Ch. 4 Test

1. Why did Hernando de Soto destroy the Choctaw village of Mabila?

a) The Choctaw tried to make war with De Soto

b) De Soto wanted to build a fort

c) Tuskaloosa reused to give supplies to the Spanish

2. Alonzo Alvarez de Pineda traveled to present-day Alabama to

a) search for treasures

b) learn Native American language

c) explore the land

3. What caused Tristan de Luna, soldiers, and settlers to leave the Gulf Coast?

a) a hurricane

b) disease

c) a lack of food

4. By the late 1600s, the French had claimed land

a) in the West

b) just in Canada

c) from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico

5. In what part of Alabama were French trading posts located?

a) along the Gulf Coast

b) in the northeast

c) in the northwest

6. The first fort in Alabama was located near

a) Florida

b) Mobile Bay

c) Louisiana

7. Between 1715 and 1716, what caused the Native Americans to fight against the British?

a) They promised the French that they would fight.

b) They wanted to stop the British from settling on their land.

c) They needed supplies and food.

8. What caused the American Revolution?

a) The Creek knew that the French wanted Native American land.

b) The colonists did not want to be taxed without representation.

c) The British were settling on French land.

9. After the American Revolution ended in 1783, the U.S. government

a) settled the West

b) claimed all of the land east of the Mississippi

c) gave Native Americans land

10. Who was Alexander McGillivray?

a) a Creek leader

b) a Spanish explorer

c) a Frenchman

11. Why did Alexander McGillivray give the U.S. part of Georgia?

a) He was forced to give up the land.

b) He wanted to keep settlers out of other Creek land.

c) He got money for the land.

12. Beginning in the 1600s, why did life change for Native Americans?

a) They began to make goods.

b) The fur trade was growing.

c) Their government changed.

13. How did Tecumseh react to American settlement?

a) He believed his people were better off.

b) He wanted to stop American settlement.

c) He helped settlers learn about the land.

14. Tecumseh fought on the side of which of the following groups in the Creek War?

a) American settlers

b) Andrew Jackson

c) the Red Sticks

15. What happened during the Creek War?

a) attacks by Red Sticks on American settlements

b) fighting among American settlers

c) attacks on the Spanish

16. Why did Native Americans adopt parts of European culture?

a) They were dependent on European goods.

b) They wanted to dress like Europeans.

c) Their leaders were killed in the Creek War.

17. All of the following are effects on Native Americans during European settlement EXCEPT

a) deaths from diseases

b) loss of land

c) gaining gold and treasures

18. What caused the MOST change in the lives of Native Americans?

a) climate change

b) different foods

c) European and American settlement

19. Who lost the Battle of Horseshoe Bend?

a) Andrew Jackson's militia

b) theRed Sticks

c) American settlers

20. After signing the treaty in 1814, who took control of Alabama?

a) the Creek

b) the Red Sticks

c) theUnited States