.) on 80% of trials documented by the SLP.

Expressive skills

1.  Student will demonstrate correct use of (#) spatial concepts listed below by correctly naming the location of objects presented on 80% of trials documented by the SLP.

2.  Student will correctly use (#) spatial concepts listed below to discuss stories, events or common scenarios on 80% of trials documented by the SLP.


Goal: (Student) will increase understanding and use of quantity concepts FROM (present level) , TO a level of (targeted skills)(listed below) as documented by the speech/language pathologist (SLP) by (month/year).

·  One

·  All

·  None

·  More

·  Empty

·  Some

·  The rest

·  Most

·  Many

·  Few

·  Both

·  Another

·  Full

·  Give me 3

·  Give me 5

·  Half

·  Whole

·  Least

·  Each

·  Any

·  Every

·  Enough

Receptive skills

  1. Student will demonstrate understanding of quantity concepts listed below by manipulating or pointing to objects in response to single step directives on 80% of trials documented by the SLP.
  2. Student will demonstrate understanding of quantity concepts listed below by manipulating or pointing to pictures in response to single step directives on 80% of trials documented by the SLP.
  3. Student will demonstrate understanding of quantity concepts listed below by following single step directions in everyday situations (eg. Put the 3 cups on the table.) on 80% of trials documented by the SLP.

Expressive skills

1.  Student will demonstrate correct use of (#) quantity concepts listed below to describe/label picture or object scenarios on 80% of trials documented by the SLP.

2.  Student will demonstrate correct use of (#) quantity concepts listed below by using targeted vocabulary to describe/discuss scenarios presented in stories or events on 80% of trials documented by the SLP.


GOAL: (Student) will increase his ability to demonstrate understanding of new words FROM a level of (present level) different categories, TO
(target level )of identified categories (listed below) as documented by the speech/language pathologist (SLP) by (month/year).

·  Food

·  Animals

·  Clothing

·  Toys

·  People

·  Actions

·  Vehicles/things we ride/transportation

·  Household items

·  School items


1. (Student) will demonstrate understanding of (#)targeted vocabulary items by manipulating or pointing to objects named by the SLP in structured activities on 80% of trials documented by the SLP.

2. (Student) will demonstrate understanding of targeted vocabulary by following (#) different single step directions in everyday situations on 80% of trials documented by the SLP.


Goal: (Student) will increase ability to use new words FROM (present level) different categories, TO (target level) identified categories (listed below) to describe/discuss familiar scenarios as documented by the speech/language pathologist (SLP) by (month/year).

·  Food

·  Animals

·  Clothing

·  Toys

·  People

·  Actions

·  Vehicles/things we ride

·  Household items

·  School items

(Student) will use targeted vocabulary to name 4/5 pictures or objects from each targeted category on 80% of trials documented by the SLP.

(Student) will use targeted vocabulary to name the correct category when given a list of 3-5 category members (verbally or with pictures) on 80% of trials documented by the SLP.
(eg.” bread, pizza, apple, meat = these are all”…. FOOD)

(Student) will name at least (#) members of each targeted category when presented with the category name, within 1 minute on 80% of trials documented by the SLP.
(eg. “Tell me all of the FOODs you can think of.”…. bread, pizza, apple, meat, etc.)

Student will use targeted vocabulary to discuss or describe familiar scenarios/stories presented on 80% of trials documented by the SLP.

Early Childhood Communication Goal Bank

SNYTAX Goals and Objectives

Syntax and Morphology

Developmental Rubric

GOAL: (Student) will increase understanding and use of grammatical structures FROM (present level), TO (targeted level)skills (listed below) as documented by the speech/language pathologist (SLP) by (month/year).

·  Action words

·  Describing words

·  Pronouns (I, me, mine, you)

·  Pronouns (he, she, they, it)

·  Possessive -s ending (eg. the boys cat)

·  Plural –s ending (eg. cookies)

·  Location words (here, there)

·  Negation ( not)

·  Present progressive forms (verb +ing)

·  Auxiliary verbs (is, are, am)

·  Articles

·  MLU = 3.1 @ 24-30 mos:(3-4 words)

·  MLU = 3.4 @ 30-36 mos

·  Adverbs

·  Conjunction (and)

·  Negatives

·  Pronouns (his/her)

·  “What” questions (“What says ‘meow’?”)

·  Yes/ no (“Is”) questions ( eg. Is the dog eating?)

·  Irregular plurals (eg. children)

·  3rd person singular form (eg. He runs.)

·  MLU= 3.4-4.3 @ 36-42 months (4-5 words)

·  More adverbs

·  Conjunctions (because)

·  Contractions (won’t, can’t)

·  Pronouns (they, their, myself)

·  “What” Questions (eg. “What was happening?)

·  Complex sentences (eg. The cat and the dog are running.)

·  Regular past tense (eg. jumped)

·  Third person singular –s (eg. She eats the cookie.)

·  Auxiliary (got, have)

Syntax/Morphology (cont.)

