Alliance Renee Meyer Luskin Academy High School

Physical Education/Health

Instructor: Mr. Dela Cruz

Room # 118

Phone: 323.905.1210


Academic Intervention Hours: Thursday 3:40 to 4:40

Office hours: Tuesday 3:30-4:30


Course Description

Physical Education is an essential part of the total education program at Luskin Academy. It is a process that contributes to the total development of every student through physical activity and recognizes the physical, mental, emotional and social characteristics of students. The Physical Education program provides a variety of movement experiences to help all students develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to function effectively in society.

Student Outcomes

·  Develop a complete understanding of the 5 components of physical fitness, which include muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility and body composition.

·  Exhibit proficiency in the following Physical Fitness Tests (Fitness Gram)

o  Body Mass Index

o  Mile Run

o  Push Up

o  Curl Up

o  Trunk Lift/ Sit & Reach

·  Demonstrate basic knowledge and understanding of the rules, terminology, and safety measures for individual and team sports.

·  Demonstrate the basic skills to participate in individual and team sports.

·  Recognize activities that contribute to fitness and understand their value.

·  Perform more precise skills necessary to improve their physical fitness level

Fitness Gram Requirements

Boys / Girls
BMI (body mass index) / 26.5 under / 25 under
Mile Run / 7:00-9:00 minutes / 8:00 -10:30 minutes
Push Up / 14-16 / 7-15
Curl Up / 21-47 / 18-35
Trunk Lift / 12 / 12

PE uniforms/Materials

All students taking Physical Education courses are expected to dress for physical education every day (rain or shine). Students have approximately 10 minutes to dress and be on the numbers. The physical education uniform that is required for Luskin Academy High School is described below. All uniforms can be purchased from the office for $15 for the set (shirt and shorts). It is highly recommended that students purchase multiple sets of PE uniforms.

· Luskin PE T-shirt

· Luskin shorts

· Athletic shoes (no sports sandals or flip flops).


It is expected that students attend class everyday with intent to participate in 100% of class activities. Participation is absolutely required! Students who are absent do not earn any points for the day.

Tardy Policy

Arrive to class on time every day, prepared to exercise and learn. Any student not in his/her assigned seat after the second bell rings will be marked tardy and as a result will lose points for the day.

Grading Rubric

A = 4 to 3.7 / Student wears Luskin P.E. uniform and participates in 100% of the activities and performs activities with 100% to 90% proficiency.
3 = 3.6 to 3.0 / Student wears Luskin P.E. uniform and participates in 100% of the activities and performs activity with 89% to 80% proficiency.
2 = 2.9 to 2.0 / Student wears Luskin P.E. uniform and participates in 100% of the activities and performs activity with 79% to 70% proficiency.
1 = 1.9 and below / Student does not wear Luskin P.E. uniform and does not participates in 100% of the

Any activities not completed during class will result in completion of the work after class.

Run days

·  Every Wednesday students will run 1 mile to improve cardiovascular fitness.

Boys Girls

7:00-9:00 minutes / 8:00-10:30 minutes


Health: Quizzes, Unit assessments, / 33%
PE: Dressing Out / 33%
PE: Skills and Fitness Gram results / 33%

·  Exit Slips & Quizzes- Will be taken daily to check for understanding of the days lesson.

·  Unit Assessments- Each unit will conclude will a summative assessment.

·  Benchmark- Fitness Gram Physical Fitness Test

·  Skills Test- Will be taken at the end of every sports unit to assess skill level.

Monthly Awards

·  Most Valuable Player: Awarded to the student who demonstrates the most effort and execution of activities. In addition, this student exhibits excellent leadership qualities.

·  Most Improved Player: Awarded to the student who shows the most improvement.

·  Best Team: Awarded the to team that demonstrates supreme teamwork, sportsmanship, and leadership abilities.

Behavior policy

·  Step 1: Name on the board

·  Step 2: Detention

·  Step 3: Dismissed from class + Phone call home

·  Step 4: Parent conference

Make up assignments

Students can make up an assignment if they are absent. If students miss a mile run day, they can make up the mile run after school during tutoring hours. If a student has an excused absent they have 2 weeks to complete the assignment. All make-up assignments are done only during tutoring hours.

Daily Schedule

Health Education / Physical Education
1. Do Now Reflection (10 minutes) / Dress out (10 minutes)
2. Announcements (10 minutes) / Warm ups & Stretches (10 minutes)
3. Notes and Class Discussion (30 minutes) / Main Activity time (30 minutes)
4. Exit Slip quiz (10 minutes) / Dress Up (10 minutes)

Health Screening

My son or daughter has the following health complications that will limit or prevent them from engaging in physical education. (please include documentation from your health physician)

Please list below any health complications that your son/daughter has below….

I fully understand what is expected of me and will do my best to achieve the highest possible grade in Physical Education.


Print first and last name Student signature date

My son/daughter has shown me your expectations and I will encourage him/her to meet those expectations to the best of their ability.

Parent name Signature Phone #