MSJC Stats – AY11-12 as of 8.10.12

…utilize data driven decision making ... to drive student success

The district annually services over 19,000 students. Student enrollment per semester is 15,000.

One-third of our credit students are full-time (enrolled in 12 units or more).

Recap :

Credit headcount peaked in AY08-09 to 24,400 students (up 15% vs. prior yr.) followed by three consecutive years of decline. MSJC served 19,500 students in AY11-12 (down 7% vs. prior yr.).

Student headcount by semester peaked in FA09 to 17,800 students (up 10% vs. prior yr.). FA10 headcount declined (-11%) to 15,900 students, followed by a decline to 15,000 in FA11 (down 6%).

“% of cap” (% occupied classroom seats vs. available) continue in the 93%+ range

Student demographics (FA11):

•  Ethnicity:

•  40.7% White

•  36.6% Hispanic

•  7.2% Black

•  2.6% Asian

•  3.2% Filipino

•  4.4% Two or more races

•  0.7% Amer. Indian

•  0.5% Pacific Islander

•  4.1% unknown/non-respondent

•  58% female(1)

•  60% of students under age 25 (AY11-12 Equity Report)

•  5.8% (1,132) of students are disabled (AY11-12 Equity Report)

•  75% of student are 1st-Generation College(2) (SP12) & 79% of gradates (AY10-11)

•  Diversity – students 55%, employees 30% (FA11, excludes 'White' & 'unknown/non-respondent’)

Other MSJC stats:

·  College going rate – Riverside Co. 36% vs. Ca. 41%, S.D. 40%, & O.C. 48% (2009)

o  MSJC districts range from 50% in the city of Temecula to 23% in San Jacinto

·  % Students assessing below college level courses: math 89%, English 86% & reading 77% (2011)

·  Overall success rates: SU11 = 97%, FA11 = 71% & SP12 = 68%; Withdraws: SP12 = 16%

·  DE success rates: FA11 = 65%, SP12 = 60%

·  Receiving Financial Aid: 54% of student body (AY09-10)

·  Graduates AY11-12, a total of 1,314 students received the following awards:

o  1,086 students earned AA/AS Degrees

o  232 students earned Certificates

o  88 students earned Employment Concentration Certificates

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(1) Calculations exclude genders recorded as ‘unknown’ (2) neither parent received a BA/BS degree

Note: AY= academic year, DE =Distance Education (aka, on-line & hybrid)

Source: MSJC MIS, CCCCO Data Mart, Data Warehouse; MSJC Office of Institutional Effectiveness/R&P Dept. 8.16.12 rev.