Attachment 1: To be mailed no later than April 2, 2015




Dear (Name of Parent/Guardian),

As you will recall, your child’s transfer to attend (name of school) for school year 2014-2015 was approved for a period of one year. At this time your child is in need of assistance in the following area(s):

Please choose the area(s) of student improvement needed:


  • List number of times student was suspended (out of school and in school)


  • List number of times student has been absent (unexcused and excused)

Magnet Program

  • Include any provisions of your entrance agreement that have not been met.

Your child will be placed on a Student Growth Plan to assist him/her in correcting the areas in which he/she is experiencing difficulties.

List the goals for the student to achieve. Be specific about what must be done to show measurable improvement.

List what the school will do to help student improve.

List what the parent must do to help student improve.

A re-evaluation will be made on/or before April30, 2015, to determine if your child has improved in the above areas. If there is no significant change, his/her transfer will not be renewed. You will receive notification if the transfer is not renewed.


Principal’s Name/Signature

My signature below indicates receipt of this letter:


Parent’s signatureDate

cc:Student Transfers Department

Attachment2—Mail no later than May 1, 2015




Dear (Parent/Guardian),

As you will recall, your child’s transfer to attend (name of school) for school year 2014-2015 was approved for a period of one year. On (date of first letter) you received a letter explaining your child’s needs in the following area(s):


  • List number of times student was suspended (out of school and in school)


  • List number of times student has been absent (unexcused and excused)

Magnet Program

  • Include any provisions of your entrance agreement that have not been met.

List school-based interventions developed to assist the student meet goals for improvement.

Restate assistance asked of parent.

Finally, describe the student’s progress toward defined goals. Be specific about the student’s response to interventions and the student’s progress.

At this time your child ______met the goals set forth on (date). The decision has been made to (select option):

  1. Renew student’s and continue enrollment at this campus because the objectives and goals of the growth plan have been met;
  2. Extend or modify intervention plan, establishing a designated time for re-evaluation no later than the end of the school year; or
  3. Not renew the student’s transfer. Your child must return to his/her zoned school or another school of choice upon completion of the current school year.


Principal’s Name/Signature

My signature below indicates receipt of this letter:


Parent’s signatureDate

cc:Student Transfers Department

Attachment3: To be mailed no later than April 2, 2015




Estimado (Name of Parent/Guardian),

Como bien recordará, la transferencia de su hijo(a) para asistir a la escuela (name of school) para el año escolar 2014-2015fue aprobada por el periodo de un año. En este momento, su hijo(a) necesita asistencia en las siguientes area(s):

Please choose the area(s) of student improvement needed:


  • List number of times student was suspended (out of school and in school)


  • List number of times student has been absent (unexcused and excused)

Programa Magnet

  • Include any provisions of your entrance agreement that have not been met.

Hemos puesto a su hijo(a) en un Plan de Desarrollo Estudiantil, con la intención de ayudarle a mejorar en las áreas en las que está experimentando dificultades.

List the goals for the student to achieve. Be specific about what must be done to show measurable improvement.

List what school will do to help student improve.

List what parent must do to help student improve.

Haremos una reevaluación a más tardar el 30 de abril de 2015 para determinar si su hijo(a) ha mejorado en las áreas mencionadas anteriormente. Si no hay un cambio significativo, la transferencia no será renovada para el año entrante. Usted recibirá notificación en caso de que esto suceda.


Principal’s Name/Signature

Mi firma debajo comprueba que he recibido esta notificación:


Parent’s SignatureDate

cc:Student Transfers Department

Attachment4—Mail no later than May 1, 2015





Como recordará, la transferencia de su hijo(a) para asistir a la escuela,(name of school)para el año escolar 2014-2015 fue aprobada por el periodo de un año. El(date of first letter)usted recibió una carta explicándole la necesidad de que su hijo mejorara en una de las siguientes áreas:


  • List number of times student was suspended (out of school and in school)


  • List number of times student has been absent (unexcused and excused)

Programa Magnet

  • Include any provisions of your entrance agreement that have not been met.

List school-based interventions developed to assist the student meet goals for improvement.

Restate assistance asked of parent.

Finally, describe student’s progress toward defined goals. Be specific about student’s response to interventions and student’s progress.

Hasta este momento, su hijo(a) ha/no haalcanzado las metas que se determinaron el (date). Se ha tomado la decision de(select option):

  1. Renovar la transferencia y continuar con el registro del estudiante en esta escuela ya que el estudiante alcanzólas metas que se le propusieron;
  2. Extender o modificar el Plan de Intervención, estableciendo un tiempo determinado,antes de terminar el año escolar, para reevaluar el progreso del estudiante; o
  3. No renovar la transferencia del estudiante. Su hijo(a) debe regresar a la escuela que le toca por zona o a cualquier otra escuela de su elección al terminar el año escolar.


Principal’s Name/Signature

Mi firma debajo comprueba que he recibido esta notificación:


Parent’s signatureDate

cc: Student Transfers Department