Uploading Election Results

Log in to Main Computer

l  Make sure you have an FTP application available and that it has access to the site's files.

l  Get the IP number of the computer:

  Click on Start, then Run....

  Type in cmd and click on OK.

  Type in ipconfig and press Enter.

  Write down the number beside the "IP Address" category.

l  When done using the computer for the regular workday:

  Open the FTP program. Do not log into it - just minimize it.

  Lock the computer - do not turn it off.

Copy Files from Election Results CD onto Election Computer

l  Do these steps for each set of new results:

  Copy the following files to the desktop:

■  S#-0.txt:
This is a tab-delimited text file whose contents are converted by the JResult Client for use with the election results Java applet. There may be more than one version of this file (with a different number) – in this case, take note of which ones contain statewide results and which ones contain jurisdiction-wide results.

■  Prec ##.pdf:
This is a PDF file which displays the election results. One will be available for each precinct (and will not have a leading zero for precincts 1-9). These will need to be renamed to follow the format of "precinct_##.pdf".

Log in from Election Computer to Main Computer with UltraVNC

l  Click on the UltraVNC Viewer icon – it looks like an eye in a green box.

l  If it is not already displayed, type your computer's IP address into the VNC Server text box.

l  Click on Connect.

Upload Election Files

l  Click on the FTP program that was minimized earlier.

l  Connect to the site; reconnect if you get disconnected while performing these steps:

  In the pane showing the files on your computer, click on the Desktop folder.

  In the pane showing the files on the site, find the results folder (the full path is /httpdocs/files/election/results/); you may need to repeat these steps if disconnected:

■  Click on the httpdocs folder.

■  Click on the files folder.

■  Click on the election folder.

■  Click on the results folder.

  Download the SCRIPT.LST file. This is a tab-delimited text file which contains a list of the results files, as well as the titles to display for them when used with the Java applet.

  Change the first line so that it shows information regarding the current election - for example, if it were a general election held on November 6, 2007, it would read (all on one line):
0 "11-06-07" "20:00:00" "Armstrong County, Pennsylvania - General Election - November 6, 2007"

  If the second line has Unofficial Results, in it, remove that portion of text.

  Make one copy of the second line for each results file to be uploaded. Each copy should be on its own line, one after the other.

  Change each of those lines to show (relative to the election they list):

■  The filename of the results file (without the extension),

■  The election year,

■  The election type,

■  A notice that the results are unofficial (since the election will not have ended at the time), and

■  The range of the elections.

  In the case of a results file named S1-0.txt for a jurisdiction-wide General Election held in 2007, this would read (all on one line):
"S1-0" "2007 General Election [Unofficial Results, Jurisdiction-Wide]"

  Save the SCRIPT.LST file and upload it, overwriting the site's copy of the file.

l  Do these steps for each set of new results:

  In UltraVNC, click on the File Transfer button – it is a paper with two arrows (one green, one blue) pointing from opposite sides towards the center.

■  In the left pane:

l  Double-click on the [Desktop] folder.

l  Select the files copied from the CD.

■  In the right pane:

l  Double-click on the [Desktop] folder.

l  Click on Send > - if a File Transfer Warning dialog appears, click on Yes to All.

  In your FTP program, upload the results file and precinct files, overwriting the site's copies of those files.

When the Election Is Over

l  Download the SCRIPT.LST file again.

  Change the S#-0 portion to show:

■  The election year,

■  The abbreviation for the election type - Pm for primary or Gn for general, and

■  The range of the election - All for jurisdiction-wide, State for statewide.

  For a jurisdiction-wide general election held in 2007, this portion would read:

  Save the SCRIPT.LST file and upload it, overwriting the site's copy of the file.

l  For each S#-0.txt file uploaded, rename the site's copy so that it has the same name as what you typed in the file above, including the ".txt" extension at the end. If that portion read 2007_Gn_All, the file should be renamed to:

l  Disconnect from the site and close your FTP program

l  Delete the result files and precinct files from your desktop

l  Close UltraVNC Viewer.