Call for Nominations

2018 - 2020 Alberta Library Trustees’ Board of Directors

Nominations are requested from all members in good standing with ALTA. Both nominators and nominees must be current ALTA members who have paid their 2018 membership fees. ALTA Director nominees and nominators must be serving in the Area for which the nomination is being made. Nominations must be received by midnight on January 31, 2018, either by mail, or email.

The term of office is for two years, with the opportunity to be re-elected for an a maximum of (3) three consecutive, two year terms. Board meetings are held bi-monthly throughtelephone-conference and alternate months Committee meetings are held alsovia telephone conference. There is an annual Board Development Retreatheld ina central location over 2 days.(The 2018 Board Retreat is scheduled for June 1-3, in Caroline AB)

Please note that emailed nomination forms must include,

1)Signatures from both the nominator and nominee.

2)Nominees, require a maximum 1- page biographical information, outlining nominees’ skills and the contributions they would make to the 2016-17 ALTA Board.

3)Include a digital photo

Send nominations before January 31st, 2018to:

Alberta Library Trustees Association

4024 37A Avenue

Edmonton AB T6L 7A1


Election Procedure:

Nominations open December 1, 2017 and close January 31, 2018. Candidate information will be posted on the ALTA website the first week of February, if there more than one nomination is received. Ballots will be distributed by email to trustees (only within the Area from all library boards that are in good standing and have paid their ALTA membership dues as of February 1, 2018. Voting (if required) will commence March 01 and close March 09, 2018 at midnight.

The successful candidate/s will be announced March 19, 2018 on the ALTA website. Please note,all incoming directors are responsible for their own expenses at the Alberta Library Conference, if they choose to attend.

For Questions, please contact the ALTA office at 780-761-2582.

The 2018-20Nomination Form

Alberta Library Trustees’ Board of Directors


The NOMINATION is for: (Please check to indicate specific position).

 Area2, (Yellowhead) Director

Area 4, (Marigold) Director

Area 6, (Shortgrass) Director

Area 8, (Northern Lights) Director

Nominee: ______

Address: ______


Telephone (cell)______(work) ______(home)______

Birthdate: day______month ______year______As required by Alberta Registries

Email: ______

The nominated candidate is now serving as a library trustee or has served within the past five

years on the ______Library Board(s).

I am aware of this nomination and would accept this position on the ALTA Board of

Directors if elected. ______Signature of Nominee Date


Name: ______

Address: ______

Telephone: (cell) ______(work)______

Email: ______

The nominator is now serving as a library trustee on the ______Library Board.


Signature of Nominator Date

Please provide a brief bio and share why you would like to join the ALTA Board.

E-mail a picture of the nominated candidate (send as an attachment to )

(Please note this information and picture will be posted on ALTA website)
