PMP Exam Prep

Quality Sample Questions

1.  Your project is experiencing an unnerving number of problems recently and you would like to determine where to focus your attention to correct the situation. Your best tool would be ______?

  1. Control Chart
  2. Ishikawa Diagram
  3. Pareto Chart
  4. Fishbone Diagram

2.  What percentage of the normal distribution is 3 sigma from the mean?

  1. 99.7%
  2. 95.4%
  3. 68.26%
  4. 99.99%

3.  All of the following are costs of conformance according to Deming EXCEPT?

  1. Quality Training
  2. Inspection
  3. Studies
  4. Surveys

4.  In which quality process are outputs measured for conformance to specification?

  1. Quality Assurance
  2. Quality Planning
  3. Quality Monitoring
  4. Quality Control

5.  The cost of quality includes all the following costs EXCEPT ______?

  1. Prevention
  2. Organizational
  3. Appraisal
  4. Failure

6.  Your engineers have added additional features to the product at the request of the client because they did not add any cost to the project. What kind of activity are they engaging in?

  1. Marginal analysis
  2. Quality improvement
  3. Kaizen planning
  4. Gold plating

7.  Your control chart is showing 12 points in a row on one side of the mean but within the Upper control limit. You should ______?

  1. Declare that the process is out of control
  2. Make an assignable change
  3. Adjust the mean
  4. Adjust the UCL

8.  Quality is which of the following?

  1. A process that delivers six sigma or better
  2. Conformance to management expectations
  3. Conformance to requirements and fitness of use
  4. Delivering a product that exceeds the customer specifications

9.  At the request of the engineer that determined that the project could not meet the initial expectations, the project team has met to determine a path forward. The project team is in which step of the process?

  1. Quality Planning
  2. Quality Assurance
  3. Quality Adjustment
  4. Quality Control

10.  Based on the two control charts presented above, the engineer should?

  1. Do nothing, everything is in control
  2. Evaluate the top process because it is out of control and leave the bottom process alone
  3. Evaluate the bottom process because it is out of control and leave the top process alone
  4. Evaluate both processes because they are both out of control

11.  Your project to enroll new customers in the frequent buyer program has been hampered by incomplete forms. Your administrative assistant has compiled the failure causes into a pareto chart for your review (shown above). What 20% of your failures is causing 80% of your problems?

  1. No Signature
  2. No Address
  3. Can’t Read
  4. Current Customer

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