Inside Reading Unit 6 Test

Name: ______Date: ______

Reading Comprehension: True or False

Mark each statement as T (true) or F (false) according to the information in the reading passage.

Read this passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Mood Food

People plan their diets based on convenience, health, weight management, and taste preferences. What they don't consider is mood, memory, and mental clarity. Eating certain foods can affect a person's day for the better or for the worse. Let's imagine that Daniel has a big, stressful business meeting in the morning. There are ways in which his diet can improve his overall effectiveness in the meeting and even his recovery after the meeting.

Experts say that protein improves alertness. If Daniel wants to be mentally focused, he should consider a high-protein breakfast. Protein is linked with dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine, which are all neurotransmitters—chemicals that manage a person's mental clarity. Choline can also positively affect Daniel's performance because choline is associated with acetylcholine, which is linked with improved memory. He can find easy access to choline in eggs. And since eggs also contain protein, they would be a perfect component of his breakfast.

Carbohydrates, on the other hand, are more efficient as a relaxant. They are associated with trytophan, which turns into serotonin and relaxes the body. Carbohydrates should be used as an anti-stress element for a short period of time after the meeting. Daniel should not try to combine the protein breakfast with the carbohydrates because each element is most effective when it is “used” alone. Therefore, he should eat the high-protein, high-choline meal early in the morning and use a carbohydrate snack to relax later in the morning.

Finally, depending on the results of the meeting, an increased amount of folic acid may be necessary for Daniel. Folic acid promotes the release of serotonin, which improves a person’s mood. Conversely, if a person is low in folic acid, he or she may find him- or herself slightly depressed. If Daniel is low in folic acid and at his meeting he gets unpleasant news, he may become depressed. He can remedy this by increasing his level of folic acid. It can be found in whole-grain cereal, so Daniel may choose to have that (also rich in carbohydrates) as his after-meeting snack.

More study is needed into finding ways to manage mood and mental effectiveness through diet. Nevertheless, there is some information available for people like Daniel who may want to begin looking now.

1. / To improve your mood all day, eat a very big breakfast.
A) / True
B) / False
2. / The author suggests that Daniel eat a high-protein, high-choline meal the night before his big meeting.
A) / True
B) / False

Reading Comprehension: Multiple Choice

Choose the option that best completes each sentence.

3. / The author suggests that diet can affect all of the following except ___.
A) / mood
B) / memory
C) / intelligence
D) / mental clarity
4. / If Daniel wants to be alert during his meeting, the author suggests that he eat a breakfast high in protein because it promotes ___
A) / memory
B) / mental clarity
C) / relaxation
D) / higher energy

Vocabulary: Word Families

Choose the word form that correctly completes each sentence.

5. / After each of the ____ receptionists was interviewed, the manager checked the references of his two favorites.
A) / prospect
B) / prospective
C) / prospects
6. / Even before graduation, each of the interns had several job ____.
A) / prospect
B) / prospective
C) / prospects
7. / ____ of the new organic juice drink began with a statewide television campaign.
A) / Promotion
B) / Promote
C) / Promoting
8. / Teachers are being asked to ____ healthy snacking in the primary grades so that children develop good eating habits.
A) / promotion
B) / promote
C) / promoting

Vocabulary: Multiple Choice

Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

9. / The high-school cafeteria manager decided to ___ a portion of her budget to new, more nutritious menu items.
A) / compile
B) / allocate
C) / react
D) / affect
10. / Samples of the high-protein shake were handed out at the gym as a ___.
A) / period
B) / journal
C) / allocation
D) / promotion
11. / The job has been advertised for several weeks, but there still isn't a single ___.
A) / prospect
B) / reaction
C) / period
D) / promotion
12. / The owners of the small café surveyed customers on different days and times to ask about food preferences. They then ___ the results and used them to create a whole new menu.
A) / committed
B) / reacted
C) / compiled
D) / affected
13. / The report outlined three ___ areas that the research team would focus on in the next study.
A) / discrete
B) / allocated
C) / supportive
D) / reactive

Vocabulary: Fill in the blank

Use the words below to complete the sentences. Use each word one time.

allocation / journal
commit / react
coordinate / team
14. / The academic ______was known for publishing unconventional medical research studies.
15. / The psychiatric patients will ______negatively if we remove their television even for an hour.
16. / The doctors at the clinic found that the ______of time for doctor visits was not enough for any doctor to really diagnose a problem successfully.
17. / If you cannot ______to at least a year here at our company, please tell us now so that we don't waste time training you.
18. / As part of your duties, you will need to ______the staff schedules and make sure that somebody is at the front desk at all times to greet customers.
19. / If the two divisions could remember that they are on the same ______, they would work together for the good of the company.

Writing Prompts

Read the questions. Write your answers in paragraph form.

20. / Many people have certain foods that make them happy. These types of foods are called comfort food. Why do you think comfort food makes people happy? Are the foods related to happy memories, or are we just being affected by the chemicals present in those foods? Give examples from your own experience.

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