2017 Minnesota Local Weightlifting Committee (LWC) Annual Meeting
March 18, 2017 Maplewood MN American Strength Training Center
Meeting called to order by Roger Sadecki, LWC President. Various handouts distributed. Nine (9) voting members present. Neil Nelson, Secretary, could not attend so Luke Caruso took notes.
Membership Report by Dan Foerster, VP, that there are 900+ members in Minnesota LWC. Minutes of last year’s annual meeting were moved to be approved by Jennifer Hsia and seconded by Gregg Sonnabend. Motion carries unanimously.
Treasurer Report was presented by Jennifer Hsia. There was an increase to the treasury. There was a donation by Sean Kline and other revenue came from USAW rebates. Expenses were primarily for athlete awards. Motion to approve by Dan Foerster second by John Drewes. Motion carries unanimously.
USAW/LWC Procedures Roger discussed new policies put in place by USAW.
1. USAW decided LWC would be determined by zip code starting January 2016 but on 2-27-2017 USAW BOD passed that LWC will be allocated using a free choice of the LWC by the member, with voting rights allocated by zip code. There was discussion of what does this exactly mean. Minnesota LWC in the meantime last year concluded that the 2016 Minnesota Championships would still be as before, i.e. eligible if member belonged to a club in Minnesota or if unattached a resident of Minnesota. On December 1, 2016 Minnesota LWC BOD decided we would go along with USAW definition of LWC by zip code to determine eligibility for 2017 Minnesota LWC Championships. But when USAW BOD changed LWC assignment on 2-27-2017 the Minnesota LWC BOD went back to eligibility for LWC Championships (and records) being same as 2016.
2. Another new USAW policy was discussed by Roger. On December 23, 2016 USAW BOD directed that LWC’s will operate as 501c3 group exemptions under USAW. Staff at USAW will have access, approval, and audit capabilities over all LWC accounts. Roger discussed as to what this means for our LWC. Since we already have a 501c3 and file with IRS ourselves and have done just fine with our accounts for decades we are not too happy with what USAW wants and is an invasion into our handling of our own affairs. Dan Foerster mentioned that this came about because there were problems with many LWC’s.
MnCUP Trevor Bergan was first and Brock Bohnenstingl was second for the men and Andrea Storlie was first and Morgen Larsen second for the women. First will receive $200 and second $100 from John Drewes (thank you John) as a reimbursement reward for totaling in the Nationals/National Juniors/American Open final or University-U25. Minnesota LWC will match those rewards. John said he will no longer continue this beyond the 2016 awards. Discussion ensued whether the LWC would continue the program. Gregg Sonnabend moved and John Drewes seconded that Minnesota LWC would continue the program with the LWC covering the $400 for first and $200 for second. Motion carried unanimously.
Hall of Fame Phil Markert reported that the Hall of Fame subcommittee selected Rachel Buck to be the 2017 athlete inductee. Phil read a brief resume. The membership present approved unanimously. Rachel was present and received her award.
Event Schedule At this time the following meets are scheduled:
· Solcana Beginners Meet – Minneapolis – May 13
· Weights and Lakes Youth and Open – Kasson – May 20
· Star of the North Games – TBD – June 17
· Labor Day Open – Mendota Heights – September 2
· Minnesota Open – TBD – October
Adjourn Jennifer Hsia moved and Dan Foerster seconded to adjourn. Motion carries unanimously.
Submitted by Roger Sadecki