National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health

Webinar Tracking Sheet

2014 - 2015 Webinar Series

Building Trauma-Informed Services for Children, Youth, and Parents Impacted by Domestic Violence

Title / Date Completed
Children and Domestic Violence (Webinar 1)
Caring for Others While Caring for Ourselves (Webinar 2)
Children Grow in the Context of their Relationships: Stress, Resilience, and Principles of Child Development (Webinar 3)
Understanding Children’s Responses to DV and Other Trauma (Webinar 4)
Building Trauma-Informed Family-Centered Services for Children and Parents (Webinar 5)
Responding to the Needs of Children and Families Impacted by DV (Webinar 6)
Fostering Resilience and Healing with Children & Families Impacted by DV (Webinar 7)
Engaging and Supporting Parents and Caregivers around Sensitive Issues (Webinar 8)
Partnering with Other Systems (Webinar 9)
Sustaining Trauma-Informed Family-Centered Services (Webinar 10)

2015 Webinars

Independent Topics

Title / Date Completed
Mental Health and Substance Use Coercion:Results of Two National Surveys and Implications for Practice

2014Webinar Series

Domestic Violence, Substance Abuse, and Trauma

Title / Date Completed
Support Groups for Women Experiencing Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Trauma, and Oppression, Part 1
Working at the Intersection: An Overview of Substance Abuse, Trauma, and Violence Against Women
Partnership and Collaboration: Bridging the Gap Between Treatment Services and Advocacy
Supporting Children Exposed to Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence
Support Groups for Women Experiencing Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Trauma & Oppression, Part 2

2014 Webinars

Independent Topics

Title / Date Completed
Culturally Specific Approaches to Trauma and Domestic Violence

2013 Webinar Series

Practical Strategies for Creating Trauma-Informed Services and Organizations

Title / Date Completed
Creating Accessible, Culturally Relevant, Domestic Violence- & Trauma-Informed Services and Organizations: Agency Self-Assessment Tool and Process, Part I
Creating Accessible, Culturally Relevant, Domestic Violence- & Trauma-Informed Services and Organizations: Agency Self-Assessment Tool and Process, Part II
Culture and Inclusion Within the Context of Trauma-Informed
Domestic Violence Services and Organizations
Sustaining Ourselves in the Work: Trauma-Informed Approaches, Self-awareness, and Self-care
Concrete Strategies for Reflective, Strengths-based Supervision: Organizational Supports for Trauma-Informed Domestic Violence Services and Organizations
Trauma-Informed Peer Support: Effective Strategies for Domestic Violence Services and Organizations
Concrete Strategies for Reflective, Strengths-based Supervision: Part 2

8-Part Webinar Series

Substance Abuse, Trauma, and Domestic Violence

Title / Date Completed
Screening IN not OUT of Our Programs: Accommodating Survivors Affected by Substance Use (Webinar 1)
Building Trust: Trauma-Informed Advocacy with Survivors of DV/SA Experiencing Addiction (Webinar 2)
Enhancing Safety: Safety Planning for Survivors Affected by Their Own or Another’s Substance Use, Abuse, or Addiction (Webinar 3)
Alcohol and Other Drug Issues in the Context of Sexual Assault (Webinar 4)
Safety Planning for Children Exposed: Taking Into Account Substance Abuse Issues (Webinar 5)
Building Capacity: Serving Survivors of DV/SA Experiencing Trauma Associated with Substance Abuse (Webinar 6)
Promising Practices: Working with Survivors Affected by Substance Abuse (Webinar 7)
Empowerment: Survivors of DV/SA in Recovery Define Success and Share What Works (Webinar 8)

2013 Webinars

Independent Topics

Title / Date Completed
Preparing for Court Proceedings with Survivors of Domestic Violence: Tips for Civil Lawyers and Legal Advocates
Trauma Treatment in the Context of Domestic Violence: Implications for the DV Field
Healing Trauma
Model Medication Policy for Domestic Violence Shelters

2012 Webinars

Title / Date Completed
Understanding Trauma & Mental Health in the Context of Domestic Violence: An Integrated Framework for Healing and Social Change
Developing Trauma-Informed Practices and Environments: First Steps for Programs
Developing Trauma-Informed Practices and Environments: Part II
Trauma-Informed Reflective Practice
Offering Trauma-Informed Support Groups for Survivors Impacted by Substance Abuse
In Harm’s Way: Substance Use and Safety Issues in the Context of Violence Against Women
What is Trauma Informed Work and Why Should We Care?


Updated March 2015