Juntune Vita 3

4752 Tiffany Park Circle

Bryan, Texas 77802

Phone: 979-776-9347 / 845-1973

Fax: 979-774-1675


Joyce E. Juntune

Educational Background

1962 -1966 Bethel College St. Paul, MN

B. A. elementary education major, music minor

1976 - 1978 St. Cloud University St. Cloud, MN

M. S. curriculum and instruction

1979 – 1981 State University College at Buffalo Buffalo, NY

Certificate in Creative Studies

1994 - 1997 Texas A&M University College Station, TX

Ph.D. educational psychology

Professional Experience

2004 – present Texas A&M University College Station, TX

Executive Director, Institute for Applied Creativity

■  initiate research and projects that bring creativity into K-12 education

■  expand the undergraduate and graduate coursework in the area of creative studies

■  direct the research and education activities of the Instititue

2001 – present Texas A&M University College Station, TX

Progam Director - ICE

■  organize and provide instruction in the summer training courses on Innovation and Creativity in Education (ICE)

1998 – present

Certified trainer for deBono’s Six Hatsâ , Lateral Thinking™ and Direct Attention Thinking Tools (DATT™)

n  provide training on the Six Hatsâ,, Lateral Thinking™ and Direct Attention Thinking Tools™ for education, business

1997 - present Texas A&M University College Station, TX


n  teach graduate level courses in the areas of gifted education

n  teach undergraduate courses in child development and creativity

n  serve on Master and Doctoral student advisement committees

1976 - present

Educational consultant

n  provide training in the areas of instructional improvement, creativity, thinking development, and gifted education

1989 - 1996 American Creativity Assn. St. Paul, MN

Executive Director

n  planned the meetings & convention, involved the membership in sharing ideas & research relating to creativity

n  was a member of the founding committee who had the responsibility for designing and setting up this organization

1979 - 1989 National Assn. for Gifted Children St. Paul, MN

Executive Director

n  planned the meetings & convention, involved the membership in sharing ideas & research on gifted education

1982 - 1988 Creative Problem Solving Institute Buffalo, NY

Facilitation Training Instructor

n  trained the instructors for the Institute in the techniques and processes needed for teaching the Creative Problem Solving method to people from education, corporations, and government

1977 -1981 Creative Problem Solving Institute Buffalo, NY


n  trained participants in the Creative Problem Solving method and its applications to their personal and professional lives

1975 - 1980 Mounds View School District St. Paul, MN

Director of Project REACH (funded Title IVc program)

n  designed and implemented a program for content-based thinking development

1966 - 1974 school districts in Minnesota & California

classroom teacher

n  taught students from nursery school age through middle school age

n  taught in districts that were inner city, suburban, and in migrant areas

Research Activities

2008 – present Mixed Methods study on Verbal-Non-verbal Intelligence Gaps in Children from Poverty

2006 Qualitative Study on perceptions of giftedness, creativity and innovation across cultures.

2004 – 2006, Survey Research Study on perceptions of creativity among college undergraduate students

2001 – 2004, Qualitative Study on perceptions of gifted students concerning giftedness and school based services

2000, Qualitative Study on the perceptions of middle school parents on what makes a good gifted program at the middle school level.

1998 – 2000, Qualitative Study on the use of talent pools in gifted programs

1998 – 1999, Qualitative Study on the level of understanding of giftedness of identified fifth graders

1998 – 1999, Qualitative Study on gifted middle school students attending summer programs for the gifted

1998 – 2001, Qualitative Study on developing a K-12 curriculum framework for a district –level gifted program

1998 – 2000, Quantitative Study on the Correlation of Screening Activities with Identification Testing for Gifted Programs

1996 - 1997, Qualitative Study on the Planning and Implementation of a Gifted Magnet Program into an Established Middle School

1982, Qualitative Study on the Social and Emotional Difficulties of Being Gifted

1978, Quantitative Study of the Effects of Staff Development on the Higher Order Thinking Abilities of Elementary School Students


2008, History of Gifted Education in Texas.(with S. Tyrrell) in TAGT Research Division (Ed.), The State of Gifted Education in Texas (pp. 10-15). Austin, TX: Texas Association for Gifted and Talented.

2006, Developing critical thinking within the content areas: A handbook for teachers, Moose Lake, MN: Creativity Services.

2003, Purposeful professional development: Planning positive experiences for teachers of the gifted and talented, with M. Wycoff, W. R. Nash, and L. Mackay. Gifted Child Today.vol. 26. no 4.

2002, The role of handholders, FOCUS, vol. 14. no. 2.

2002, Our greatest asset: Human capital, FOCUS, vol. 14. no. 2.

2001, Reaching our young leaders, FOCUS, vol. 13. no. 5.

2001, Gifted Education for the Classroom Teacher: A classroom handbook, Moose Lake, MN: Creativity Services

2000, Grids and formats for creative thinking: A guide for the classroom, Moose Lake, MN: Creativity Services.

1999, Blending a middle school magnet program for gifted students with a regular middle school program, with W. R. Nash. NASSP Bulletin, vol. 83, no. 609.

