ATTN: Application Log in
7900 Hickman Rd., Suite 1
Urbandale, IA 50322 / IOWA DNR Air Construction Permit Application
Form EU3: Spray Paint Booth Information
Please see instructions on the reverse side
If your facility is qualified under 567 IAC 22.8(1)Permit by Rule, you do not need to use this form.
Company Name:
(1) Emission Unit (EU) Name:
(2) EU ID Number:: / (2) EP ID Number:
(3) Paint Booth Type: New Source Unpermitted Existing Source Modification to a Permitted Source
Previous Permit # is: Construction Date:
(4)Manufacturer / (5)Model / (6)Type / (7) Transfer Eff. % / (8) Rated Capacity (gal/hr)
(9) Number of guns to be used simultaneously:
(10) Type of Spray Material Used / (11) Type of Material Coated / (13) Solid Content (lb/gal) / (13) VOC Content (lb/gal) / (14) MSDS Attached?
(15) Do any of the spray materials contain compounds of chromium, lead, manganese, nickel, or cadmium? No Yes
(16) Are you requesting any permit limits? No Yes. If yes, check below and write down all that apply
VOC and/or HAP Content Limits: / Emission Limits:
Material Usage Limits: / Other:
Rationale for Requesting the Limit(s):
(17) Filter
Manufacturer / (18) Model / (19) Control Equipment Name/ID / (20) PM Control
Efficiency(%) / (21) Dimension
(Total Area ,Thickness and Number of Filters)
Note:a.Provide either stack test data or vendor’s documentation to support the control efficiency specified above.
b.Fill out the Form CE if other control device than a filter system is applied to this booth.
Instructions for Form EU3: Spray Paint Booth Information
Emission Unit (Process) and Point Identification:
(1)Provide the name of the emission unit, such as Paint Booth #1.
(2)Provide the identification number of the emission unit and the emission point associated with this Spray Paint Booth. The ID number should match ID numbers used on other construction permit applications and within this application. It can be any number. However, if you submitted an operating permit application, the numbers used for identification purposes in this application should be consistent with the ID numbers used in your operating permit application. If multiple emission units are involved in this application and are identical, fill out one EU form and list the ID number, date of construction and modification (if applicable) on attachment EU-2A for each identical unit. For non-identical equipment, separate EU forms are required for each emission unit.
(3)Mark the type of your booth, such as a new booth to be constructed, an unpermitted existing booth (as-built) applying for a permit for the first time, or a permitted source to be modified. Please provide the date of construction of the booth in mo/date/yr in which construction or modification begins as defined in EU Form Instruction item 7.
Spray Gun Description and Specifications:
(4)Specify manufacturer(s) of the spray gun(s) used in your booth.
(5)Specify the model(s) of the spray gun(s).
(6)Indicate the type of the gun(s). The type can be airless, HVLP, air atomization, electrostatic/air atomization, etc.
(7)Indicate the transfer efficiency of the painting operation.
(8)A rated capacity is the maximum spray rate, usually in unit of oz/min, gal/hour, etc.
(9)Specify the number of the spray guns used simultaneously in the booth.
Spray Material Description and Specifications (Use Attachment if Additional Space is Required):
(10)Indicate all the coating materials used in this booth including enamel, lacquer, clean-up solvent, primer, etc..
(11)Indicate all of the types of material that are being coated as being metal, wood, plastic, etc..
(12)Indicate the maximum solid content that is used or expected to be used in pounds per gallon as it is applied.
(13)Indicate the maximum volatile organic chemicals (VOC) content that is used or expected to be used in pounds per gallon as it is applied.
(14)Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each painting material used in the booth should be attached with the application. The MSDS must contain, among other things, the VOC content, each ingredient, and the weight percent of these ingredients.
(15)Indicate if any of the coating materials used in the spray booth contain any of the listed compounds. This helps the DNR and the applicant determine whether the unit is subject to National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP).
Request for Permit limitations:
(16)If you wish to have permit limits placed on the paint booth, mark “Yes.” Then, check each type of limit that applies to this emission unit and write down the requested limit. For example, VOC content limits may be in terms of pounds of VOC per gallon of spray material, material usage limits may be in gallons per day, emissions limits may be in tons per 12 month rolling period, etc.
Emission Control Device (filter) Description and Specifications:
(17)Provide the name of the filter manufacturer.
(18)Provide the model of the filter according to manufacturer's literature.
(19)Provide the identification number(s) of the control equipment(s). The ID number should match ID numbers used on other construction permit applications and within this application.
(20)Provide the control efficiency for particulate matter.
(21)Provide the dimension of the filter in the total area and total thickness.
Revised 11/2014 For Assistance 1-877AIR IOWA (1-877-247-4692) DNR Form 542-0935