·  MLU= 4.4- 5.3 @ 42- 48 months

·  Conjunctions (if, so)

·  Pronouns (our, they, their)

·  Irregular plurals ( mice)

·  Verb forms (would, could)

·  MLU = 4.6 @ 48-54 months (4-7 words)

·  Future tense (will)

·  Comparative/superlative forms emerging (-er, -est)

·  Noun + 2 modifying adjectives (big, wet dog)

·  MLU = 5.7-6.8 @ 54-60 months


1.  (Student) will demonstrate understanding of grammatical structures listed below by manipulating or pointing to pictures in response to verbal stimuli on 80% of trials documented by the SLP.

2.  (Student) will demonstrate correct use of grammatical structures listed below by describing/discussing events or pictures on 80% of trials documented by the SLP.

3.  (Student) will demonstrate use of grammatical structures listed below in conversational speech on 80% of trials documented in a spontaneous language sample of at least 30 utterances as documented by the SLP.

Early Childhood Communication Goal Bank

Pragmatic Goals and Objectives

Ages- 2-3 years

·  attention to people

·  attends to a story

·  uses language imaginatively

·  short dialogues

·  expresses emtion

·  clarifies and requests clarification

·  introduces and changes topics

Goal: (Student) will increase interpretation and use of pragmatic language skills FROM (present level) TO (target level) as documented by the speech/language pathologist (SLP) by (month/year).


1. (Student) will attend to a story/speaker in a small group activity for __ minutes, as documented by the (SLP), during 3 observed opportunities.

·  Imitation/spontaneous use of motor actions during songs/finger plays

·  Attempt to imitate vocal/verbal models

·  Spontaneous production of key repeated non-speech sounds or words.

·  Referencing others

2. (Student) will initiate a non-verbal social interaction, with a peer or an adult, (give a toy to a peer, smile to a peer, etc,) on 3/5 opportunities per day, as documented by the (SLP), during 3 observed opportunities.

3. (Student) will verbally initiate a social interaction, with a peer or an adult, (say “hi”, etc,) on 3/5 opportunities per day, as documented by the (SLP), during 3 observed opportunities.

4. (Student) will maintain a topic initiated by a partner for two conversational turns, first with prompting and then independently, as documented by the (SLP), during 3 observed opportunities.

5. (Student) will initiate topic with peer/adult 5 times daily as documented by the (SLP), during 3 observed opportunities.

6. Student will change topic in response to partner cues on two consecutive opportunities as documented by the (SLP), during 3 observed sessions.

7. (Student) will engage in cooperative play with peers taking both a leader and follower role at least once a day, as documented by the (SLP), during 3 observed opportunities.

Non-verbal responding
*Focus on caregiver's face
*Smile spontaneously
*Responds to caregiver's smile
*React appropriately to facial expressions/gestures/touches
*Quiet when noise is present
*Visually search for sounds
*Imitates previously learned gestures/actions (wave bye-bye
*Respond appropriately to social games initiated by adults
*Demonstrates joint attention
*Take turns in imitation games
*Responds appropriately to facial expressions
*Demonstrate understanding of gestures commonly used in environment
*Imitate a sequence of actions / specific actions
*Imitates non-verbal patterns
Using increasing variety and complexity of non-verbal cues with people
*Use movement/facial expressions to make wants & needs known & to show feelings
*Coordinate looking and body movements when interacting face-to-face with caregiver
*Imitate facial expressions
*Imitate social games
*Use gestures such as pointing/pulling to direct attention
*Show or give an object/ bring adult's attention to an object
*Imitate gestures to communicate (eg.wave bye-bye)
*Use gestures to express no/yes / (eg. Nod head/shake head)
*Use a variety of gestures to communicate wants/needs/feelings
*Hand toy/object as a way of initiating social interaction
*Use whole body to express moods/feelings
*Use variety of gestures to communicate more intents
*Pretend to be doing routine activities
*Imitate finger play actions/motions to music
*Model nonverbal communication including actions, gestures, facial expressions
*Refine expressions of moods and feelings through body motions and gestures.
*Initiate finger play actions and movement to music.
Understanding the home language
*Quiet to noise or voice and search for sound source
*Search for sound source by turning head and focusing on speaker
*Understand names of 5 familiar people
*Understand & respond to simple verbal commands with gestures
*Associate words/signs with objects, people, actions
*Attend appropriately to familiar words such as "No-no" or "go bye-bye"
*Respond to own name
*Respond to variation in tone of voice by others
*Respond to simple requests
*Enjoy rhythms, simple songs, and will dance to music
*Give toy/object on request when gesture is used with verbal request
*Understand names of many familiar people & objects
*Understand a variety of commands
*Attend to adults' conversation
*Listens to stories, rhymes, and music
*Begin to stop activity/behavior on command
*Follows simple directions without gesture cues
*Respond to yes/no questions
*Listen appreciatively to conversations, stories, poems, music
*Understands a greater variety of words to describe things.
*Responds to who-questions (eg. What, who, where, when, why)
*Follows complex directions, responds to questions or comments & listens attentively
*Begins to listen analytically by asking relevant questions and showing understanding of
increasingly complex ideas
*Discriminates between real words and nonsense words.
Communicating in the home language=Expressive communication