iris Scanning forPerson Recognition :

Overview :

Overview Different Types of Biometric Technologies Introduction to ‘Iris Scanning’ History Recording of Identities Code Generation Authentification of Iris Iris scanners Features Advantages & Disadvantages Conclusion

Different Types of Biometric Technologies :

Different Types of Biometric Technologies

Introduction :

Introduction Iris recognitionis a method ofbiometricauthentication that uses pattern-recognition techniques based on high-resolution images of theirisesof an individual'seyes. Iris is a muscle within the eye that regulates the size of pupil, controlling the amount of light that controls the eye. In this figure you can see the iris.

History :

History In 1936,opthamologist Frank Burch proposed the concept of using iris patterns as a method to recognize an individual. In 1985, Dr. Leonard Flom and Dr. Aran Safir, two ophthalmologists, proposed a concept that no two irides are alike and were awarded a patent for this in the year 1987. It was not until 1995, that the first commercial product was available.

Recording of Identities :

Recording of Identities

Creating Generation :

Creating Generation The iris is scanned and data is stored as below.

Code Generation :

Code Generation

Authentification of Iris ( password ) :

Authentification of Iris ( password )

Iris Scanners :

Iris Scanners

Features :

Features Here are some key features of "Iris Recognition System": Highly optimized code: the execution time reduced of 94%, more than 16 times faster than original code. Matching module Optimized memory allocation Iris recognition Interactive and intuitive GUI C code included

Advantages :

Advantages The iris of the eye has been described as the ideal part of the human body for biometric identification for several reasons: It is an internal organ that is well protected against damage and wear by a highly transparent and sensitive membrane (thecornea). This distinguishes it from fingerprints, which can be difficult to recognize after years of certain types of manual labor. The iris is mostly flat, and its geometric configuration is only controlled by two complementary muscles (the sphincter pupillae and dilator pupillae) that control the diameter of the pupil. This makes the iris shape far more predictable than, for instance , that of the face. While there are some medical and surgical procedures that can affect the colour and overall shape of the iris, the fine texture remains remarkably stable over many decades. Some iris identifications have succeeded over a period of about 30 years.

Disadvantages :

Disadvantages Iris scanning is a relatively new technology and is incompatible with the very substantial investment that the law enforcement and immigration authorities of some countries have already made into fingerprint recognition. Iris recognition is very difficult to perform at a distance larger than a few meters and if the person to be identified is not cooperating by holding the head still and looking into the camera.

Conclusion :

Conclusion Having only become automated and available within the past decade, the iris recognition concept and industry are relatively new so a need for continued research and testing remains. Though the determination and commitment of industry, government evaluations, and organized standard bodies, growth and progress will continue, raising the bar for iris recognition technology.