1999, Moving beyond the creative thinking skills, Tempo, vol. 19 no.3.

1998, The In-House Staff Development Model: A plan for effective change, Tempo, vol. 18 no. 2.

1992, Making thinking visible, with Edie Dougherty, Circle Pines, MN: 120 Creative Corner.

1990, Creative thinking across the curriculum, Circle Pines, MN: 120 Creative Corner.

1988, The pride of Nebraska: Gifted education, Satorion, Nebraska Association for Gifted.

1987, Developing thinking in the classroom, Challenge Magazine, November, December issue.

1986, The Role of the National Association for Gifted Children in the Development of Gifted Education, with J. Feldhusen, Gifted Education International, Winter issue

1982, Myth: The Gifted Constitutes a Single Homogeneous Group, Gifted Child Quarterly, vol.26, no. 1.

1981, Successful Programs for the Gifted and Talented, St. Paul, MN: National Assocation for Gifted Children.

1979, Project REACH: A teacher training program, Gifted Child Quarterly, vol.23, no. 3..

Funded Projects

2008 – 2009 Building Verbal Intelligence with Creative Thinking Strategies Department of CEHD, Texas A&M University, $5,000.

2006 – 2007, Fadcilitaing the planning and writing of a new Five Year Plan for Gifted Education in Spring Branch ISD. Houston, TX ($11,000)

2005 – 2006, Fadcilitaing the planning and writing of a new Five Year Plan for Gifted Education in Fort Bend ISD. Sugar Land, TX ($11,000)

2005, In-depth traiing for gifted education resource teachers, Montogomery ISD, TX ($6000)

2005, Trainer of trainer model for creative thinking, Mission CISD, TX ($6000)

2004 – 2005, Development of new 5 year plans for district level gifted program services:

Clear Creek ISD, TX ($7500)

Killeen ISD, TX ($3000)

Bryan ISD, TX ($3000)

Ysleta ISD, TX ($3000)

2002 – 2003, Development of an Individualized K-3 Gifted Program, Round Rock ISD, TX ($15,000)

2003 – Development of an Expanded Services Model for Gifted Students, Conroe ISD, TX ($7,000)

2001 – 2002, Qualitative Evaluation of the Gifted Program Services, Round Rock ISD, Round Rock, TX ($10,000)

2000 - 2001, Qualitative Evaluation of the Texas Association for Gifted and Talented Professional Development Insititute, TAGT and the Houston Foundation ($5,000)

1997, Qualitative Evaluation of the First Year of a Gifted Magnet Middle School Program, Clear Creek ISD, League City, TX ($3,000)

1996, Qualitative Evaluation of the Gifted Program, Clear Creek ISD, League City, TX ($2,500)

1977 – 1979, Replication of the Ttitle IV C grant. $12,000 per year to project site and $4,00 to each of 3 replication sites

1974 – 1977, Title IV C grant for $148,000 to study the effects of research-based teacher training on developing the creative thinking abilities of students

Professional Memberships

National Association for Gifted Children, Life Member

American Creativity Association, Life Member

2007, Annual Confernce Chair

Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented, Life Member

American Educational Research Association, Member

Papers Presented

2008, The Verbal-Nonverbal Intelligence Gap, (with Russell Warne and Jackie Newberry). Texas Assocaiton for Gifted and Talented Annual Conference, Austin, TX

2007, Views on Creative Thinking from the College Campus, (with A. Baris Gunersel). American Creativity Annual Conference, Austin, TX

2006, Curriculum Differentiation 101, Texas Assocaiton for Gifted and Talented Annual Conference, Austin, TX

2006, Examples from Masters of Creative Problem Solving: A Research Study. American Creativity Association, Austin, TX.

2005, Research in Creativity, American Creativity Association, Austin, TX

2005, The 5-Star Model for Differentiating Curriculum for the Gifted, Texas Association for Gifted and Talented Leadership Conference, Invited Session, Austin, TX

2004, A Closer Look at the Nature and Needs Training Sessions, Texas Association for Gifted Annual Conference, Dallas, TX

2003, Celebrating Creativity and Innovation at Texas A&M University, American Creativity Association, Houston, TX

2003, Expanding the Base of Services for Gifted Students, Texas Assocation for Gifted Annual Conference, Houstin, TX

2003, Developing a Quality 30-Hour Training Program in Gifted Education,

Texas Association for Gifted and Talented Leadership Conference, Invited Session, Austin, TX

2003, Fanning Your Creative Flame, Fairview Health Care Quality Leadership Conference, Invited Address, Minneapolis, MN

2002, Developing Creative Thinkers in All Classrooms, American Creativity Association, Philadelphia, PA

2002, Developing a Quality 30-Hour Training Program in Gifted Education,

Texas Association for Gifted and Talented Annual Convention, Houston, TX

2001, Building a Curriculum Framework for Gifted Learners at a District Level, Texas Association for Gifted and Talented Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX.

2001, Creative Thinking for Leaders, Texas A&M Fall Leadership Conference for Student Leaders, Hilltop, TX.

2000, A Look at GT Training and Professional Development Options, Texas Association for Gifted and Talented annual Convention, Austin TX.

