Terms for Quarter 2 Terms Test

Chapter 16 Absolutism and Constitutionalism

Richelieu Treaty of the Pyrenees Triennial Act

Moliere Racine Mercantilism

Mazarin Colbert Fr. 17th Century Classicism

Versailles Absolutist Government John Locke

Oliver Cromwell Interregnum Restoration

Long Parliament William of Orange Bodin

Bossuet Stadtholder Sully

Fronde Paulette Intendant System

Bill of Rights (1689)Test Act War of the Spanish Succession

The Sun King Peace of Utrecht Cervantes

Don Quixote Edict of Fontainebleau Corvee


Chapter 17 Absolutism: Eastern Europe

Holy Roman Empire Ottoman Empire Suleiman the Magnificent

Janissary Corps Poland Liberum veto

Serfdom Robot Austrian Empire

Bohemia Hungary Leopold I

Siege of Vienna 1683 Pragmatic Sanction Prussia

Hohenzollerns Fred. Wm. “Great Elector” Junkers

Frederick Wm I Sparta of the North Muscovy

Boyars Ivan III (The Great) Cossacks

Ivan IV (The Terrible) Time of troubles Romanov Dynasty

Old Believers Peter the Great Strelski

Window on the West St. Petersburg Winter Palace

Chapter 18: Scientific Revolution & The Enlightenment

Scientific Revolution Copernicus Heliocentric view

Tycho Brahe Johannes Kepler 3 laws of planetary motion

Galileo telescope Francis Bacon

Empiricism Inductive method Rene Descartes

Deductive Reasoning cogito ergo sum Cartesian dualism

Scientific Method Isaac Newton Principles of gravitation

Principia 1687 Vesalius William Harvey

Van Leeuwenhoek Royal society Enlightenment

Deism John Locke Tabula rasa

Two Treatises of Civil Gov’t philosophes Voltaire

Essay Concerning Human understanding Montesquieu

Spirit of Laws Rousseau Social Contract 1762

“noble savage” Diderot The Encyclopedia

Beccaria Quesnay Physiocrats

Adam Smith Wealth of Nations Salon movement

Mary Wollestonecraft Paul d’Holbach David Hume

Jean de Condorcet Immanuel Kant Classical Liberalism

German Pietism John Wesley Jansenism

Methodism Silesia Enlightened Despotism

Frederick the Great Seven Years’ War First servant of the state

War of the Austrian Succession Treaty of Paris Catherine the Great

Diplomatic Revolution of 1756 Polish Partitions Joseph II

Pragmatic Sanction of 1713 Maria Theresa Liberum veto

Pugachev Rebellion

Chapters 19-20: 18th Century Economy and Society

Agricultural Revolution Open Field System Cornelius Vermuyden

Charles Townsend crop rotation Jethro Tull

Seed drill Robert Bakewell Columbian Exchange

Enclosure Movement Corn laws Population explosion

Proto-Industrialism Cottage Industry Flying Shuttle

Spinning Jenny Water frame Spinning Mule

Mercantilism Atlantic Economy Sugar

Bullionism Bank of England Act of Union 1707

Navigation Acts Triangular Trade Dutch Republic

Anglo-Dutch Wars Slave Trade Middle Passage

South Sea Bubble Succession Mississippi Bubble War

Treaty of Utrecht Asiento Seven Years’ War

Treaty of Paris American Revolution Creoles

Mestizos Edward Jenner Pietism

Spare the rod… Wesley Methodism

Chapter 21: The French Revolution and Napoleon

Louis XV Madame de Pompadour Parlement

Rene de Maupeou Louis XVI Marie Antoinette

First Estate Gallican Church Second Estate

Third Estate Bourgeoisie corvee

Lettre de cachet ancient regime Jacque Necker

Assembly of Notables Estates General Cahiers de doleances

Abbe Sieyes What is the Third Estate? Age of Montesquieu

National Assembly Tennis Court Oath Storming the Bastille

Great Fear Dec. of the Rts. of Man Olympe de Gouges

The Rights of Women Wollstonecraft Madame de Stael

Vindication Rts. of Women Assignats Women’s March

Jean-Paul Marat Edmund Burke Thomas Paine

Civil Constitution of the Clergy Jacobins Rights of Man

Flight to Varennes Girondins The Tuleries

Reflections on the Revolution in France Sans-culottes

Legislative Assembly Brunswick Manifesto Robespierre

Declaration of Pillnitz Paris Commune Lazare Carnot

Emigres the First Coalition Law of Suspects

Danton Age of Rousseau Louis Saint-Just

National Convention Enrages Reign of Terror

Committee of Public Safety Law of Maximum Levee en Masse

Cult of the Supreme Being Temple of Reason The Directory

Thermidorian Reaction Conspiracy of Equals

Coup d’Etat Brumaire Consulate Era Plebiscite

Napoleon Bonaparte War of the Second Coalition

Consulate Period Treaty of Luneville Empire Period

First Consul Jacques-Louis David Grand Empire

Napoleonic Code War of the Third Coalition Milan Decree

Battle of Trafalgar Horatio Nelson Battle of Austerlitz

Concordat of 1801 Arc de Triomphe Treaty of Tilsit

Bank of France Continental System Berlin Decree

Confederation of the Rhine Order in Council Peninsular War

Duke of Enghien Russian Campaign Battle of Borodino

War of the Fourth Coalition Battle of Leipzig Frankfort Proposals

Quadruple Alliance Louis XVIII Charter of 1814

“First” Treaty of Paris 1814 Congress of Vienna Metternich

Legitimacy Compensation Balance of Power

German Confederation (Bund) Hundred Days Battle of Waterloo

Concert of Europe “Holy Alliance” Alexander I