Chapter 8 Vocabulary (Pt.1)

  1. Stateless societies
  1. Ifriqiya
  1. Maghrib
  1. Almohadis
  1. Juula
  1. Sudiata
  1. Griots
  1. IbnBatuta
  1. Timbuktu
  1. Songhay
  1. Muhhmad/Askia Muhammad
  1. Hausa States
  1. Sharia
  1. Zanj
  1. Benin
  1. Kongo-Kingdom/ Kingdom of Kongo
  1. Great Zibabwe

Vocabulary Chapter 8 Part II

  1. Bantu Migration
  1. Ghana
  1. Mani
  1. Mathilineal
  1. Yoruba
  1. Sahel
  1. JIHAD
  1. Takrur
  1. Sunni Ali
  1. Demography
  1. Ethopia
  1. Nok
  1. Axum
  1. Almoravids

Chapter 8 Vocabulary Pt.1 and Pt.2 -Complete List w/definitions

  1. Stateless societies- African societies organized around kinship or other forms of obligation and lacking the concentration of political power and authority associated with states.
  1. Ifriqiya- the Arabic term for eastern North America.
  1. Maghrib- the Arabic word for western North America.
  1. Almohadis- a reformist movement among the Islamic Berbers of North America.
  1. Juula- manlike merchants; small partnership to carry out trade throughout the Mali Empire.
  1. Sudiata- The ‘Lion Prince’; a member of the Keita Clan.
  1. Griots- professional oral historians who served as keepers of traditions and advisors to kings within the Mali Empire.
  1. IbnBatuta- Arab traveler who described African societies and cultures in his travel records.
  1. Timbuktu-Port city of Mali; located just off the flood plain of the great bend in the Niger River.
  1. Songhay- successor state to Mali; dominated middle reaches of the NigerValley.
  1. Muhhmad or Askia Muhammad- the great extended the boundaries of the songhay empire.
  1. Hausa States- peoples of northern Nigeria; formed states following the demise of songhay empire that combined Muslim and Pagan traditions.
  1. Snaria/Sharia- Islamic law; defined among other things the patrillineal nature of Islamic inheritance.
  1. Zenj/Zanj- Arabic term for the east African coast.
  1. Benin-15th century powerful city-state kingdom that grew in present day Nigeria whose founders were the Edo people
  1. KongoKingdom or Kingdom of Kongo- Kingdom located in Central Africa whose traditions and beliefs were largely based on spoken word as they had no written forms of language. Based on agriculture, formed on lower Congo River by late 15th Century.
  1. Great Zimbabwe-Bantu Confederation of Shona speaking peoples located between Zambezi and Limpopo rivers.
  1. Bantu Migration - Great movement of tribes from Western region of Africa into the Central and Southern portions of Africa over a long time period from 1600 BCE to about 700 CE
  1. Ghana- An African empire in what is now eastern Senegal/Southwest Mali/Southern Mauritania, prospered because of being between Saharan caravan routes. (1500 BCE - 300 CE)
  1. Mani - Persian prophet who founded Manichaeism. (216-276)
  1. Mathilineal - Relating to/based on or tracing descent through the maternal line.
  1. Yoruba- A Niger-Congo language of Southwest Nigeria and parts of Benin and Togo. AncientKingdom of people in Nigeria who produced great works in terra-cotta figures
  1. Sahel - A semiarid region of north-central African south of the SaharaDesert. Characterized by long dry seasons and short wet seasons from July to September.
  1. JIHAD - A holy war waged on the behalf of Islam as a Religious oath.
  1. Takrur - An ancient state of West Africa that flourished roughly to the Ghana empire.
  1. Sunni Ali - First king of the Songhay Empire. Ruler of the SonghayKingdom from 1462 to1492 and was a ruthless and tactical battle leader
  1. Demography - Statistical study of Human populations especially with reference to size/density/distribution/vital statistics.
  1. Ethopia - A country of Northeast Africa, established around Aksum in the 1st-7th centu
  1. Nok- Culture of people in what is present day Nigeria who excelled at various art-forms but where most known for their works on Bronze statues. Today they are one of the largest ethnic tribe groups found in Nigeria.
  1. Axum-City in Northern ChristianKingdom of Ethiopia
  1. Almoravids - Berber-Moroccan Muslim dynasty founded in North Africa in the 12th century