2000, Using Qualiative Research in the Study of Creativity, American Creativity Association, St. Charles, IL.

2000, Tools & Techniques for Getting Better Ideas and Decisions from Your Group, The American Youth Horse Council National Leadership Symposium, Lexington, KY.

1999, Creativity and Gifted Programs, Texas Association for Gifted and Talented annual Convention, Houston, TX.

1998, Creative Thinking Skills as Tools for Improving Classroom Instruction, Texas Association for Gifted and Talented annual convention, Dallas, TX.

1998, Creative thinking From an “Extra” to the “Heart” of the Classroom, American Creativity Association annual convention, Houston, TX.

1997, The Merging of a Gifted Magnet Program into an Established Middle School, American Creativity Association annual convention, Philadelphia, PA.

1997, Creative Explorations of the Mind, American Society of Association Executives annual management and technology conference, Baltimore, MD.

1995, Changing Teachers for Changing Classrooms, Provincial Intermediate Teachers’ Conference, Vernon, British Columbia.

1993, Every Classroom a Thinking Classroom, Texas Elementary School Principals Association Spring Conference, Austin, TX.

Invited Keynotes and Presentations

2008, Buiding Advanced Products into Gifted Programs,Texas Association for Gifted Education Pre-Conference Institute, Dallas, TX.

2008, Testing and the Process of Identifying the Gifted,Texas Association for Gifted Education Leadership Conference, Austin, TX.

2008, Redesigning Programs for the Gifted,Texas Association for Gifted Education Leadership Conference, Austin, TX.

2007, Empowering Classrooms Through an Understanding of Gifted Education and Creative Thinking, Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTANN) Conference, Hershey, PA

2007, Creative Thinking Strategies for Research Proposal Development, Office of Proposal Development, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

2007, Opening Doors for Gifted Learners, Western Texas Association for Gifted and Talented Children, EL Paso, TX

2006, Developing Creative Thinkers, Aademy for Gifted Education, Millesville University, Millersville, PA.

2004, Grow or Die: The Future of Gifted Education,Texas Association for Gifted Education Leadership Conference, Austin, TX.

2002, From "Fluff Stuff" to the Heart of Education: Creativity and the Classroom, American Creativity Association annual convention, Philadelphia, PA.

1999, Critcal Thinking in Our Schools: Why and How?, New Mexico Symposium for the Gifted, Las Cruces, NM.

1992, Creative Thinking and the Arts, Arts Education Congress, University of Delaware.

Training Conducted

2008 Maximizing HumanCapital: Developing Creative and Innovative Thinking, Blackwood Law Enforncement.

2007 30 Hour State of Texas Required Training for Teachers of theGifted. McAllen ISD, Tyler ISD, Mission ISD, St. Laurence Catholic School-Houston, TX.

2007, 6 Hour State of Texas Required Training for Administrators and Counselors, Houston Co-op, El Paso ISD,

2007, Issues in Giftedness: Social and Emotional Development and Underachievement. San Benito CISD

2007, Nature and Needs of the Gifted: What Administrators Should Know. McAllen ISD.

2007 Creative Thinking in the Content Area Classroom. ElPaso ISD.

2007 Thinking that Leads to Higher Level Products. ElPaso ISD.

2007 Differentiating the Curriculum with Creative Thinking. ElPaso ISD.

2007, Understanding and Serving the Gifted and Talented. Alief ISD.

2007 Programming and Instruction for Gifted and Talented Students, Alief ISD.

2007 Differentiating the Curriculum for Gifted Students. Cy-Fair ISD

2007. Meeting the Needs of the Gifted in the Multi-Ability Classroom. Montgomery ISD.

2007 Maximizing HumanCapital: Developing Creative and Innovative Thinking, Blackwood Law Enforncement.

2006 Maximizing HumanCapital: Developing Creative and Innovative Thinking, Halliburton Corporation,

Re-examining the 30 Hour Training for Teachers of the Gifted

Region IV gifted education coordinators, Houston, TX

Other Training Activities

30 hour State of Texas Required Training for Teachers of the Gifted

Lubbock ISD, Lubbock, TX – August, 1997, August 1998, August 1998, August 1999, August 2000, August 2001, August 2002, August 2003, August 2004, August 2005, July, 2005

McAllen ISD, August 2005, August 2006.

Mission CISD, April-May, 2007, Sept - Oct., 2007.

San Benito ISD, San Benito, TX, July, 2004

Tyler ISD, Tyler, TX – August 2001, August 2002, August 2006.

30 hour State of Texas Required Training for Administrators and Counselors

Houston Co-op 2006, Conroe ISD, Edinburg CISD, Yselta ISD, Galveston ISD, Bryan ISD, Round Rock ISD, Lubbock ISD

6 hour updates for teachers of the gifted (a sampling of topics and locations)

Building Independent Learners – San Benito CISD, Montgomery ISD

Creative Thinking Skills – Houston Co-op, Eanes ISD, Lovejoy ISD, Spring ISD, Three Rivers ISD, Midway ISD, Highland Park ISD, Region VI – Huntsville, Mission CISD, Galena Park ISD, El Paso ISD.